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(DO NOT OPEN THE SEAL | ‘OF THE BOOKLET UNTIL VOU ARE TOLDTODOSO [ya gietam rafter wa wer GIS ora ee aT ATE, post cope tie ats : yoan2.10912.873,7718 RollNo/orpenin [| JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 Write here Roll number and Answer-Sheet No. apt mae ed ome—aPien cert ferret ‘Serlal No. 602797 I I ied Answor-Shoot No 3at—ufirar tear I Time Allowed : 2hours OBJECTIVE TYPE ONE-TIER EXAMINATION Maximum Marks : 200 felteaer 2 HE aegis oa—fear wat afr a 200 Read the following instructions carefully belore you bagin to answer the questions. seit one 83 8 gee hd fora orgaail at as ae a | IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS To CANDIDATES ‘satteart & Ferg aerraet ater 1, The Bookist contains 200 questions fh a comprising the | 1, xe yardage 2008. Pel eafaren m1 {otowing Sectors sist laediece| Tek Ghrpats Tea of | Page| |[ arr | starr teow witeen | pom (A) 1) |General Awareness 20 3-7 | |e) 9 | sear ae ” ae |i) |General intetigence and | eres ere erat Reasoning Abiity. 20 | 6-11 nfties dean, 20 o-t a» |arpmetcal and Numatic Abit] — 20 | 12-15 te anal es Wy) | Test of Language | Hind 20 | 16-17 fn i. 2 is Hilmtestarpeoe: eieek Be tanto ||| M) [om stam: fea 20 18-17 (By | Post Specie Suber Related vp | smears Se EE [Questions yoo | co-ar | |e) _| sree atlerie tate - ae 400 20-31 2, All questions ave ceimpulsory and cary equal marks. 13. The paper carries negative markings. For each wrong answer 0.25 mare wil be secuctod. 4. Incase of any discrepancy betwoen the Englsh ard Find! ‘ersione of ary question, Iho Englsh version wil be tested 23s fhallauhentc 5, OMR Answor Snes is encioted In this Bocklst You must ‘ompte he Geils of Rell Number, Question Booklet No, te, on Ihe Angwer-Sheot and Anawor-Sheet No. on the Shate provided above in tis Question Booklet, before you Scualy start answering the questions, fang which your Arswet Ghee wil pot bo evaluated and you wil be awaiced ZERO" mark. 6 You must not tear of or remove ary shoot fom this Sooke! Tho Anewor-Shaet must be handed over t0 the inviglatot Detere you avo tha Examination Hall 7, Use ot Cateviator Pai 2 DigiatInsrument \ipbile/Geli Phone/Pager s not allowed. 6. Candidates foun guty of misconsuetusing unfalr means in the Examnation Hall wil be Hable for aopropete peneogal action 9 The manner in which efferent questions are to be answered has been explained at tho back of the Bookictwhich you should reedcarefaly belore actualy ensweringtho questions. 10. No Rough Work Is to be done on the Answer-sheet. 2, ant nes beard tare ee SE | 2. sar wy a arene aces HET UT Te ae Fee 05 ate; wet wate 4. ft fel ea fd aan ofa orga NE sine 8, at A agree a att ee | 5, BNC aah gare angers [wel aoe are Te AAT eR aaa caer aT Tew, TT fever som, gent see ree aia 2 sates Peg seen dea ed [samt a aaa she vai sri stcapeeoee Fem ati | weer Rad ener a ae SCAT Lge igh eee ame Alas eee mE 7, Srgater/amate /ateety) ap free aren sere) ey fear nen afta t 8, abana ta avr oe fg eh Ae Sree pra dete tate arts 7H | 9, fata aaa ome A ig Gos HS WH ECTS ng R we ane nell oS es ae Wee | 10. aie ce ar eee at eat Go through instructions given in Page No. 32 (Back Cover Page) Ax Ax SECTION-A i) General Awareness Brahmo Samaj was founded by (A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (8) David Hare (C) Dayananda Saraswathi (0) Dadabhai Naoroji The Union Goverimentis in the process of constituting a new Education ‘Commission under the chairmanship of Prof. Andre Betille to draft the third National Education Policy. When was the first Education Policy introduced under the Indira Gandhi Government ? (A) 1978 (8) 1986 (©) 1968 (D) 1980 Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given for outstanding contribution in the field of (A) Cinema (8) Literature (C) Music (0) Medicine Where was 16" NAM Summit held ? (A) Tehran (8) Kolkatta (C) Bagdad (2) Cairo The leading producer of silver is (A) USA (8) USSR (©) Mexico (0) South Africa A A 6, Under which Article of the Indian Conatitution, each Constituent State of the Union should have a Public Servico Commission ? (A) Article 315 (B)Aiticle 215 (C) Article 305 (D) Article 205 7. Whichis the richest temple in India ? (A). Shirdi Sai Baba temple (B) Balaji Temple of Tirupathi ' (C) Padmanabha Swamy temple of Thiruvananthapuram {D) Jagannatha temple of Puri 8. Which of the following is a block mountain ? (A) Alps (B) Vosges (C) Rocky (D) Andes 9. Who clinched the Bronze Medal in the 5 kg Fly category in London Olympics 2012 in boxing ? (A) Gagan Narang (8) Vijay Kumar (C) MC. Mary Kom (D) Saina Nehwal 10. What is the name of the Former IAF: Chief who is examined_by CBI in connection with the alleged bribes paid by Italian firm to clinch the Rs. 3,600 crore contract for supply of 12 VVII helicopters to India ? (A) S.P. Tyagi (8) V.K Tyagi (C) BP. Tyagi (0) V.P. Tyagi 0 A AT — at i) UTA AeA py . SAAT S Gers sia J? 6. undia afer & fra sped cea, a (A) wsMNUWeawa oh Ween cearfea wise a cies Bar sei Ba (B) feat aTfen ? . (C) caMeanead (A) Bade 315 arena (B) sade 215 se wm (C) sede 305 . x aR cet cesta fren ae Sr eter (D) sy 205 aR a AU. a3 Resa A sexe A emse Ren sir arrerae a wien | 7. URC aT eae eet fee aha are 2 421 sfeu are acer & aa vest Ber (A) Rash arg aren af aifa ea ta Aras of ? (B) Fereafer srerrstt rife (A) 1978 (C) Fereerterger 2 wera ear wife (B) 1986 (D) smraTe att afer (C) 1968 8. Ferd a sien ua sate ada 3? (D) 1980 ish sae . fea da 9 orn spe aoe BS Ee (B) aera aa area hie WRK ar sre 7 (C) tet (A) fem (D) ta (B) aes 9, fiat qatarstt # viet aiteifte oor 3 (C) atta 51 ferett vend at Ff pier yes afta 3 7 (D) fafercen (A) TH ART periad s3 (B) faragar i . (C) Wat a sia (A) aa (D) ararteae ; : (B) leaner 10. fea yd ance ag Gar pe ay oa ‘ (C) ere 12 aicisteh tetemreti At sree aa (D) Ig Faw 3,600 Hs % args #1 fisa & fre Senter GHG head ca & ara a aisions . wets sat Rafa s Sr aia rea 3 ? (A) aad Usa aie (A) wa. ft. crf (B) afaaade (B) af. &, cart (C) Afeeert (C) of. oh. cart (D) @faror srr (D) ft. tt. cart rer i) eae Tees. <2 Sime to ee ee JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 11, CAG has made serious observations on the gross misuse of the agricultural debt waiver and debt relief schemes. Expansion of CAG is (A) Controller and Auditor General (8) Controler and Auditer General (C) Comptrolier and Auditor General (0) Comtroller and Auditor General Which of the following introduced a measure of provincial autonomy ? (A) Minto-Morley reforms (8) Montague-Chelmsford reforms (C)_Cripp’s mission {D) Govt. of India Act, 1935 Expand ISRO. (A) Indian Science Organisation (8) Indian Space Organisation (©) Indian Scientific Organisation (0) Image Sensing Organisation Research Research Research Research God Particle spotted on 4-7-2012 is also called (A) Higgs boson (B) Higgs bosom (C) Higgs basan (©) Higgis boson Quit India Movement was launched in response to (A) Cabinet Mission Plan (B) Cripps Proposals {C) Simon Commission Report (D) Wavell Pian (M0000 A A The petiod of which Five Year Plan is 2012-2017 ? (A) Twelfth (8) Eleventh (C) Thirteenth (D) Tenth No money bill can be introduced ip the legislative assembly without the recommendations of the (A). Speaker (8) Governor (C) Chief Minister (D) Finance Minister Articles 149 and 150 of the Indian Constitution deal with (A) Powers and functions of the Governor of a state (8) Powors and functions of the President of India (C) Comptroiter and Aucitor General (D) Election Commission In the Constitution of India, the word ‘Federal’ is used in (A) The Preamble (8) Partill (C) Article 368 (0) Nowhere Who is the Head of The Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister atpresent? (A) Dr. C. Rangarajan (8) Sri Subba Rao (C) P. Chidambaram (0) Montek Ahluwalia ANA A A 11. CAG +4 fe aor ars sik wu FAT ued SISHTS SH Genel SeIAT UR Tish fecafirat al 8 | CAG Hh faa eae (A) Controller and Auditor General (B) Controler and Auditer General (C) Comptroller and Auditor General _ (D) Comtroller and Auditor General . Reda aren we vida ara sora al oftaa care ? (A) fel - ake qa (B) Hiey - dares gee (C) fara fas (D) anda arn sifeifam, 1935 . ISRO a fae at (A) Indian Science Research Organisation (B) Indian Space Research Organisation ; (C) Indian Scientific Research Organisation (D) Image Sensing Research Organisation . 4-7-2012 mt ea nu me Ufeaca at oft et STAT F | (A) feaatata (B) feast (C) feaaar (D) féfra ata . sah wider & few wna wtet areler ARH Sa (A) fete fier aise (B) fsacq ar yeaa (C) ora afer at fate (D) aaaaar JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14-. . Rea vaasia aise Ht states 2012-172 ? (A) anedt (B) ‘reef (C) aeef (D) ef _ dhe ea fhe ogee Rare aa A ost feat st aaa ze ? (A) sTeqa (B) made (C) Her (D) faa . Unde alae h sypese 14937 150 ra arate 7 | (A) fereftusa & usaore & aiftant sik arfacat a , (B) wa seule & alread sik arfacat a (C) Pave vd Hecker wars a (D) fakaq arate . Unda afeen 4, ‘eee’ sree ar yah fear ara 2 | (A) S€aTeat (B) STII (C) wee 368 (D) selaet . ada a gerd & anise gers oitee HUGE Hae ? (A) St. a. URE (B) oft geatta (C) fh. faz (D) Ales stecarfear aitctinatit, sintiteeikttea 21, 23. 24. 25, 26. 27. JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 i) General intelligence and Reasoning Ability How many 9's are there in the following ‘sequence which are preceded by 6, but not immediately followed by 37 69376963964694766 69369769296 (A) 2 (8) 3 (C) 4 0) 5 Three of the following four are alike ina certain way and so forma group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ? (A) 9 (B) 10 (Cc) 16 (D) 25 Three of the following four are alike ina certain way and so forma group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ? (A) Tower (B) Seed (C) Leaf (0) Flower if+ means means '; ', ' means and ‘+’ means'+, then9+8 ; 8-4x5=7 (A) 26 ®) 17 (C) 65 (0) 14 Goods related to Bad, in the same way as Rich is related to (A) Floor (©) Wail (C) Poor (0). Terrace Oval is related to circle in the same way as rectangle is related to (A) Triangle ®) Square (C) Diagonal (0) Pentagon In a certain code language PARENTS is written as RCTGPVU, How is CHILDREN written in that code ? (A) EJKNFHTP (B) EJKNFTPG (C) EJKNFTHG (D) EJKNFTGP 28. Vipinis taller than Ramlal who is shorter than Ahmed. Mohinder is taller than ‘Sheikh but shorter than Ramial. Ahmed is shorter than Vipin. Who is the shortest 7 (A) Vipin (8)" Ahmed (©) Sheikh (©) Ramiai Direction (29-32) : In each question below are given two statements followed by conclusions | and ll, Consider the two conclusions together and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements disregarding ‘commonly known facts. Give answer (A) if only conclusion | follows (B) if only conclusion tt follows (C)_ ifeither | or I follows {D) ifneither | nor Il follows 29. Statements : All pencils are pens, No penis @ book. Conclusions : |!) Nopencit is a book. Nl) Some pens are pencils. 30. Statements : Some rats are rabbits. All rats are mosquitoes Conclusions : 1) Some mosquitoes are rabbits. ll) No rabbit is a mosquito. 31. Statements : All fans are cups. All cups are pillows. Conclusions : |) All fans are pillows. |) All pillows are fans. {0 Me a JOD-40/ TGT-HINDUX-14 ii) area afer sen aif aaa . Fart Bat etches wad, was Sareea 28, Site, cree a erar8 stcamena, arene Aere Mike, TeaaeTe IATA Sesreeesse4so47 56] aaa ti sane, Biases wee (A) 2 (8) 3 waste? (c) 4 (0) 5 o a fatinmtadusieetse| © Se Sow bree aE Ses }te (0) wae feo Fria (29-32) swe ae ta craett poe ee Leet lesard faffaqer dé dave fteaatee | Presi 7a fer gents sent see ainer freed, aaa: Wa ae @ seas aT Boa ar a idee ea 8 oraECT aT SS oF oe fof = (A) Fae fest seers? (8) Sac fret il agaerara : re Moma tes (6) Fret ia nage ara? 948 8-4x9= (i (0) aa Resdi stead fren sg (A) 26 (8) 17 ae (C) 65 (@) 11 . Rewer aed sheen wary 8 alive SAR ar rere & (A) ser (8) daz fren (©) Aaa (0) wa 1) 31g of fare Bearer ae 2 1 eo rr a Uh esas a afta 8 | 30, Fay arin S| tee ree S| a Bee ©) Tiree : = a ca iss li 2 . |) Fore uvigé| . Woe TST A PARENTS &1 Gener RCTGPVU fara sic 8 | se ats H tae ernest CHILDREN #1 8a fener sre! 7 St. Fee wae ane | atten ate EL (A) EJKNFHTP: g (8) EJKNETPG Fremd: (C) EUKNFTHG |) mie wee e1 (D) EJKNFTGP ) wHaedg ze) 29. mer: eel fee a 2 wg oh oa fee eR Aaah nsec JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 32. Statements : Roma is brilliant. Roma is awoman Conclusions : 1) Women are brilliant, Il) Roma is briliant because she is a woman. 33. Choose the one which does not belong to the group of the other three (A) Trouble (8) Mend (C) Repair (0) Rectify Directions : (34 to 36) : In each question below are given two Statements followed by two conclusions numbered | and II, Take the two statements tobe true even if they seam to be at variance fromcommonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (A) if only conclusion | follows (8) if only conclusion I follows (C) ifboth | and 1! follows (©) if neither | nor It follows 34. Statements ; All pencils are bricks. All bricks are bottles. Conclusions : 1) Some bricks are pencils. Il) Some bottles are bricks. 35. Statements : All penci's are bricks. All bricks are bottles. Conclusions }) All pencils are bottles, 1). All bricks are pencils. Ax -10- 36. Statements : Some trees are horses. Bisouit is a tree. Conclusions : |) All biscuits are not horses. Il) Some horses are trees. 37. If ':! means ‘+’, —' means *:', x’ means ‘~’ and ‘+’ means, ‘x’, then 24 8-4x1244=2 (a) 12 (B) -44 () 40 (D) None of these Directions : (38 to 40) : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions, A,B,C, D, E, F, G and Hare sitting around a circular table facing the centre, @) Bits third to the right of F, b) Asits sacond to the right of D. D isnot an immediate neighbour of B and F. ©) Cand E are immediate neighbours of each other. ¢) His not an immediate neighbour of A. ) Noone sits between C and F. 38. Who sits to the immediate lett of B 7 (A) H (8) G (c) A (DE 39. Whoamongst the following sits between GandF? (A) A (8) ¢ () E (D) H 40. Whats the position of D with respect to E in the above arrangement ? (A) Fourth to the left (8) Thirdto the right (C) Second to the right (D) Fourth to the right (EN 0 A 92. wen: Dar fen 81 dear us ater Bt reat: ) Rfgeird gaara eich € | Wl) Gagtaean’, aise fer? | 33. anitda S ape a wes awa ae aT wee AB | (A) aI CHT (8) deaat (Q) Be eer (0) Mae fer fier (34.8 36) : yeter oer AS ert are freps | st avers arta waa an ol sel da are eal 8 fire ot ot fewest & Rarer as a et, aera: ada a sani rian mia era THOT HTS TS (A) Sac Pant qe ara 8 (8) San fend i asc sae (©) Pedistietiagaerad? (0) Fe Frat stead Fert i orgaer are 34, Fee AR VE | wet Haat ze freed: ) FeRits es! I) Feat El 35. eR a deel 2S pee & aes #1 freed: ly ae Sarat staat? | Wy ah eta 1 JDD-40/TGT-HINDVX-14 36. FHT: FS ISAS Te | Pease ‘Ferd : ) wiieiets wie) I) Fas teees 37, aes ae hie ats mad 8 ay ar od 6 8, Pee 4x1244=? * (a) 12 (B) -44 (c) 40 ce wea ag ae Perce) 5 i frefafeg arent fame wei sree | os 5 o D.E,F,, Seles sree qari & ani she 33% a) BFR attondet em Kae! b) A, hate aah me sic F & Pecan vee taal da °) Ca Eira eae d) H, Ami fiaean usta ae 2 e) Coat ae Raa 38. Bade a sw ase? (@)H (8) G (C) A (D) E 39. freddae at oo (A) A @) % (@ & (©) 4 40. Seep eet Conor to FLAT TR ? (a) si aka den ere (8) Wishkadane (C) aharaaeers (0) wiskadaren JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 42. a ne 41. 8408 1 iii) Arithmetical and Numerical Ability How many cubic metres of earth must be poured to close a pit 35 metres deep and 4 metres in diameter ? (A) 880 m> (B) 800 m® (C) 440 m3 (0) 660m Amerchant marks his ware 40% more than the cost price and allows 20% discount, What is his profit ? (A) 20% (8) 12% (C) 18% (0) 14% If 25% of the number of teachers in University-C is female, who are 50 in number what is the number of male teachers in University-C 7 (a) 150 (©) 160 (©) 170 (0) 180 The dimensions of the rectangular garden are 50 m x 40 m. A path of 1m width surrounds the garden. What is the cost of levelling the path at = 20 porm?? (A) % 3,680 (C) % 2,500 (B) % 2,000 (0) 3,860 P2Q=5:3,R:0=5:4, P: (A) 5:3:4 (8) 3:4:5 (©) 20:12:15 (D) 15:20:12 22 46. a7. 50. A sum amounts to % 5,700 in 2 years and ¥ 6,050 in 3 years. Find the principal and the rate of interest. (A) © 5,000, 7% (8) %5,200, 5% (©) © 4,800, 8% " (D) % 4,500, 10% Six eleventh of a certain number exceeds its five twelfth by 17. Find the number. (A) 231 (8) 312 (C) 123 (D) 132 Amancycles west 3km, then goes North 4 km. How far is he from the starting point ? (A) 5km (8) 8km ©) ag km (0) 7km 97-7 _, 97-3 (a) 200 (8) 94 (c) 100 (DB) 110 What will be the income tax payable by @ person getting a taxable income of % 30,000 during the year, if the first 18,000 is not taxable and the tax rates are 25% upto an income of % 25,000 and 30% above % 25,000? (a) % 3,500 ) % 3,250 (©) 73,000 (0) % 3,750 0 JDD-40/TGT-HINDVX-14 ii) Stearfordta ua dearer ateraT . 95 Hexnet ste 4 Het ara aet Tes aI | 46, 2 awl F Ge UAT x 5,700 shes aul Ht ae me & faa yen fea aa er eT marae? (A) seo (C) 4aozi? (8) 800%? (D) e607? Sad as aa yeaa Pa 40% srfire sifaia sem 8 ok Se 20% A ee tar es saa aT Te 7 (A) 20% B) 12% (©) 18% (D) 14% . C Prema fiers 8 ale 25% den “fect A & sit aye 502, cic Saris Wes fare fh dene (A) 150 (8) 160 (Cc) 170 (0) 180 |. ATR Seah STA SOME. x 40H. B 1 Seana 3 ar Bit tH. teraz | 20 sfersh? a cred ener /AaferrsAr era arerti 7 (A) 3,680 (C) € 2,500 (8) = 2,000 (0) %3,860 P 7Q25:3,R:Q=5:4, P:Q:R=? (A) 5:8: @) 3:4 (C) 20:12:15 (D) 15:20:12 % 6.0508 | Hees Reams a aT (A) 25,000, 7% (B) 75,300, 5% (©) % 4,800, 8% (2) % 4,500, 10% . whitadenn Sa Se 17 afte | wena Ke. (a) 231 (B) 312 (C) 123 (D) 132 us srt afer # 3 feat, am arte sem @, fax gees ain 4 fof. star Bae wat qponet figs fev axe? (A) 5 feat. (8) stern. (D) 7 Fah, 4 © 45 fan. Bue ox a7-3 (A) 200 (8) 94 (C) 100 (D) 110 . afe Feet F 18,000 ax Ara ae 2 se 25,000 TH Se ARATE 25% F ait & 25,000 dsm ar Fa 30% BF ct ad & acm %30,000 Fer ara ara ‘ues cafes & fern, feaar ae 2a ei ? (A) % 3,500 (B), % 3,250 (C) % 3,000 (D) %3,750 saat JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 51 52. 53. 56. John travels from P to Q at a speed of 5 km/h and retums to P at a speed of 4 krn/h, Ifthe distance between P and Q is 20 km, what is his average speed ? (A) 4.5kmh (8) 55kmh 2 (©) 45 kmn (0) a8 kevh 16% of ?= 88 (A) 5,500 (8) 550 (C) 176 (0) 1,760 96 ,, Jaco 7 ? (A) 15 (8) 150 (C) 56 () 12 1 1 How many | © are there in ee 2 (a) 400 (B) 450 (©) 300 (0) 360 10 workers take 15 days to complete a work if they work 8 hours/day, How many days are needed to complete the same work if 15 workers work 5 hours/day ? (A) 13 8) 14 (©) 15 (0) 16 a li iP 56. 57, 60. CRE 0 Face value of a share is % 25. Itis sold ata premium of € 5. How many shares can be bought by investing % 30,000 ? (A) 3,000 (8) 300 (C) 100 (0) 1,000 Ina class 30 students speak Hindi, 35 students speak English. 10 students spoak both Hindi and English. If the students of this class speak only these {wo languages, how many students ars there in the class ? < (A) 55 (B) 75 (C) 45 (0) 65 The ratio of the radii of two circles is 8: 5. What is the ratio of their areas 7 (A) 9:25 (B) 6:10 (C) 9:15 (D) 25:12 Ifsimple interest and compound interest for 2 years are % 500 and % 545, what is the rate of interest 2 (A) 15% (B) 10% (C) 18% (D) 11% The sum of the presentages of a son anda father is 60 years, Six years ago, the fathor's age was twice his son's Presentage. What is the present age of the father? (A) 40 years (8) 42years (C) 48years (0) 48 years St. ame 8Q ws feta Haire ara encen 8 ait 4 fais. faerie a P mmataaens ae P ako & dahil 20 feet. @, a seh attra aft an 8 7 (A) 4.5 Peah. /aer (B) 5.5 feat. [er ro) 42 fea, (ae (D) 45 fea (er . 16% of ?= 88 (A) 5,500 (C) 176 F196 , (000 _ , ree (a) 15 (©) 56 1 4 . S75 Aer Se? (A) 400 (B) 450 (C) 300 (D) 350 . af 10 Wag 8 Fe /fea a et am wl 15 a a gaa 8 (aR ST 5 e/a ar at, dia set at ere feat a rath? () 13 (C) 15 ®) 14 (0) 16 JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX=14 We Ra Ha Es F258 TTS S siren 4 Sar Tet 21% 90,000 Frat aa fara ara ae a ae? (A) 3,000 (8) 300 (C) 100 (D) 1,000 . aT 30 OTF feet start | 35-3 sist ater é 10me fet sin ash et aga 2 aft ee aS oa daa TS sara atera 8, diana ger Pert ora 8? (A) 55 (8) 75 (©) 45 (0) 65 . Set fenstt ar srquia 3:58 1S areal a aque wen ev 7 (A) 9:25 (8) 6:10 (C) 9:15 (©) 25:12 a 2 aa a fore ere oarst Sk see wae = SOSH F 5453, Area CRS ? (A) 15% {B) 10% (©) 18% (D) 11% . Sa ste fran fracas ang a att 60 at 21 oe ae ved, Ret A any sa YT Al ag & Sept fi flor eA ada sr were? (a) 408% (©) 45a¢ (8) 4aed (0) 4ex4 — — JDD-40/TGT-HINDVK-14 0 We iv) Test of Language : Hindi rer utter : feet AM Ra ay, 61 Sy. comet ara eT | gg ‘seit arr’ qemt ar ad sre! (A) arenas 61. SAR (8) erberer (A) 37 (8) ofr (©) ata (C) STRaR (0) (0) xferaer a 62. alae 69, SHR aT aR 1 (a) ar (8) FR (a) am i : (C) gare (D) afer ® sat 83, way () ate (A) aren (8) afer (0) smart i (©) fA (2) sree 70, ame sec an yin er 64, FSR & cise Bae | (a) at e a a (8) ee (8) a (O) Sree (©) aK () veh ‘ (0) We 4 Th. SAT Re aT TAH BT 8 65. fest ani F aR a) (A) 2r é A) aa ®) a (8) SAT : () aR (0) a (Cc) + 66, PTET aT IT eT ET, Oy 8 ae A) at ©) a 72, HEY Bee MATT BAT ET (C) aaa 0) Fr (A). sree 67. weer steg a Ries ey ©) SS @) AK © wt (Ey Tae OQ (0) sof (Oe RE | AL WE A 78. aaa eer ese (A) are (8) = (©) sie (0) ai 74, yale sec a Ft wT (0) Re (8) Arif (CO) ters (0) vitae 75. “nH aPR eT” ae Aeat sTTTe | (A) Stdtra mesa (8) wet afte eT (C) sieatena aa (0) Greta Prafatad mais a veer a8 fare wea wafer | Te rarate ft ng seh Rar qe fie We | Sag Asst re - Fah at aaa | takin Saree A aes of | aR wae of ott a & seis S| he one fret aR Bt aa} aaa ToT wa Fat aT | fx ae fa oh aah oft ata wae eT PST At JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 Hae sa ware 1 fe Gach er aieal ga se wetness er | patere sa ahh are gat er ae fear ot | ra Stree aT a | 76. 78. 79. Saree Ta Fa ae at he ee G7 (a) Bq Rare (8) wat © (0) tad sieayea tape ata eft 7 (a) Fahaeitg (B) Fatt uett (C) we (0) Fah wer ee 9 Sach Ss Pat gitar ay fren en ? (A) 9 (8) wa ©) & (0) ager aa? (A) ae oe (8) wea (0) tae (D) Tae . Set ad a acta area? (A) Sea Srae ae (8) Aaa (C) BRS Gi aaa ae (D) setae at ate JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 V) Test of Language : English ara otteror : sith Directions : In the following questions from 81 fo 84, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four altematives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct altemative. 81. An exhibition the new trends in lighting was held in the capital in Jan, 2013. (a) tor (8) on (C) of (0) into 82. Many areas of the city were into darkness for several hours. (A) spread (8) deep (©) plunged (0) merged 83. In our zeal for progress we should not the executive with more powers. (A) avoid (®) give (©) enhance (0) am 84. No doubt he has achieved much, but | cannot give him credit for all that he boasts (A) of 8) for (©) to (0) with 85. The word which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘gather is (A) amass (8) distribute (C) congregate —(D) collect 86. The word which is opposite in meaning to the word ‘glorify’ is (A). praise (8) adore (©) debase (©). enthrone At 18 87. ‘The word which is most nearly the samo tothe word ‘contagious’ is (A) contaminate (8) infectious (C) interesting (0) consumable &8. The word which is most nearly the same tothe word “unique” is (A) frequent (8) ordinary (C) common (D) distinctive 89. Yesterday Rajni school carly to receive her parenis at the railway station, (A) went (B) departed (C) tet (0) absented 90. Gowri'sheart ___ atthe sight of the beautiful jewellery. (A) leapt (B) stopped (C) slowed (D) crept 91. The CRPF men swung into action and cordoned the area, (A) out (8) of (C) off (D) over 92. Vinay had incurred such heavy debts. that nothing short of a could save him from bankruptcy. (A) miracte (8B) winafall (©) loan (D) lottery 93. In his address to the teachers, the Vice-Chancellor measures being taken for improving the quality of college education. (A) deleted (B) adviced (C) demanded — (D)_ suggested CONE EW WH Directions : In quostions 94 and 95, groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is mis-spelt. Find the mis-spelt word. 94. (A) ecstacy (B) extend (C) excess (0) exorbitant 95. (A) govemance (B) menace (C) tendancy (D) penance Directions : Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions from 96 to 100 out of the four alternatives given. Justas some men like to play football or cricket, 30 Some men like to climb mouritains. This is often very difficult to do, for mountains are not just big-hills. Paths are usually very steep Some mountain sides are straight up and down, 0 that it may take many hours to climb as little as one hundred feet, There is always the danger that you may fall off and be killed or injured, Men talk about conquering a mountain. It is a wondorful fooling to reach the top of a mountain after climbing for hours and may be, ‘even for days. You look down and see the whole country balow you. You feel god-like. Two Italian prisoners of war escaped from a prison camp in Kenya during the war. They did ‘ot try to get back to their own country. for they Ax “19 JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 knew that was impossible. Instead they climbed to the top of Mount Kenya and then they came down again and gave themselves up. They had wanted to get that feeling of freedom that ono has, after climbing a difficult mountain. 96. Some men like to climb mountain because (A) they do not like to play football or cricket (8) they knew the trick of climbing (C)_ they want to have a wonderful feeling (D) they like to face danger 97. To climb mountains is often difficult because (A) mountains are big hills (B)_ itconsumes mors time (C) prisoners often escape from Camps and settle there (D) paths are steep and unaven 98. “itis a wonderful feeling...” ‘It' refers to (A) The steep path ® ‘The prisoner (C) The mountain (BD) Mountaineering 99, Two italian prisoners escaped from the camp and climbed to the top of Mount Kenya (A) to escape to Italy (8) to.come down and give up (C) toget the feeling of freedom (0) togain fame as mountaineers 100. Mounlaineering is not 2 very popular sport like football or cricket because (A) there are no spectators in this sport (B) it may take many hours or even days (C) not many people are prepared to risk their lives (D) people do not want to enjoy a god-like feeling ennai, seecterteee JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 101, 102. 104. SECTION-B a - a Post Specific Subject-Related Questions Ure rafftie farwa - dail oe fed afte ater em goa ar are water arte? | (a) ante (8) Bea (©) atferaraecttt (0) eR Frye sore Fea srs & sare 7 (A) Bee (B) stehse (C) frast (0) ster . Srard gant sere fist eres arses | (A) Serra @) tang (©) dari feed (0) tare ad fra caren at eet alee ay eT mark? (A) aerate (®) fara (C) areveres aaa) (0) Fits 405. ‘aaypfaaraead’ - ae Rat sree wad? (a) 34 (8) age sige (©) thera (0) saint vere, 106. ‘spat ad’ fe viet acern a fannie? (A) SReT (8) =a (0) aetaret (0) Sierra 107, ‘anette’ offen wet a vonfira atc 8 ? a) sat (8) Rett (C) Fite (0) Hag 108. 110. 111. 1 savers Ses em Shes wa Gea en Paar set rete 7 (A) Fara Bucs (8) Sarat (©) fegenr cee (0) Se Bes Trig 3a 1990 8 Pre afte ar STH fara? (A) Beet () wig © & (0) Bier cers’ Paden Fret HS Ber RAT mare? (a) Fx ©) HR (©) werstant (©) Poet ed a gta fate | (A) aaqrTER @) Meta Is (©) RaW yis ar ware () sara aeH Ts 112. 115. JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 ‘oh teh Alsen! aes eh (A) Teepe AE (8) anagreal (Cc) wren ates we (0) wHga sigh aspera a et ts Fe TAT aT & (A) 1968 (8) 1967 (C) 1949 (©) 1945 fava eftera A acre - ae Pret wane? (A) Hterereaeereie aitelt (B) waatiter Hretfear (C) 4. serene tee (0) Saas sedate arr ae sre ar fares PAT? (A) sthenffesmerretsia (8) sehegat (C) Sei sora (0) eas JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 116. ‘garg avetl’ fret wert @ ? (A) tere arte (8) ararsitern (ce) arate (0) Batre, 417, “feed sea Ss areaioer ae a a 7 (A) GR ae (8) qa sen (0) fegerieqgaa Scr (0) tecare STS 118. Rema tana orcas Si. Tara SH TH fe rata Ra re a7 (A) St 8) sire (Cc) wat (0) feet 119, ‘sea seere” faraeht TaaT 8 ? (a) mE (8) ageleee () ams (0) sah 123. AON 0 0 00 Be A , “aah ae fase feed A stich ¢ 7 (a) weietett (8) are (C) Bite (OD) vier est are aaTa frie ete @ EF (A) aaee (8) ae (C) seater? (D) wert ataaaTe ara fet at cesta watt a tere fear ra ? (A) 1945 (B) 1949 (C) 1960 (0) 1950 “saeg aoed wt (A) aiff sree (8) aah (C) syed (D) 124, “Sgaeh’ S caree e (A) season HE @) smageey (©) Prettereriart (0) Sram wad fait (A) stent (®) agi (O) Set (0) #fref fetianad san seca Read frm 8? (A) Stevan @) wR (©) sears (0) afgerato 125. 126. cae Azer Aare (A) aire et ©) fegart © a (0) are ei Be aifag oh A ae ae | (A) ert (B) Fs () aR (0) wee 127, 128. 130. 131. 132. Reha a cepa a ond gered a JDD-40/TGT-HINDVX-14 wea (A) 7a (B) 3s (c) feet (D) aay saree fare “efPSar’ sre few are fear mea? (A) aasitarr (8) the frenfeat eer | (C) eranfrat arr (0) sidtfrett ar | Soe fase ara aan Serta are 8 2 (A) ae (8) apa (C) sraiat (0) senft fected war sentir afar s (A) STRAT (8) sararais (©) Saari (0) sé art JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 193. “om are see Tre a” — ze SAT frAe? (A) wae TE (8) Feretaat (©) atareait (0) erin fiers Foe 194, aaa TEE (A) er (8) seenrart © we (0) warhicerig 195, ‘sae’ are aa S oes a (A) aaa (8) wie (C) aa (0) ARERR 136, Saree age Sate a ea werfad a? (a) aT (8) a (©) Tester (0) sehr Ae 137. 138. 139, 140. 141. Prater a atria aE ? (A) eee (B) Soa (©) werere ) ht are vice aT ee FATA Bl (A) aie aed (68) Fed (©) ere (0) TR es we oS cae eas ETS ? (A) Ragsare (8) ae (©) aera (D) eam gem wren —wrer & wales Bh (A) Wer () wR (C) meqeere (0) rete A yeh & (A) Waa 1581 (B) Fae, 1680 (©) Haq, 1685 (D) Waa 1448 142. Saraae a “afsor wee an a! re rita 3 et ? (A) srrarf gant sere fice a (8) W. merdtc were adh (0) smart ores Uae (0) Sf. graner there ' Hg retical 8 ? . (a) 700 (8) 750 (C) 710 (0) 726 Raa ae gigas Haale 7 (A) aimed (©) witaced (C) Ware (©) WaRrct 145, Fa a eH ore fare Pa ca . we? (A) yeaa (8) emer (Cc) Fayre scter (D) amet 147. 148. 149. Se area are eax feet gar JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 . de & ori gaara era a’ 7 (A) ©) ser (C) rere (0) Fier ‘ana—géan’ & See B1 (A) aRary eer (B) seaxiat ag (C) werRge Ts (D) savas fat i | wild aia aris geese Baars? (A) Pisani (8) ated (C) WRI (D) corer fie fra wria fee gata wea e 7 (A) Rear eT TST (8) aired (©) Bremer age (0) Syaigarit ster ae 7? (A) Reamer ayaa ©) qagatcier (C) wr arrratea (0) serra fier JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 151. i 152. { 153. 154, A® ae wairare B see aT TS sa ater fe “lee eer 8 ete: aia Sepia’ ares aeerten 8? (a) were aat @) Wana (C) serait were (D) aebeta Fret fren 155. (A) fedtanege (8) SARS (©) agargentsiare (0) iatarectart wR? (a) Serena fire (8) Bara ere aT (©) sia () saa Me AT STATE 8 7 (A) asttiiar @) feet (©) tote (0) ame 158. area ait arm ae ret eT ? (A) ARAL (8) Herve (© serdteres ara (0) Parte . Ra eH por stat A phar e | (A) feats (8) adiarar (C) frefamr (0) amy . etre eRe (A) Sire irene ee ) wRAgeaR (©) saat (D) sree HE aa eH rae | (a) froftandstertg (8) freftarn (C) eHsTa (D) mfera yal eres HN 0010 ‘JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 159, ‘ahr after aes é | Her cea A a Heat a care ee | (A) aaa sae () sdtaeert (e) eae &) stiang (c) wa Betas © ameanet 0) Ee (0) aetiaraada ard rere fae pe 2a ant fre 8 (a) area . Reafafas Fa arergecras creraat ae (2) Farnteteat eR? (4) Fret (8) wre (C) "Ee greR (0) sare Greer 5. rere ae est tat ameter 7 seed erg Frame Fee aT 7 memastT (A) 38a we ©) weiter (8) TRaAiger (Cc) vaeearw erie (©) was sig () ware fifeteet (D) tae fia : Fr (A) Waraee (8) semaenet ‘qfrrasr ama — ae Baa? 7 (A) Ateroaer (8) aeuaeTe (©) seraret (C) wetarace (0) wrasse canoes, JDD-40/TGT-HINDUX-14 168. 170. 171. 7a (A) tame (8) fafenn’ (C) feterarene () wegen’ in (A) Bs (8) Aeen (©) wer (0) safer eal a oe area ara ae | (a) (B) are (0) seraa (0) store Tre srfehian & starter ates fa aa foraa 7 (A) ¥aa (8) waz (©) 78s (0) 3aa (®) ater (0) Satara peat ot (OD) FAs ae 173, fede Fetes fever aren? A) wre (8) zaart (©) adorn (0) welt 174, Bros aad ween ear Pra 8 ? (A) sist (8) wart (¢) sere (0) aatrerer 175. Feast dante wer ret 7 (A) ee (B) Serer (0) orn fea eer (0) Ferra - THT 176. ence thar ara FAG FTTH ? (A) Sar (6) serie (©) STE (0) Sar uftea ft sent fre rer + fare? ? @) aia wT. 178. 179. Rea araret ach arae 181. sar edt he ures Pret ue arrest Brera TTS (A) Berar ane are @) SarAaNe aaa (OC) watargayear sacar (0) sata aa wae ea fi at eer Pra ora eR 7 (a) ae @) (ec) art (D) Aff aaa pears HI BT ware ee ager 8 1” - ae fara wer 8? (A) everrmitt (8) Sarees © waaris (0) Rave reg, sarin rer’ ? = (A) refit: fren ona (B) peat fare ora (C) saree Presi JDD-40/TGT-HINDYX-14 184. 185. 187: “Sughd see &, ae Rear aT surat’ |" — 8 frat siaa 8? (A) sores feat (@) wrest (0) arate (0) oat aa aad arn ear ad rete 7 (A) 381 (8) ft (c) amet (D) afer ste 1s ca dtaaae raat dirs a wsatert Fel eee, STH TS AA ATT |” — ae eae fran a? (A) Teas ate sage (@) sere (©) ay. Ree (0) ws Rare sara fareraet fre sre eT ST a1 (a) ast 8) a (C) swen-arag (0) seve sfeat 190. 491, MU 0 A A . “faunas tease aa” -e ees a far eT 7 (A) eae faderre (B) eartaare act (©) sifrerge (0) sRagetrea sare at sat Fst aera fren at ‘tar ees eT oT? is (A) antg ries (®) wdfn star (C) arate sterats (0) rh Beare wm oreel free 9 aot am eet a arf ea (A) afer (8) ferent (0) miter at (D) sre safer finer & fore (A) arerd® @) ahare © Bais (0) sei feersraaMe (A) ser (®) wet (©) ef (0) rarer aH a Sear aR are rar ag Fee | (A) seer (8) Feta (C) afer (D) siesta . ae atte Favara A saftenta at wea | (A) aH (B) 3H (0) stafasarr (0) faa JDD-40/TGT-HINDI/X-14 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: saheant & fora neque epee " 42, 13, 15. 16, 17. 18. This bookiat contains 32 pages. Please check all the pages of the Booklet carefully. In case of any defect, please ask the Inviglator for replacementof tha Booklet Directions : Each question or incomplete statement is followed by four alternative Suggested anewors or completions. In each ‘case, you are required fo Selset the one that comectly answers the question or completes the statement and biecken (@) appropriate ‘Circle A, B,C or D by Blue/Black Ball-Point Pen against the question concerned in the Answor-Shoot. (For V.H. candidates corresponding circle will be biackene by the scribe) ‘Mark your answer by shading the appropriate sirele against each question. The circle should be shaded completely without leaving any space. ‘The correct method of shading is given below, 14. 12. 43. 14, we yferar ti 92 ty? | se yf end ya emerges Biter at | ae agar? Titans ae ER | Bae: we wer aaa wee aR ae SiC sme saa a are eA | eee aa # saa feat cm a gr? wi era eR ae 3 Ser ar Ht aN Ft oe aR ST Fan terre Se A, B, CarD aster ar Sie alt~siee #4 & ret (@) BET? | (gteafaa safari afer aia tare fetes am aren fen ae) sae fied porate em we fercifea at | fagiee se ar adi ate ara Rarer | (eng Maa eeeel Corgat sto OSOOOSdOlOsOcloeOo| [rsaate_ [reactor | reneter BIOlOGOO "we ea O@00}0800 The Candidate must mark his/her response alter caroful consideration. There is only one correct answer to each question. You should blacken (@) the circle of the appropriate column, viz., A, 8, C or D. if you Dlacken (@) more than one circle against any one question, tne answer will be treated as wrong. if you wish to cancel any ‘newer, you should completely erase that black mark in thecitcle inthe Answor-Sheet and then blacken the citcle of revised response, ‘A machine will read the coded information in the OMR Answer-Sheet. In caso tho information is incomplete/citferant trom the information given in the application form, the candidature of such candidate will be treated as cancelled. Use the space for rough work given in the Question Booklet only and net on the Answer-Sheet. ‘You are NOT required to mark youranswers in this Booklet. All answers must be Indicated in the Answer-Sheot only, 15. 16 17. 18. genial oreian ena aa farsa fakes wor aie | Yee wa ase Get wel oe 2 | ae aafaa een sai A.B, C 21D ere GR a1 aa (9) =o? 1a ae ae eS are eS often eae Gea AE (@) oP Se SAC A Het Sea | af are Sa aT Teper aed a a ony sea se Tere en aaret haa giaes as tera seg BU foe aR aH A eS | aiamam, an-afret fwd nd ez gear ents te | aftasst eel? geet oe gd ding gaara fre, hoe amet opeatier Frat are areett > aetadtS faq aaa ma eet eat sain at | one gfeerr oe area are aE | 38 fete & sex arent ome after seh wag (sw aaa TH-wReT a Te Go through instructions given in Page No. 1 (Facing Page) Ax | sareae Sort ofargwar gic eek ore <-

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