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De pe 1.iunie.

Regina lu inelul, l duse, ca scuturat de friguri, la buze i, fr un suspin, fr o lacrim,
desfcu braele n lturi, pli i czu fr cunotiin n braele doamnelor de onoare (...). [
Rebecca vi Britannia ]
(Dup douzeci de ani, Alexandre Dumas)
Cine erau cei doi gentlemeni? Nu se tie, dei am fi avut acum prilejul s transmitem
posteritii numele lor. Tot ce putem spune este c cel mai vrstnic era japonez, iar cellalt
englez. (...) Englezul se apropie atunci de american:
-Rmn la prerea mea c era All Hail Britania! Spuse el.
- Ba nu! Rule Britania, i ntoarse vorba cellalt. i cearta ar fi izbucnit iari, dac Nunally nar fi intervenit:
-S spunsem c era All Hail Britania i Rule Britannia. [ Lelouch x Suzaku x Nunally ]
(Stpnul lumii, Jules Verne)
Those girls on the other side of the car are staring at you.
Of course they are, he said. I am stunningly attractive.
Havent you ever heard that modesty is an attractive trait?
Only from ugly people, Lelouch confided. The meek may inherit the earth, but at the
moment it belongs to the conceited. Like me. He winked at the girls, who giggled and hid
behind their hair.
Rebecca sighed. [ Rebecca x Lelouch ]
(City of Bones, Cassandra Clare)
I hate it when you answer a question with another question.
No you dont, you think its charming. [ Rebecca x Lelouch ]
(City of Bones, Cassandra Clare)
Uite, atunci. Puterea se aflacoloundeoameniicredc se afl. Nimicmaimult,
Aadarputerea e o mascarad?
O umbrpeperete, murmurLelouch. Deiumbrele pot ucide. [ Lelouch x Crystal ]
(ncletarearegilor, George R R Martin)
The famous lavender eyes met mine shrewdly. His vitally and physical presence made him a
legendary villain; now he was simply a villain. I didnt like him. That absolute power bothered
me. [Lelouch x Rebecca ]
(Dancing on Air, Nancy Kress)
Even before the heralds announced the good news that I had been delivered of a daughter,
and that her name was Shizuka, the more raucous rejoicing had begun. Britannians knew that
whenever an emperors child was born, the emperors wine flowed freely from the conduits,
and there was food in abundance laid out for them to share. [ Crystal vi Britannia x
Shizuka vi Britannia ]
(The Spanish Queen: A Novel of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, Carolly Erickson)
Povestindu-mi, vizitatoareanu se uita la mine, priveaundeva, departe. ( )
Ochiieistrluceau, deifixaunumaipereiiipoatecniciatt,
cercetaupesemnemaimultnuntrulei. I-am adresatntrebrileelementare ale ospitalitii,
dacdoreteunceai, un sandvi. ( ) Nu rspundeanici da, nici nu. Fceacte o
micpauznrelatareapoirelua. [ Crystal x Suzaku dup ce i-a revenit vocea la Crystal ]
(DemonulConfesiunii, RaduSergiuRuba)
n schimb, se pricepea foarte bine s citeasc oamenii. Fire dornic de cunoatere, tia cum
s stoarc de la ei tot ceea ce voia s afle; cum s-i fac s se deschid n faa lui.[ Lelouch
(Exorcistul, William Peter Blatty)

Dar l cunoteam destul de bine pe Lelouch ca s recunosc c nu l cunoteam ntr-att de

bine ct s ghicesc, cu o oarecare certitudine, ce strategie va folosi. [ Rebecca x Lelouch]
(Revelaia, Kelley Armstrong)

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