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The Paraguayan Time

The Paraguayan and the future

Koero or If there is a tomorrow
Maana ahora shows a possibility.
It is really difficult to plan an event; you never know what can happen (e.g.
desous hora
Ahata anga

The Paraguayan present

It is never exact; you are always already there when you say Ill be there
ya estoy llegando, ya estoy ah, ms o menos en 10 minutos. ya estoy
en tal parte.

The Paraguayan Past

Eran los de antes
era feliz y no lo saba

Unpunctuality is it a sin? Are we really unpunctual? The time of lunch, the
time of Christmas. We are
Countries with a fast pace of life are more developed. But at what cost? The
problem of social media and working in Paraguay. I think Paraguayans are Taskoriented but the pressure is high. Are we really lazy? Or we pay more attention
to tasks, relationships and friendship than to money?
Is it true that we dont care about the future? Or are we just more patient?
There is nothing wright or wrong with a pace of life, there are simply different
ways of life.

The core problem: We live in a slow-pace past/present-oriented worldview with

fast/future oriented rules and rulers.
Imagine a model of society
Positive and negative aspects of the time worldview in Paraguay and how can
you think we can do to be better.

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