Title: Haco Noodle: Hi-Calcium and Protein From Fish Bone Waste

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Indonesia is currently ranked in the fifth as the country with the lowest nutrient (Tempo,
2012). Malnutrition in Indonesia is still quite high, which the number of malnourished
toddlers around 900 thousand inhabitants (Depkes, 2011). Moreover, the problem of
osteoporosis in Indonesia has reached 19.7% (Puslitbang, 2005). Generally, the products are
high in protein and calcium, such as milk, cheese, and meat; it will be difficult to reach by
lower class because of its price. Therefore, it is necessary nutritious food products with a
relatively affordable price, for example, which made from fish bone waste. Indonesia is a
country which is rich in marine products with fish production reached 5,196 million tons in
2009 (Kementrian Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2009). Utilization of marine products such as fish
can produce solid waste such as fish bones that cause environmental pollution. To produce
6.55 tons of canned tuna products, it produces 4 tons total waste where 1 ton of it is the waste
of fish bones. Fish bones contain calcium and high protein, so it can be used for the
manufacture of high calcium products, one of which is a noodle. Noodles from fish bone
waste are one of the noodle product innovations which are nutritious and healthy. Noodlemaking process that is processing waste into fish bone meal; it then used for the manufacture
of noodles. Contents in nutrient contained in the flour from fish bone waste, i.e. 25.54%
protein, 3.8% fat, 1.8% fiber, 5.52% water, 46.34% calcium, and 17% phosphate. Ingredients
of fish bone waste for the manufacture of noodles is obtained from industrial fish processing
and seafood restaurant waste. Furthermore, fish bone waste processed into noodles. The
noodles are distributed in a way by, recruiting resellers, marketed in supermarkets, and cons
duct online marketing using social media to expand this product.
Keyword : Fish Bone Waste, Calcium, dan Protein

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