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Cuba Past and Present

By Gianna Perrone

Revolution Leader Fidel Castro Breaks Ties with U.S. and

Allies Himself with the Soviet Union
Fidel Castro jailed hundreds of people and
established military committee for political
opponents. He ended up denying support of
Cubas 1952 military pact with the U.S.

The U.S. broke relations with Cuba on January 3rd,1961.
Castro formalized his alliance with the Soviet Union which
caused thousands of Cubans to flee the country.

Bay of Pigs Disaster

A U.S. group of Cubans invaded Cuba in
1961. The invasion was given by President
John F Kennedy, he gave the U.S. air

On April 17th, 1961, the landing of the Bay of
Pigs occurred. Invaders didnt receive popular
Cuban support & were attacked by the Cuban military.

Soviet-Missile Crisis
This Cuban Crisis occurred on October
1962 and was against U.S. and the Soviet
Union. It was during the Cold War.

These two nations came across with using nuclear conflicts
and it was a big problem against these two nations.

In Poor Health Castro Announces His

At 81 years old, Castro had told people
declaring that he wasnt good enough to
campaign in the next parliamentary election.

Fidel Castro ended up having 49 years of power and retired
on February 2008. He ruled Cuba since 1959 since leading
a revolution.

Cubans Begin to Win Small Freedoms

Foreign Minister, Felipe Perez Roque, signed
the International Covenant on Civil & Political
Rights and Economic, Social, and Cultural
Rights in February 2008.

On July 2010, Castro planned that he will release 52
political prisoners, such as activists and journalists which
have been held since a 2003 crackdown on dissidents.

Cuba Takes Possible Steps Toward a New

Leader Not Named Castro
April 19th, 2011, Cuba had a change in their
government. Jose Ramon Machado, was
appointed to fill the second highest position in
the Communist Party.

It was the first time since 1959 that someone else besides
the Castro brothers had the position and Machado made
new laws.

Pope Makes Long-Awaited Visit

Pope Benedict XVI visited Cuba on March 26th,
2012. It was a three day visit, right after having
problems between the church and the Cuban

He was pushing Cuba toward freedom and it was the first
papal trip since Pope Benedict XVI visited 14 years ago.

Exit Visa Requirement Is Dropped

The government had said on October 16th,
2012, that in the beginning of 2013 Cubans will
no longer be able to have an exit visa.

On January 13th, 2013, Cubans were not able to leave
the country for vacations. A valid passport and a visa from
the country that they were going to is required.

Cuba Resumes Diplomatic Relations with U.S.

President Obama said that the U.S. would
resume diplomatic relations with Cuba, such
as opening an embassy in Havana.

Since 1961, the U.S. and Cuba hasnt had any
diplomatic relations between each other. The Pope held a
meeting to help with negotiations between the two.

How might the relationship between Cuba and the U.S. be

changing? In your opinion, is this good or bad?
The U.S. will send an ambassador to Cuba, under
Obamas policy. It will ease the economic embargo and
the U.S. will ease travel restrictions. The business deals will
be easier and the Cubans will have a better way of
communicating with more people around the world. I think it
is a good thing because now the Cubans will have an
easier way to be able to visit their relatives and also their
business transactions. They will have an easier way to be
able to talk to other people around the world. Less conflict
is always better.

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