Why Teach Worksheet4

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Internship Education

Why Teach?
The Habit of Reflection
Name: Christina Walski

Date: 1/29/2015


Why do you want to become a teacher?

a. Motives for becoming a teacher
Enjoying helping people
Very social

b. Motives for choosing another profession

Not enjoying working with kids

Now, think about some of the people your teachers who may have
inspired you to consider teaching as a profession.
2. Who are three teachers you had in your elementary and secondary education
whom you admire most? What made them so admirable?
a. Mrs. Piccolo was my 4th grade teacher and she was the most
memorable. She made learning so much fun, and made every child in
the class feel special. She was a good teacher and acted like a friend
while still teaching and getting things done.

Mrs. Swartz was a typing teacher in middle school. She acted as a

mentor to me and helped me with so many things that I went through
in middle school from home issues to in school issues. I really do not
think I could get through middle school without her.

c. Mr. Hankins was a 8th grade history teacher. He made me love history,
and every since I have been interested in history and excelled in that
class. He has such an interesting personal life and way about him that
connected to me personally.

What are your strengths? List at least five qualities you have that will make
you a successful teacher.
I am very hard working
I can pick up a schedule very well
I am a good support system

Im a good leader and love working with kids

My energy level


What concerns do you have about either becoming a teacher or the teaching
field itself? List three questions about teaching and education that you want
to know more about.
a. Saying the wrong thing at the wrong time
b. Not knowing the answer
c. Talking to parents
The Rewards of Teaching

Extrinsic Rewards
1. Salaries-improving
2. Status-difficult to discern
3. Power-unique power over students
4. Work schedule-June, July, and August
Intrinsic Rewards
1. Students-one of the strongest rewards perceived by teachers
2. Performing a Significant Social Service-important work for the common good
3. Fellow Teacher-stimulation and support
4. The work of teaching-actual process highly gratifying

Which of the extrinsic rewards applies to you?

Which of the intrinsic rewards applies to you?

Are there other rewards not mentioned?

Read Are You Born with It? on page 9. What is your opinion?

Read Leaders in Education, Erin Gruwell, on page 17. Comment.

Opinions About Teachers and Teaching p. 21

What does the public say about teachers and teaching?
The public values teachers and teaching.

What do administrators say about new teachers?

What do new teachers think about teaching?

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