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1.What is the ozbus

is the longest bus ride in the world and the ultimate journey backpackers
2. how many countries does it travel throught
In twelve weeks it travels 16,000 kilometres through twenty different countries
B) 1.( fals )
2.(true )
5A make questions about the Ozbus trip. Use the prompts below to help.
1. what / cold / place you visited ?
What was the coldest place you visited?
2 what / hot /place?
What was the hotter place?
3. what /friendly /place
What was the friendliest place?
4. what / long / you travelled in one day ?
What was longest you travelled in one day?
5. beautiful / building you saw?
What was the prettier building you saw?
6.what / amazing / experience of the journey ?
What was the most amazing experience of the journey?
B match answer a) e) with question 1-6.
a. The red desert in Australia
b. The taj mahal

c. Seeing tiger
d. 400 kilometres
e. Mount everest
f. I cant say. We met so many fantastic people

What was the coldest place you visited?

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