08 Employee Recognition Questionnaire

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Recognition Questionnaire

Name: ________________________

1. I prefer recognition to be:

a. Given in a group setting
b. Given personally in a one-on-one setting
c. Given in writing rather than in person
2. I would rather be recognized by:
a. My peers
b. My manager
c. My managers manager
3. I would rather be recognized in front of:
a. My peers
b. My managers manager
c. None of the above
4. If I received a performance award I would rather that it be presented to me:
a. In a one-on-one setting
b. In a team meeting or group setting
c. Over lunch as an added reward
5. I would prefer from my manager:
a. Daily recognition
b. Weekly recognition
c. Occasional recognition based on extraordinary accomplishments
6. I value recognition from (circle all that apply):
a. My peers
b. My manager
c. Higher level management
Please use the following numbers to indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the
statements below:
1) Disagree Strongly 2) Disagree 3) Neither Agree nor Disagree 4) Agree 5) Agree Strongly
____ 7. It is important to me to be recognized for my work.
____ 8. My paycheck and benefits are the only acknowledgment I seek.
____ 9. My paycheck and benefits are important, but I would also appreciate non-monetary rewards.
____ 10. I am satisfied with my department's current recognition program.
____ 11. The nature of my job allows me adequate opportunity to be recognized.
____ 12. I believe that all employees should be equally rewarded.
____ 13. I think employees should be rewarded for meeting specific criteria "above and beyond"
normal duties.

14. Please take a minute to let us know how you feel about various sources of recognition. On a scale
of 1 (low) to 5 (high), rate how important the category is to you and rate whether you are satisfied with
the amount of recognition you receive from this source.
Importance to Me

Source of Recognition

Satisfaction Level


Immediate Manager or Supervisor


Customers (internal or external)

15. Following is a list of achievements and behaviors for which employees could be recognized. For
which of these reasons would you want to be recognized? Which do you think your department values?
In each column, you have 15 points to "spend" on these options, in any combination (for example, you
could "spend" all 15 points on one item or break them up-8 points on one item, 5 on another, and 2 on
yet another). In Column I, let us know which of these things you would most like to be recognized for. In
Column II, let us know which of these you think your department values. Each column should total 15

Creative solutions/cost savings
Customer service compliments
from clients
Service I have provided to my coworkers
Collaboration or support of a team
General on-going contributions to
my department
Exceptional performance on an ongoing basis
Extra responsibilities or special
projects above and beyond my
normal duties
Outstanding attendance
Improvement in my efforts
My years of service to the company

What you want recognition for

What you think your dept/unit





16. Following are a variety of ways that employees' contributions can be recognized at the
departmental level. How would you most like to be recognized?
As above, assign 15 points in the first column according to the importance to you of each form of
recognition. In the second column, place a check mark if you would not want to be recognized in this

Type of Recognition/Reward
A personal "thank you" or note from my
supervisor, manager, or co-worker
Acknowledgement and recognition by my
customer (internal or external, as applicable)
Department-wide acknowledgement in
writing or at a staff meeting
A formal letter describing my
An award, certificate, or gift from an
established recognition program in my
Nomination for a monetary performance
Public acknowledgement for my years of
service to the company
An office-wide party or other fun communitybuilding social event
The opportunity to work on an interesting
assignment or project
Being asked for my input and expertise
The opportunity to improve my job-related
skills or knowledge
Participation in professional or career
development opportunities (workshops,
conferences, career-counseling, etc.)
Pay and benefits
Time off
Other (describe):

Points for Importance to Me

Would not want this form of





If I were recognized in the ways I identified in question 16, this is the effect it might have:


In my department, we already recognize others by:


Some other ways my department could acknowledge or appreciate employees might be:


Other comments (questions I wish you had asked and how I would have answered them):

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