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Nathaniel Jordan

Brian Hawkins
Brian Hawkins Architecture
406 East Main St
1 Hour
1. Describe the work you saw being done:
I saw architects working on plans for job sites, and pre- job plans.

2. Describe the workplace environment:

It was very busy at all times, with many architects working at the same time.

3. Did the workplace environment appeal to you? Why or why not?

Yes, I like the busy work environment and the different things going on.

4. What education and skills did the person you shadowed possess?
They were in the military and had a lot of college training for being an architect, after they got
out of the military they started to go back to school.

5. How important were the education and skills to the way the person performed the job?

They started school being an artist, and after the military they went to school being an architect.
They said the art part helped them become a better architect.

6. Identify the skills and behaviors you observed that you believe are important for every job?
Being organized even in a fast paced environment, and communicating with others.

7. How many of these are also important for school?

Being organized, if you are not organized then you will miss assignments.

8. What was the most important thing you learned from your job shadowing experience?
That I do want to become an architect, and what they actually do, and what I need to do school
wise to become an architectural manager.

9. Was this job shadow a worthwhile experience for you? Why or why not?
Yes, without it, I would not know all the things that architects actually have to do on a daily

10. Would you recommend a future student to this shadow site? Why or why not?
Yes, it was very helpful and they got a feel for what you want to head your career path into.

11. Has this experience influenced your selection of classes or possible career choice? Please
Yes, it has hardened the want to become an architect and take more drafting classes.

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