Alexander, Way To Go!

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Period 3
Ms. Childress
Short Story Product 1
From the corner of my perch, I noticed a little girl walking
through the forest path. She was tall but skinny, not a lot of meat on
her bones, but enough to act as a small snack. She wore a red hood
that screamed, Hi! I am here! Please eat me! As a wolf, it was my
sworn duty to eat things that didnt have a use. In other words, to cut
down the population so the worlds resources werent consumed. Hey!
Dont look at me that way! If you have a problem, read all the humans
books on predators. I read them (yes I can read) and they say that.
Everybody knows that. So I noticed the basket of cookies in her basket.
They looked tasty. And at that moment I decided to have one. With all
my wolfish charm, I snuck up behind her, and bumped her over. Using
my wolfish skills, I began to eat all of her cookies. They tasted very
delicious, and then I got struck on the back of the head. Little Red
Riding Hood, my nickname for her, was really angry with me. Nice
Alexander, way to go!
Mr. Wolf! Stop stealing my cookies! How rude of you! She cried.
I am sorry, I was just hungry, and your cookies were so tasty, I
replied, desperately trying to lie to save my skin.
Well, if you really are sorry, you will help me, she replied.
Whatever you want? I told her, thinking of something to do.
I need a guide, to get to my grandmothers house. She lives
somewhere in these woods, she told me.
Right this way, I told her, slyly grinning in my head. She had no
idea what she was getting into.
As I lead her down the path, I began to take note of the routes to
Grandmas. It was a lush, forest route. The path was brown, made of
tilled soil and fertile earth. I felt my paws leave deep furrows into the
land. I quickly destroyed me footprints, not wanting to note the
huntsman to my footprints. If they noticed me, it would be as good as a
death sentence. As we continued to walk, I examined her more closely.
She was relatively tall, very pretty. However, she retained a girlish look,
making her seem quite innocent. She took off without me, and I saw
why. Up ahead lay Grandmas house. I of course, stayed in the
background, making sure to watch how Grandma moved, how she
acted, how she spoke. My elaborate web had been lain out. Now the fly
had to walk into it.
I got back to my cave and took the spare clothes my victims had
worn. In this land of fairy tales, magic was possible. However, my trick
would be a little subtler in its use. I flicked through a compendium I
had stolen from a witch. Fire spells, brewing spells, enchanting magical
objects, transformation! I had found what I needed. Rather than use an
illusion spell, I was going to transform myself into a human disguise. A
human disguise I could turn on and off at will. Werewolves are different
from this. They have two sides, feral and human. I have one, however

Period 3
Ms. Childress
Short Story Product 1
my appearance can change. I grabbed my components and spoke the
words. Threads of violet energy wrapped around me, soaking into my
bones. I felt my body crunch and move, but I felt no pain. I felt my fur
recede, my fangs shorten, my snout shrink. In seconds I became
human. I looked at myself in the mirror. A tall, wolfishly handsome man
started back at me. I smiled, before donning the clothes of a ragged
traveler. I made illusionary cuts that formed seconds later. I limped my
way over to Grandmas house from my cave. The trek was about 3
miles. The woods I roamed seemed much darker and scarier. The trees
seemed to stare at me and the grass seemed to shrink away from my
touch. The magic I was using was strong enough that the soil was
reacting. I immediately tamped it down. Grandmas house was a quaint
little thing.
It was a small wooden cottage, with a stone chimney, mossy
roof, and an honest to god vine covered doorway. I knocked on the
door, feeling the soft sandalwood. My whole body ached from the trek.
Red Hiding Hood opened the door and screamed for help. Grandma
appeared seconds later, and saw me, a broken battered traveler. I was
ushered in, gotten some broth, and grandmother got to work. She first
began by preparing a tub of warm water and then sprinkled some
healing salts in it. I got in at her direction.
Oh dearie, what happened to you? Are you alright? Grandma
examined me carefully.
I laughed internally and spoke. I will be alright. Thank you for your
concern. I was shocked. My voice had a gruff, growling quality to it.
Like my voice as the wolf, and I knew I had to be careful. As I soaked, I
began to think. They needed to trust me first.
I got up, put fresh clothing on, and then traveled to the parlor.
Red Riding Hood was having tea with Grandma. Her blonde hair was let
loose and it cascaded down her back. I sat down on the chair beside
them both, examining Red Riding Hood carefully.
Oh! Are you all right! Grandma took care of you but I wanted to
see it myself, she asked me.
I gave her a reassuring look. I am fine. Thank you for asking. I
gave her a wolfish smile before taking a biscuit and munching on it
lightly. I placed it back down on my plate.
Now, why dont you tell me more about yourselves, I quickly
relaxed my posture.
Red Riding Hood thought for a moment, and then she spoke. My name
is Sylvia. I live here with my grandmother. She is old and lonely and
she needs company.
I leaned in, excited by this new information. Just you. Nobody

Period 3
Ms. Childress
Short Story Product 1
Yes, just us. My parents live back in the kingdom. I live with
Grandmother every weekend but on holidays I stay with her, Sylvia
smiled at the thought.
Do you mind if I stay with you? I need a place to stay before
hitting the road. I plan to stay for another day or two, I made sure to
wince as I said that.
Oh no you dont young man. I will see to it you are fully
recuperated before you go out there, Grandma was quite firm in her
Yes! They have accepted me. What a bunch of fools! This is it.
Now I can finally eat in so long! If you want to know how I have
survived this long it was by using magic to sustain myself. But this was
a feast. I couldnt wait. My mouth began to salivate. I quickly took
another bite out of my biscuit. Each day, Sylvia would make sure I was
healing properly. As I thought about it, eating her wasnt the best idea.
Wait! What has gotten into me! I usually eat people. Why does eating
her seem like a bad idea? Oh no! With her constant kindness and
patience, I started to feel remorse. My wolfish hunger seemed to
subside. I realized that what I was doing was wrong. And I needed to
leave. Immediately, there was no question. In the middle of the night, I
packed my bags, and left. As I took three steps to the door, Sylvia
came running out.
You cant leave yet! Your wounds havent healed! Sylvia was
screaming now.
I will. Because what I am doing isnt right. I am sorry, Sylvia, I
quietly faced her.
Why! I dont get it. Why are you doing this? Sylvia was
confused. Was it something I did?
I shook my head no. No. It was something that I did.
Without warning, I dropped the disguise. Sylvia stood
there, stunned. She looked at my, not sure. I dropped my lupine
head, ashamed at my actions. I simply sat there, tired and
forlorn. I simply walked off into the distance. Before I knew what
had happened, Sylvia was right beside me. Her eyes were full of
some unshed emotions. She leaned down and looked me in the
I forgive you Mr. Wolf. Thank you for being honest, she
reached out to pet me. I snarled, not wanting her to touch me. I
was wild, I was feral, and now I was miserable. And I had tried to
kill her. I walked off, trying to put distance between us, but she
kept on following me. I took off in a sprint. I made it to my cave
in record time and raced to my pantry. I had to do this. I pulled
out my compendium and looked for that one spell I had made. I
found it. The reanimation spell I had made in case I should die. I

Period 3
Ms. Childress
Short Story Product 1
quickly began to speak the words. I saw violet tendrils burn
around my cave and I saw all their bodies glow and then they
disappeared. I had sent them back to their regular lives. I
slumped down, exhausted.
Mr. Wolf? Can I come in? I heard her ask. I became extra
quiet, hoping she would leave. When she opened my door, I lost
it. I charged her and of course she fell. I was staring down into
her face, my teeth bared. She remained calm.
What is wrong with you?! Do you have a death wish? I
want to remain how I was, alone, I snarled.
Sylvia laughed. She then actually threw me off of her. The
big bad wolf, Alexander, she stressed my real name, is afraid of
No! I am afraid of people, I blurted it out before I knew it.
Sylvia looked stunned. She then saw my ring around my
neck. The ring shaped indentation. Her eyes dawned with
realization. You were some ones pet. You were their puppy. Why
are you out here? Sylvias eyes began to tear up.
I growled lightly, my voice soft. A farmer and his wife
owned me, found me on the front step. My mother had
abandoned me, since I was the runt of the litter. He took me in,
raised me. My mother, the one who gave me milk, Bessie, was a
cow. She raised me, fed me, and loved me. I played beside her
calves and we lived well. But one day I heard screams. There
were always screams at a certain season. I didnt know what
they were, but then I knew. They were the screams of dying
animals, being slaughtered for meat. At first, I didnt mind, it
wasnt my family. But then Bessie disappeared one day. I heard
the screams and I ran to the slaughterhouse. Blood was on the
farmers hands and I saw Bessie, my adopted mother, dead. He
tried to offer me a piece of meat and at that moment, I killed
him. Humans had taken everything from me. My mother, as I
figured out from my brother, hadnt had enough food do the
shortages. Because of your kind, I was left, and then abandoned
again. The mother, who needed to eat, slaughtered Bessies
calves a few days later. She called the huntsman to take care of
me. I ran before they could get to me, but I was alone again. I
learned to hunt by myself, feed myself, and taught myself
everything. Since the shortage of game, I have had to resort to
eating people. It made my hatred ease and fed me.
Sylvia spoke to me, her voice full of emotion. Why dont
you come stay with us. I have space and I have always wanted a
Why would you do that for me? After I tried to kill you?

Period 3
Ms. Childress
Short Story Product 1
Sylvia smiled and she patted my head. The big bad wolf
has officially been tamed.
I followed her back.
There it is, my complete story. The myths surrounding the
one you read before were inaccurate. Suffice to say that I now
live a content life and have lots of friends. And Sylvia, well, she
got married and had children and I now watch over them. As for
Grandma, well, she passed on, but I used my compendium and
gave her the ability to visit. That concludes my story, the story of
Alexander E Wolf.

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