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Entrance Examination for M. A. Economics Option B June 28, 2012 200013 ‘Time 3 hours Maximum marks 100 Instructions Please read the following instructions carefully + Do mot break the sol on this booklet until instructed to do so by the invigilator. Anyone breaking the seal prematurely will be evicted from the examination hall and his/her candidature will be cancelled. + Fill n your Name and Roll Number onthe detachable slip below. ‘© When you finish, hand in this examination booklet to the invgilator. + Use of any electronic devie (eg, telephone, calculator) is strictly prohibited during this examination, Please leave these devices in your bag and away from your person. ‘Do not disturb your neighbours for any reason at any time, ‘+ Anyone engaging in illegal examination practices will be immediately evicted and that person’s candidature will be cancelled. Do not write blow this le. This pace i for ofc! use only Marks tally Gweton [Mir T0 [on m2 3 Tae 15 Total BEE 2012 B 1 Part I Instructions. ‘© Check that this examination has pages 1 through 22. + This part of the examination consists of 10 multiple-choiee questions. Each question is followed by four possible answers, at least one of which is correct. If more than one choice is correct, choose only the best one. Among the correct answers, the best answer is the one that implies (or includes) the other correct answer(s). Indicate your chosen answer by circling (a), (b), (c) or (a). ‘« For each question, you will get 2 marks if you choose only the best answer. If you ‘choose none of the answers, then you will get 0 for that question, However, if you choose something other than the best answer or multiple answers, then you ‘will get ~2/3 mark for that question. ‘You may begin now. Good luck! QUESTION 1. Two women and four men are to be seated randomly around a circular table, Find the probability that the women are not seated next to each other. (a) 1/2 (bo) 1/3 (2) 2/5 (a) 3/5 QUESTION 2. A fair coin is tossed until a head comes up for the first time. ‘The probability of this happening on an odd-numbered toss is (1/2 (o) 1/3 2/3 (@) 3/8 QUESTION 8. Let f(s) = 2+ |2|+ (t= 1)+ [ri] force R. (a) f differentiable everywhere except at 0. (b) F is not continuous at 0. (c) fis not differentiable at 1. (a) £ is not coutinnous at BBE 2012 B 2 QUESTION 4. What is the total number of loesl maxima and local minima of the function [Qa tre (3-1 re {Ba Eg! @1 2 @3 @4 QUESTION 5. Let f:®.4 > Ris differentiable and f(1) = 1. Moreover, for every 2 Then f(z) i (0) 1/se+ 22/3 (b) -1/52 + 4e*/5 (0) Wn + fx (az QUESTION 6. An n-gon is a regular polygon with m equal sides. Find the number of diagonals (edges of an n-gon are not considered as diagonals) of a 10-gon (2) 20 diagonals (0) 25 diagonals (6) 85 diagonals (€) 45 diagonals QUESTION 7. The equation 27 = 241 () has no rel solution, (b) has real solution in the interval (0,2). (6) has no positive real solution. (@) bas areal solution but not within (0,2) QUESTION 8. lity (vB=T~ vA) (a) equals 1. (b) equals 0. (©) does not exist. (@) depends on n. BEE 2012 B 3 QUESTION 8. A rectangle has its lover eft hand corner at the ergin and is upper ‘right hand corner on the graph of f() = 2?+-2~*. For which x is the area of the rectangle sinimized? (a)z=0 (2-00 @z=()" @z=28 QUESTION 10. Consider the system of equations ar +fy=0 betoy A, and v are iid, random variables, each taking value 1 or 0 with equal probability ‘Consider the following propositions. (A) The probability that the system of equations has ‘a unique solution is 3/8. (B) The probability that the system of equations has at least one solution is 1 (8) Proposition A is correct but B is false. (b) Proposition B is correct but A is false (¢) Both Propositions are correct. (@) Both Propositions are false. Part IT Instructions. + Answer any four of the following five queetions in the space following the relevent ‘question, No other paper will be provided for this purpose. ‘You may use the blank pages at the end ofthis booklet, marked Rough work, to do calculations, drawings, ete. Your “Rough work” will not be read or checked. ‘¢ Each question is wort 20 marks. BER 2012 B 4 QUESTION 11, Let !? be the sot of sequences of real numbers = (z9)nen” such that Dh R by e(n 2) = 24- Show that e(n,,) is continuous for every nen. (G) Show that the normed space (|) is complete, ie., every Cauchy sequence in P converges to a limit point in @. ANSWER. BBE 2012 B 5 QUESTION 12. Consider the system of differential equations Dut) ut) where B= [3 where a, € Rand (2,8) # (0,0). (A) If the roots of B are purely imaginary, verify that the solution of this system y= (vi.¥2) is of the form y(t) = 1 cos(cy + ft) and yo(t) = cy sin(cy + ft), (B) Characterize the orbit of y, namely y(%,). Graph the orbit in 2 (C) Comment on the stability properties of y when the roots of B are purely imaginary (D) Ifthe roots of B are not purely imaginary;verify that the solution ofthis system Y= (vss¥2) is of the form ys (0) = cre cos(oy + Bt) and ya(t) = c1e% sin(cr + BU). (©) Derive and graph the orbit of y when the roots of B are not purely imaginary. () Comment on the stability properties of y when the roots of B are not purely ‘imaginary. (G) What determines the direction of rotation ofthe orbit ast oo? ANSWER. BEE 2012 B 8 QUESTION 18. Consider vector spaces V, W and U. Let A: VW and B: WU be linear mappings. A~ : W —+ V is the linear mapping such thet AA~A = A and B-:U Wis the linear mapping such that BBB = B. Given a linoar mapping L, lot R(L) denote its range space, pL) its rank and v(L) its uly Prove the following propositions (A) A") > aA). (B) pla) = o(A~A) = (A) (C) (AA) =o A-A) = 2A). (D) AA™ projects W on R(A) and A~A projects V on R(A™ A). (B) If (BA) = p(B), then A(BA)- = Br. (F) If (BA) = (A), then (BA)~ (C) HBA) = (A), thon A(BA)-B projects W on RA). ANSWER. BEE 2012 B u QUESTION 14. Given 2,y €R", define (2,9) = (te (1—Oy [t € (0,1)}. Wesay that CCR is a convex set if x,y € C implies (2,1) CC. Let X CRY and let (C; | i € 1) be the family ofall convex subsets of 8" such that CC, for every i € I, The convex hull of X is coX = MvesCi rove the following propositions. (A) X is convex sat if and only if X = 0X. (B) Let An = {9 RY | DL ps = 1} for m EN, ‘Then, X is convex if and only if for every m EN, pE Am and {2',...,2™} CX, we have D7, pat € X. (0) 0X =Umew {5% pe | (Piss Pm) Cm A ayo onn3™ €XY (D) ox =UREA {DT Pe | rs --sPm) E Am A theo € x} (int: By (C)y every £ € coX can be represented as the convex combination of a selection {21,...,2"} CX. IEm > n+1, then the vectors in this selection are linearly dependent. Use this fact to show that 2 can be represented as 8 convex combination of m= 1 vectors from (24,2...) ANSWER. BEE 2012 B 4 QUESTION 15. Prove the following propositions, where P|.| denotes the probability of cevent [] and E is the expectation operator. (A) IF is a random variable and X > 0, then for every p € Ry, Bx! [f semeeix >a] (B) Let X be a real-valued random variable and let f : 5+ 3 be increasing. Then, JOPLX > 1] < Bf 0X for every BER. (©) Let U be m random variable with the uniform distribution on (0,1) and let X = e-'InU, where ¢> 0. Show that X has the exponential distribution with scale parameter (D) Let X and ¥ be independent standard Gaussian (L.e., Normal) random variables. Show that the distribution y of Z= X/Y has the form 1 Wide) = de ay for ze R, ANSWER. BEE 2012 B 7

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