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Metaphors based on human anatomy include opposites.

Attention to this was drawn by George Lakoff, one of the founders

of the modern theory of metaphors. Let's have a look at examples
from everyday life, arranged according to the logic of opposites of certain orie
ntational metaphors, introduced by Lakoff and Johnson. Encouraged by their typol
ogy of orientational metaphors, I added some other types, which frequently occur
red in the answers of the sixty-six women who had breast cancer, or had recovere
d from breast cancer and who answered to my questionnaire about social and cultu
ral aspects of that disease between June and November 2006. These types of orien
tational metaphors are: up-down, in-out, front-back, on-off, deep-shallow, centr
al-peripheral, outside-inside, light-dark, sweet-bitter, life is a journey, colo
ur-colourness, passivity-activity. The last category will be dealt with in detai
l in the following section, because military metaphors in medicine are actually
extreme orientational metaphors emphasising action.
U ovom radu se koncizno predstavlja pojam kognitivne lingvistike kao discipline i
ja je jedna od kljunih tema metafora (Klikovac, 2004); te pojmovne metafore kao p
osebno bitne za ovaj rad. Zatim ukratko se definie i klasifikuje pojmovna metafor
a te njene vrste u vidu strukturalne, ontoloke i orijentoloke metafore. Cilj ovog
istraivanja bio je, koristei pristup zasnovan na Teoriji pojmovne metafore (Lakoff
& Johnson, 1980), prikazati realizaciju ontolokih i orijentolokih metafora, kroz
analizu naslova i tekstova o zdravlju i bolesti, u tampi. Rezultati ove analize,
na odabrani primjerima o zdravlju i bolesti, pokazali su visoki stepen frekvenci
je ontolokih i orijentolokih metafora u tampi.

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