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I received awards fro achieving the highst grid in the universty

my biggest strenght is the bility to communicate by this i mean listing effectiv

ely to the needs of customers to ensure they have the right
my second strenght is bla bal ab
I enjoyed working on the pressure and learning about new technology
this is something i am very poud of which demonstrate my commiment to serivice a
nd this is why i feel with this experience combinde with my educational achievem
ents make me a very good fit for postion and i will be really excited to be a me
mber of your team

well , I've been in project managment for last 5 years.

my most recent experience was in consaulting project, where I was project manage
r at naseej comapnay.
I's say that my main strencht is my leadership ability whis was evident in the w
ay i mentored my project team to reach our project gouals.
i have more than 8 years of experis in IT indestray last five years was in proje
ct managment , currently I am managing consulting project for Hail munplucity
will do well in this job becuse i already have previce experican in the similar
field so i will use my privus experiacn in your opning postion
i'am currently working for naseej company managing Hail muncipltiy project wich
is consulting and software development proejct.
I was nominated employee of the year in 2013
I received a certificate of appreciation from Hail Mayor for my remarkable effo
rt in managing the project .
this is something i am very poud of which demonstrate my abilty to manage stockh
oler expectation and guiding the project to succesed

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