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Stella Britton, BC May 06, 15:49 #15546 "iL think twice about visiting Dual f you go ahead with a SeaWorld park. SEND Daniela Alessio, Chile May 06,16:48 © # 15,687 Beautiful animals are suffering for these type of treatment they are giving itto them. Would You lke to be locked in some type of space and milions of people came to vst you and clap for the things you do as @ human being?. Leave them in peace, they as all ving things on arth deserves to be free SEND Jose mozo, Chile May 06, 20:56 # 15,782 ‘We need you, and ask for your mercy, and not only because the park itself, but for the fashion you, as a billonaire country, wil make in the whole world I If you decline, the rest of, ‘the world will notice how dangerous Its | PLEASE SEND Luiza dziabaeva, Turkey May 06, # 15,620 ‘STOP TORTURING LIVING THINGS! SEND ‘Ahmed Al Qasimi, United Arab Emirates May 06, 22:34 #15830 We live in a day and age where countries are able to stand side by side and share one voice through social media. These humanitarian rights/animal rights voices and actions should not bbe Ignored. To whoever this message goes out to, please spread the word and snow that the majority of people would prefer the safety of these animals rather than showcasing them like circus clowns for the amusement of the few. This petition has been signed by people al over the world. Let this spread like 2 wildfire, Let's not stop at 16,000 signatures. Animals deserve their rights just as we do. SENT ‘Sara Alqubalsi, United Arab Emirates May 07,00:s7 = #15,895, NO NO NO NO NO ‘SEND Danielle Tingley, United Kingdom May 07, 01:26 #1591 PLEASE STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING! SEND Llljane Duff, United Arab Emirates May 07, 01:52 # 15,937 | will never support this kind of eruetty! SEND Name not displayed, United Arab Emirates May 07, 02:03 # 15,950 Because it does not fit with the vision of Dubai. Because it is Haram. Because Dubai only needs the BEST the world has to offer. Not the worst. Monica Lestie, WA May 07, 02:22 # 15,959 ‘The dangers that Seaworid consistently exposes their trainers to. in full knowledge of the risks, are disgusting and unacceptable. And this is even before the rights and dignity of inteligent mammalian beings are taken into account. This industry is cruel, inhumane, and has no excuse for a continued existence. Please do not eupport its perpetuation SEND Maria Kristina Malgapo, Philippines May 07, 02:28 415,963 STOP THIS INHUMANE ACT! ‘SEND Name not displayed, Philippines May 07, 01:45 # 15,929 Let this cruelty end. Nobody can prof from @t. The good you see from itis just a delusion. ‘They are like us, they have the right to live and be free, They are wid. Let them be. If this ‘continues it wil put not only the captured ones in danger but he trainers, the free ones and the audience. This Is nota fair way of business! Rabih Nassar, Lebanon May 07, 03:31 # 16,011 this is an absolute crime. those animals belong in the wild and we keep them prisoners just for us to be able to watch them with no effort. we're a disgrace. Dubai is a disgrace for creating such a fake demand. SEND ‘Shahzalb Yaqoob, Pakistan May 07, 03:42 #16,015 How would you feel if someone trapped you in a small space looking at you from all angles? ‘Wanna view Nature, GO OUTSIDE. Don't imprison these inteligent creatures for your ‘special interests. ‘SEND ‘Mohammed Al Qassemi, United Arab Emirates May 07, 04:38 © # 16,060 (Out of everybody here, | woul lke to say that this is precisely the worst idea to do, Do not bring SeaWorld. It's @ catastrophic idea as well as a horrible incarnation idea. ‘SENT Brenda Bloomfield, ON May 07, 06:53 # 16,134 [No more captivity, no more cruelty, no more disrespect of ving creatures. SEND lisa johnson, OH May 07, 08:10 # 16,171 Wild animals do not belong In the entertainment industry. sea world makes money off their orcas, and making money off an animal that performs for a dead fish is wrong. SEND Elizabeth Gabor, CA May 07, 09:25 #16236 Enough is enough! These horror parks need to be shut down, nat opened! ‘SEND Name not displayed, Malaysia May 07, 10:08 # 16,283 | strongly against the opening of Seaworld perk in Dubal. Animals were not created to be prisoned, they're not a clown. They're one of the God's creations that need us as a human to protect and appreciate the richness of biodiversity. Liberty Childs, United Kingdom May 07, 10:42 # 16,302 DOWN WITH SEAWORLD SEND Name not displayed, FL. May 07, 11 # 16,351 ‘Absolutely do not approve, These marine animals need to be tree In the wild and we should put our resources in saving them there. Romain Vanhootf, Belgium May 07, 12: #16372 K Davies, United Kingdom May 07, 12:08 #16374 Itis time these places were closed down. It is cruel and inhumane to treat these huge and majestic mammals lke this. In this day and age, we DO know better, so stop this from happening! SEND Name not displayed, United Kingdom May 07, 12:18 # 16,362 Dubal is beautful already and it doesnt need such shows that mistreat the animal. In fact, ‘opening SeaWord in Dudal might harm its international reputation! cy Hwang, United Arab Emirates May 07, 12:38 16,403, ‘Stop the cruelty look at the bigger picture one mistake can ruin the Image of the country SEND Name not displayed, Belgium May 07, 13:08 # 16,422 Biggest joke Ive ever seen. Just watch black fish and you'll understand. Ingrid van der Meiden, Netherlands May 07, 13:24 # 16,431 ‘ORCA'S, DOLPHINS are caught in the wild learning doing stupid things with force and abuse: training under bad circumstances without natural behaviour. THIS HAS TO END ASAP ‘SEND cynthia Salomao, Brazil May 07, 1 #16452 ‘STOP PUTING ANIMALS IN JAIL .. THEY ARE NO CRIMINALS TO HAVE THEIR LIFES ‘STUCK FOR OTHERS TO SEE. SEND oe Danie! Weaver, GA. May 07, 14:26 #16471 ‘The treatment of these animals is cruel and one of the sickest things people have done to a ‘species. Please do not allow them to bull this park! SEND Iva Dimanovska, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav May 07, 14:27 #16474 Republic OF I you open SeaWorld in Dubai! (me, my friends and family) wil never again come to Dubai ‘on holday...eaWorld should not be allowed to exist in Dubal or in every place on eart SEND oe Kate Sonley, United Kingdom May 07, 15:30 # 16,505 Enough is enough. Itis time to shut these parks not open more of them. Animals are not here for our entertainment, We should be protecting them and thelr natural environments not abusing them for profts. Piease do not open this park. Make a stand. Tell Seaworld NO. SEND ae ‘Angela Rodriguez, Spain May 07, 15:43, # 16,508 No more unsustainable projects in Dubailll STOP DESTROYING OUR BIODIVERSITY!!! SEND Elaine Lucas, United Kingdom May 07, 15:45 # 16,510 Innumane! SEND Jane Hargreaves, United Kingdom May 07, 16:00 #16514 They should not be kept in castivty, they are wild animals. It is cruel entertainment SEND carolina guerrero, Chile May 07, 16:28 # 16,523 free the orcas! SEND Burgandie Carmichael, WA May 07, 20:38, # 16,581 ‘SeaWorld is complete BS. The animals are treated horribly despite SeaWork’s statements about how happy and healthy their animals are, These are wild animals. They belong in the ‘WILD not fishbow's. Please, say NO to SeaWorid. SEND Anna Colucci, Italy May 07, 21:53, # 16,600 Killer whales and other sea animals are meant to wander in the wild SEND Patricia Van Halle, Belgium May 08, 00:45 # 16,637 sToP SEND Jean Bolton, United Kingdom May 08, 00:46 # 16,839 Beautiful creatures that should be free in the sea where they belong, not for money grabbing rich SEND Megan Carmody, WA May 08, 03: # 16,688 ‘Animals are not on this planet for our entertainment no more than we are here for theirs. Simple! SEND William McCafferty, OH May 08, 04:00 # 16,692 Do not open 2 Sea World... keep our planet mates FREEIII! SEND Tanya Allen, United Kingdom May 08, 04:23, # 16,699 Wy can't Sea World see the obvious. People do not want Orcas, Whales and Dolphins in tanks. tis so cowardly and devious to move their attentions to a country where they do not have the education and welfare standards of western word countries. Their efforts would be better served in conservation and Whale watching tips. SEND Mandy Gibb, United Kingdom May 08, 12:02 # 16,832 ‘Animals do not exist for human entertainment. Whale watch in the wild if you are fascinated by these beauttful creatures *) SEND Lori Hone, AZ May 08, 15:00 # 16,893 No marelll! Wrong on every level SEND Madeleine Honeybone, New Zealand May 09, 02:03 # 17,022 how dare you, we are animals too. sick sick people make it ethical please for the love of god start the revolution be equal and ethical SEND Celia Cortes, WA May 09, 06:18 #17065 ‘The idea of another SeaWorld is Barbaric | Haver't we leamed anything yet. SEND Wytske Schrijvers, Brazil May 09, 06:26 # 17,066 Please let these beautiful animais just be animals. SEND a Name not displayed, United Arab Emirates May 09, 07:55 #17,080 killer whales and dolphins naturally occur in UAE waters, we don't need this Jean Kilezer, CO May 09, 08:04 817,081 Please don't open another Sea World, This one In Dubal The fish and sea mammals are kept in tanks when they should be ewimming freely in the ocean. There is so much animal abuse in the world. We just don't need more. Thank you. SEND ae ‘dunia bhy, United Arab Emirates May 10, 03:27 17,163 ‘Why should we keep animals in captivity for the sake of entertainment? ‘ena e Dyan GOODMAN, CA May 10, 15:31 #1721 Dolphin and whale parks are falling out of favor because The People are informed that sea life belongs in the sea. Save yourself a lot of trouble and expense and open another kind of ‘amusement park! SEND Teresa Greenwood, ON May 10, 16:45 #17239 Look atthe trend of Seaworsg, bringing them will only make you look bad to the world, please don't do it. SEND ‘Shloime Perel, QC May 11, 02:55 #17278 Let's prevent this abuse before it gets started sen Name not displayed, NY May 11, 06:30 #17300 If you do this, you will have incessant complaints and protests. Why even go down this path? Name not displayed, Malaysia May 11, 07:31 #17312 ‘As much as | would love to see a killer whale, as it has always been a dream of mine, | would rather wait forever if ithas to til that proper moment to see them out in the wild and not behind ¢glass wall in a pool where they dont belong. ‘Shakeera Md Sham, Malaysia May 11, 07:37 # 17,316 | used to think sea world was the best piace ever. | have never bean one. But growing up watching Free Wily | thought the only way of meeting an Orca would be through watching them perform at Sea World. But now, | STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT ITS TIME FOR SEA WORLD ALL OVER THE WORLD TO STOP. THESE ARE WILD ANIMALS THAT ARE NOT MEANT TO BE TAMED AND TRAIN THEM TO PERFORM. HUMANS CAN NEVER MEET THEIR NEEDS NO MATTER HOW MUCH RESEARCH THEY HAVE DONE. LET THEM FREE! NO SEAWORLD IN DUBAl! NO SEAWORLD ANY WHERE IN THE WORLD FOR THAT MATTER! SEND Name not displayed, CA May 11, 07:38 #47317 Please allow the whales, dolphins, and marine mammals to live in the wild. They deserve to thrive, not barely survive. Helen Hoad, United Arab Emirates, May 11, 09:02 #17,348 For more info on dolphinsiwnales In captwity watch Blacktisn SEND Lena Bonalumi, Switzerland May 11, 13:20 #17397 Time to close ALL marine parks and doiphinariume...(and zoos) Humans need to STOP imprison animals for our leasure! SEND He Ina Mitehel, CA May 11, 13:27 #17,399 No caotvity for dolphins and whales! ‘eNO S Jenkins, CA May 11, 18:24 #17,496 ‘Those animals need to be FREE! Net kept in pools for human entertainment! No more: ‘abusement parks, PLEASE! ‘SENT Luke Morris, United Arab Emirates May 12, 00:53 AT ATS Please please don't open a sea world here in Dubail It is cruel and barbaric to the animals and ‘can lead to their deaths. Dubal is @ creat city, don't walk it down this road, SEND Foizal Mowlabocus, United Kingdom May 12, 01:10 #17478 ‘This backward barbarism needs to stop. SEND Ghristiane Keller, United Arab Emirates May 12, 01:19 #17481 |As animal lovers the United Emirates snould not support any abuse of innocent creatures SEND valerie fiet, United Kingdom May 12, 02:59 A781 no to sea world they belong in wild SEND ‘Angie Jones, AL May 12, 03:12 #17493 Let these animais be...this is not needed open a marijuana cafe people will enjoy it even rmore...this kind of thing is Just sad, Better to have a theater of a lm of these in nature than a small tank with @ poor creature suffering inside. Nobody wants to see thal. Have @ meditation ‘area thats awesome. A playground made from items lke tres that kids can not destroy but get ‘their energy out. Have plants that are indigenous to the area a min! jungle not with captive animals just the plants themselves to enjoy. Make a sustainable Dubal ..and dor't make It dependent on unnatural means. Show the world how to create nature the way nature does it ight SEND Eva Scholz, Germany May 12, 03:23 #17494 Please stopp it! sen Roseanna Calloway, TX May 12, 03:32 #17501 Keeping Killer whales captive by places like Sea World can take 60 or more years of their life Span. SENT Donna Ollvadott, FL May 12, 12:20 17,582 Its time we stop ensiaving things across the globe. SEND Christina Boehm, Germany May 12, 12:15 ‘Just two words: STOP IT! SEND 17,581 Name not displayed, Indonesia May 12, 20:08 17,828 | cant believe this is happening to the whales and dolphins! JoLynn O'Shea-Walker, TX May 13, 13:28 NO MORE SEAWORLDS ANYWHERE! SEND # 17,679 antonio valverde, Spain May 13, 13:52 #8 17,688 Tertole ta SEND Preminder Khangura, United Kingdom May 13, 17:34 #17,705 ‘This American company is using you Dubai, People come to your country, sea world will not Increase tourism instead people will stay away. Please dont inflict suffering to more sea creatures you will suffer in the long term! SEND Anne-Sophie Malig Henriksen, Denmark May 14, 03:45 #AT,T8B ‘SeaWorld is a part of on absolutely horrible entertainment industry, With so much animal torture. May it stop. SEND Olia Zavitsanou, United Arab Emirates May 14, 03:59 #97,702 ‘Stop this absolute horrfic use of animals in Dubail SEND Dab Young, I May 14,1234 #47,922 PLEASE show the wors that Dubal and its people and more humane and compassionate that the rest. Captivty is death for these amazing sea creatures. They belong inthe wid, rot in ‘concrete pools. Thank you.. SEND Linda McMullen, QL May 14, 19:40 # 17,987 ‘Orcas and colphins do not belong in so called aquariums! The ocean 's their home and where: they belong - not in concrete tanks! SEND we MJ Kliwon, Netherlands May 15, 11:13 #18, imagine being forced to do tricks in a bathtub 24/7 SEND Lynette Hattingh, South Africa May 15, 11:25 #18168 This would be a tragedy for the animals. Do NOT allow this to go ahead. SEND rawaa alathmay, United Arab Emirates May 15, 17:30 # 18,209, Ie watched a documentary on the abuse it causes to the sea animals and it really is against all that this Muslim Nation stands for. We can not do ths in the name of God the most merciful it's en unforgivable act. SEND Nina Elizabeth, United Kingdom May 16, 03:41 #16,265 Keeping any wild creature in captivity is simply wrong. I you were @ magnificent whale where ‘would you rather live-in the vast oceans of the world with others of your kind, or in a tiny ‘cramped tank performing for entertainment... a no brainer! Please dor't open anather ‘SeaWorld SEND Amna Aldhaheri, United Arab Emirates May 16, 22:35, #18373, | think the sea world park should stop because you are basically taking away animals life without knowing thinking that they have a better Ife in the park while this is wrong. SEND Badria Al Hosani, United Arab Emirates May 16, 22:27 #18,372 i think Dubai is consistently becoming one of the most fastest developing city in the world, so ‘condoning animal abuse by opening a sea world would bring Dubai a step back, such as the Emirates Zoo (a z00 with a bad animal rights reputation). SEND mich wood, United Kingdom May 17, 15:14, #18480 Come on now! We know that Whales are as, if not more, inteligent than humans, and we treat them to imprisonment and to do stupid ticks for our ‘entertainmert.16 it not about time we moved away from our habits of barbarism? eNO ‘Sue Glister, United Kingdom May 20, 08:45 18,942 This is hideous and barbaric please do not allow sea world room in Dubai. Money is their only priority - Dubai can send 2 message fo the world if they refuse Sea World... SEND Leonie van-Hamburg, WA May 20, 23:06 # 18,966 Pease, Dubai is such an innovative ct. It really fee's lke a step backwards to be considering ‘opening @ SeaWorld Park. SEND Suzanne kenny, GA May 21, 03:34 #18973 ‘Sea world has gone to far. No more tanks! They belong in the Sea. SEND Lesiie Roundy, NV May 21, 11:34 #10,987 IF SeaWorld comes to Dubai, | will not. SEND Kelli Pippin, WT May 23, 16:37 #19,056 NO NO NO! There can not be ANY more SeaWorld jails opened and the current animals must be returned to some sort of freedom! seNT Evelyn Sandberg, CT pening this seaworld is inhuman and setfish. SENT May 23, 19:02 #19073, bethany lemier, SD May 23, 19:05 #19,075 ‘no animal should be forced to live in captivity and do tricks to receive affection and food. SENT Michae Beehan, United Kingdom May 24, 15:43, # 19,183 Its very simple. Do unto others as you wish the them to do to you. If you think it is ok, to steal ‘Killer whales baby, and sick tin a tank with other killer whales for the rest of its lif, then you should be ok with someone stealing your kid, and taking them to a circus to live out the rest of their days right? SENT Dieter Gerhard, Cocos (keeling) Islands No more marine theme parks. They are just cruel, it must stop. SENT May 24, 22:10 # 19,211 Chloe Harding, WA May 25, 00:22 # 19,229 ‘SeaWorld, don't you think you have enough haters? Stop the captivity and cruelty. You're a isgrace to humanity and especially to our marine ecosystem. SENT Dan Johansen, Denmark May 25, 02:00 # 19,242 must stop now ! Itvicious to keep so great and wise animals locked up. After everything that has happened in the other parks, you would think that you had learned something. Wake up. SENT MIRIAM BELGE, Switzerland May 25, 09:08 #19271 Its time to show our humanity! No more orcas or eny other animals in captivity for our pleasure! sen ‘Amy Landman, United Kingdom May 25, 15:35 #19,315 ‘Sea World is such an inhumane organisation it hurts my heart seeing what they do and how terribly these amazing creatures are treated. Since when did money override ife and freedom, for ail, not only humans but animals who share this planet with us. Please lets prove to them we have kindness and consideration for them as species on this pianet. SEND BERNARDO CORTES, Mexico May 25, 15:55 #19,316 THIS ANIMAL'S BORN IN A TOTALY DIFERENT AMBIENT; IT’S STUPID TO THINK MAKE THIS IN THE DESERT WEATHER....... YOU ARE NOT THE OWNER’S OF THE WORLD OK; PUT YOUR FEET’S ON THE GROUND M SEND Rhonda Lanier, MT May 26, 12:01 419,654 ‘SeaWorld knows the time of operating here in the US is running out. Please do not provide them a venue for more torture of whales and dolphins. Promote your beautiful architecture and places of natural beauty. These beautiful, sentient creatures do not deserve to languish in hot ‘cement "containers", being starved in order to perform stupid tricks for humans. SEND te JONATHAN CASTLE, United Kingdom May 26, 12:46 #19,712 ve all know money is at the root ofthis, respect the earth and what she has to offer and stop ‘ensiaving beautful creatures to work for your gain. Disgusting human beings SEND Sophie Lodge, SW May 27, 16:18 20,739 Lest we forget, "There is not an animal on earth, nora bird that lies on its wings, but they are ‘communities ike you... (Quran 6:38) and they do not deserve to be locked into a small pool in ‘@ hot country far away from their natural habitats. Please have mercy and reconsider this, decision. SEND Lisa Leo, CA May 28, 16:15 21,551 1's animal cruelty to have giant whales in small pools. | visited @ Sea World yrs. ago. | happened to see the Whales ina small wading pol in the back where part oftheir bodies and heads were exposed out of the water. One of the whales looked at mo... and it was as if he conveyed to me haw cruel 2nd wrong it was for them to be in that positioned... | acknowledged to the whale that | understood, but | couldn't do anything about it. then! But now, I'm teling you... i's crue! and I found out by a whale that lat me know! SENT Patricia Vidal, CA May 29, 17:00 #22.001 This would be a devastating tragedy that we already understand the gruesome details and congequences of.. Oubal must do the right thing and prevent SeaWorld from conducting animal Slavery and inhumane sociaVernotional torture and confinement of highly inteligent sentient beings. | urge the Government of Dubai to have a heart, keep your city beautiful, and prevent the opening of SeaWorld there, SEND John Lindsay, United Kingdom May 30, 16:39, #22,280 \With all of the things we have leamed about Seaworld from movies like Black Fish, their well, know history of misinformation. Having been there and seen it myself. They should nat ‘continue to function unless itis devolved to become a sanctuary for nese animals and not a ‘sideshow. It hurts my very being just to see people treating animals the way seaworld treats animals, People do not want to see people profiting from the destruction of our environment. ‘Show people thet you care and do not allow them to expand a systemically evil business. ‘Thank you. SEND

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