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Chiang Kai-Shek

Birthday; October 31st, 1887

date of passing; April 5th, 1975
place of birthday; Xikou
Family life; Father died when Chiang was 8 years old
referd to his mother as the embodiment of Confucian virtues.
Education; Chose to be in the military
1906; went to begin military education at the Baoding Military Academy
1907; went to Imperial Japanese Army Academy Peparatory School for Chinese
Chiang served in the Imperial Japanese Army from 1909-1911

Political beliefs and experiences; Didnt like communists (expelled them from the
Chinese Nationalist Party or KMT)
Believed in nationalism
Policies he introduced while in power (why was he important)

Made the New Life Movement campaign; helped citizens with their
educational, financial and entire living state become better.
After China made the Big Four powers Chiang`s international reputation
skyrocketed and people really respected him
Launched Taiwan into economic modernization (with the help of the US)
People recognized the Chinese government as legit and Chiang would have a
seat in the United Nations until he died

Foreign Policy, conflicts and events he was involved with

Led China out of communism and into a unification of nationalism

Most of his time in government was spent on threats to Chinas stability from
within and outside of China
Tried to focus on getting communist threats out of Japan

Japan invaded China and fought for four years until Allies declared war on
Japan in 1941
China earned inclusion among the Big Four superpowers
1945 Japan Surrendered

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