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Stephanie Allen about how fit we are or how much we

exercise. Wellness is a balance of all

things in one.
Chapter 1 Activity Assignments

Assessment Activity 1-1

Physical 65

Alcohol and Drugs 82

Nutritional 84

Social 66

Spiritual 97

Emotional 94

Stress 66

Intellectual 87

Occupational 89

Environment 94

Total 824 (divide by 10)

ADVERAGE 82.4=Good (could be



I was surprised to learn that I scored

the highest on the spiritual wellness

I was disappointed that I scored a 65

on the physical wellness assessment,
also the lowest score.

I have learned that the concept of

wellness has many factors, emotional,
social, spiritual, and more. How we
deal with daily life plays an important
role in wellness as well. It is not all
Assessment Activity 1-3

Health-promoting behaviors

Eating 3-5 servings of fruits and

vegetables daily

Exercising for 20-30 minutes 3 days a


Drinking 2% milk instead of whole milk

Eating wheat bread instead of white

Increasing water intake daily

Decreasing coffee intake

Decreasing the amount of sugar eaten

Health-inhibiting behaviors


Not taking meds on regular basis

Drinking too much caffeine

Not eating enough some days Which health-inhibiting behavior would

you be

willing to change right now? I have two, to quit smoking and take my meds

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