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Gould shows that although we as a society define certainty as mostly

positive, that there are also negative effects. These effects are
addressed by examining Goulds attempt to shake societys beliefs in
credibility and his attempt to convince others to doubt what they
perceive and remember. Remember to always include all of the points
of the prompt into your thesis- Here you forgot to include the part with
your experiences.
The author first attempts to confuse our mindsShake our beliefs/
question our assumptions in the accurateness of what we see or
remember seeing. Elizabeth Lotus decides to try an experiment and
shows 40 students a 3-minute videotape of a classroom lecture
disrupted by 8 demonstrators. After the experiment, Lotus gives the
students a questionnaire and the following week, she gives them a
follow-up questionnaire. With the different questions asked, she is able
to suggest things that direct the students to the wrong answer. This
proves that although the students had an idea of what ______.
Gould then tries to convince readers to doubt what people
perceive and remember. He talks about how he vividly remembered his
observations of Devils Tower and how he decided to take his family on
a trip there, years after his first visit. Gould and his family saw many
things but, they did not see Devils Tower. It was not until Gould
checked his old journal for that he realized that what he was actually
looking for was Scotts Bluff. Goulds family trip proves that CS

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