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Ethan Hall

English I
April 28th, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

Posner, Richard A. "When is parody fair use?." The Journal of Legal Studies(1992): 67-78. Article.
Provides a short definition to the word parody and how works can be copied and modified into a
parody without it being considered copyright infringement. It also explains how it is considered
fair use.

Wethington, Amy. "Copyright Laws are Serious!." Powerpoint. Describes some of the penalties of
violating copyright laws. Defines fair use and what the four points that are used when deciding
if a work is considered fair use. It also gives guidelines for using others work in different

Tydlacka, Melissa A. "Education and Copyright Laws." Article. Explains why copyrights were first started,
what the purpose is, and what they are. Gives some insight of when something could be
considered fair use and when fair use is not necessary at all. Also gives some insight to some of
the most popular forms of fair use.

Woessner, Patrick. "Copyright, Fair Use, And Creative Commons." Copyright, Fair Use, And Creative
Commons. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Powerpoint. Explains copyright, a little about fair use in
different circumstances. It also explains what creative commons is as well as how to cite your

"Copyright." Copyright. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Article. Explains what some of the rights that the
creators of copyrighted materials have for their materials.

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