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Collie Blossom (Grandfather, Dads Side)

Collie was born on January 28th, 1928 in Collinsville,

California. He lost his mother just three weeks after he
was born. Since his father had a seasonal job in Alaska he
was given up for adoption, along with his two brothers.
Since Collie was a newborn he was easily adopted, but his
brothers were sent to a nearby boarding house. For
elementary Collie attended Fairfield Elementary and
Armijo High School after that. He was particularly into
going fishing and cars, just like most teenagers at his
time. He was also on the track and basketball team for
High School. When Collie was 17 his foster father passed
away, shortly after that upon graduating High School
Collie enrolled for the marines. While in the Marines he
experienced the opportunity to sail around the world.
After a while he left the marines and at the age of 23 he
enlisted for the army. While in the army Collie fought in

the Korean War. After this he left the marines, came

home, and started a new occupation as a truck driver.
Collie also got married at 32 and later had three sons. For
the next 56 years he transported and spread oil
throughout the roads of Central and Northern California,
and Northern Nevada. He also road bikes, ran two
marathons, was very social, and had many friends. Collie
had a normal family lifestyle and he treated his family
very well, he was a good father who was always able to
make his children and grandchildren laugh. On December
5th, 2014 he passed away at the age of 86.

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