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Order Your Disk Program Today!

You can save yourself hours of tedious, error-prone typing by

ordering the companion disk to C++ By Example. The disk contains
the source code for all the complete programs and many of the
shorter samples in the book. Appendix Fs complete mailing-list
application is also included on the disk, as well as the answers to
many of the review exercises.
You will get code that shows you how to use most the features of
C++. Samples include code for keyboard control, screen control, file
I/O, control statements, structures, pointers, and more.
Disks are available in 3 1/2-inch format (high density). The cost is
$10 per disk. (When ordering outside the US, please add $5 for
shipping and handling.)
Just make a copy of this page, fill in the blanks, and mail it with your
check or money order to:
C++ Disk
Greg Perry
P.O. Box 35752
Tulsa, OK 74135-0752
Please print the following information:
Payment method: Check_____ Money Order_____
Number of Disks:____________@ $10.00 =___________
Street Address:____________________________________________
(On foreign orders, please use a separate page to give your mailing
address in the format required by your post office.)
Checks and money orders should be made payable to:
Greg Perry
(This offer is made by Greg Perry, not by Que Corporation.)

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