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1. Trecutul perfect
Trecutul perfect (Past perfect), exprim o actiune care a
avut loc si s-a terminat n trecut, naintea altei actiuni tot din
S+had + participiu trecut al verbului.
- Este un timp utilizat mai des n limba englez dect n limba
romn pentru exprimarea anteriorittii.
He had lived in London before he moved to Romania. - El
locuise in Londra inainte de a se muta in Romania.
You had finished the book before I came. - Tu terminasesi
cartea nainte s vin eu.
Mother had cooked the dinner by the time father arrived
home. - Mama gtise deja cina cnd a ajuns tata acas.
Forma negativa
S + had + NOT + participiul trecul al verbului

He hadn't lived in Paris before he moved to Romania. - El nu

locuise in Paris inainte de a se muta in Romania.
He had not finished the book before I came. - El nu terminase
cartea nainte s vin eu.
Forma interogativ
Had + S + participiul trecut al verbului
How long had it been since you saw each other? - Cat timp
fusese de cand v-ati vazut?
Exista cateva conjunctii si adverbe ce se folosesc adesea
in trecutul perfect pentru a marca succesiunea evenimentelor
(actiunilor). Acestea sunt:
by the time that (in (din) momentul n care), when (cand),
after (dupa), as soon as (de indata ce), ever (vreodat), never
(niciodata), just (tocmai), before (inainte), already (deja), for
[time period] (timp de [o perioada de timp]), since [point of
time] (incepand cu /de la [un punct in timp]), never ... before
(niciodat ... nainte sa).

When I arrived Susan had already left. - Cand am sosit Susan

plecase deja.
He had just come into the room when the telephone rang. - El
tocmai intrase in camera cand a sunat telefonul.

I had walked - Eu ma plimbasem
you had walked - Tu te plimbasesi
He had walked - El se plimbase
she had walked - Ea se plimbase
it had walked - Se plimbase
we had walked - Noi ne plimbasem
you had walked - Voi va plimbasesi
they had walked - Ei se plimbase

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