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= 101 | SHORT CUTS IN MATH ANYONE CAN DO By GORDON ROCKMAKER New York Copyiht © 195 by Gordon Rokmater Libary of Cangas Catalog Card No 65500 exp} Malo ine, Tra 2, Ovi PREFACE 101 Short Cuts in Math Anyone Can Do will unlock the secreis ofthe art of caleulation, Tr will erease your ower of computation and thereby enable you to get more Gut of the mathematics you now Know, You will soon be Simazed at your ability to solve once complex problems ‘ule Mathematics Is perhaps the most important baste sel nee today. Its & powerful atd Indispensable tool in every Biase of science and engineering, ‘The world of business hd rieance could act survive without i. From law and medicine tothe fine art, {rom atomic physics to shopping atthe supermarket, mathematics plays an essential role {our daily lives. ‘Many people never get farther than grade-school mathe- matics simply because they become bogged down inthe tlementary arithmetic operations. For them mathematics {is something mysterioss asd beyond understanding. They read about electronic computers performing complicated Arithmetic operations at speeds measured in microseconds (microsecond is millionth part ofa second) and wonder ‘why its sill Important to know how to perform these Dperations themselves. ‘The reason is obvious. For most people in their offices, shops, classrooms, stores, oF homes, use of such electronic ‘brains is impractical or impossible,’ The simple fact is that engineers and scleatiats have yet to develop a com- puter ae compact and efficient as the haman brain. ‘The short cuts in this book cover the busic arithmetic ‘operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and fivision. ‘They are used with whole numbers, decimals, Rapa cen Rae Bae ar oe PREFACE fractions, mixed numbers, and percentage, Ina word, they range across the whole Stel of ealculation ore is TABLE OF CONTENTS ely to se. in compiling the shortcuts tobe incled n this bok, any authentic ones wore chosen, Ab auhenti abort ca fs one tat wil prodice an arewor quekly and easly With- react ‘ out the necessity of gotng through tne usual intermediate” |——_INTRODUCTION t Stepe, and itis wunly very apeific, By extting through | iheneunaming menial oration a0 ging Chote raight fo the neat ofthe auswer, a tremensousamoust ol needlese wore is aided. SHORT CUTS IN ADDITION , ‘Al computations inthis book are performed from lett to right, This io the first tne thle approach has boon tu bate fie opine epics te tegen Mr ac raue ont es teparre es easel Cope? took uncon evary ter oa hy i SHORT CUTS IN'MULTIPLICATION eee ieee an oa devised, | Perigs he mst impor fuclno hisWook to re bios fo =. Tere seit 10, Matipbine br ¢ 14. Mutpiving by 438. Maltpiing by 8 NUMBERS BEGINNING O8 ENDING IN 1 16. Maley by 21 12, Mulkpying by 12 TR Malesying by 112 18. Maltpying by a Maltipe of 12 20. staying by 21 21, Malkpying by 1 22) Mattpyieg bp 101 2, Malkipying by 1,008 24. Maltipsing by One More Than a Power of 19 28, Multpting by Any Two-Digit Number Eocing ia NUMBERS BEGINNING OR ENDING IN 5 21, Maltipying by 18, 2 aaltilying by 25, 28. maltpying by 82 30. Mulptying » Two-Digit Nomber by 95 3a. Muluptieg by 128 232, Multiplieg Two Two-Digit Numbers When Both dn 8 ad One Tens Dig is Oud While the Other Is Even 238, Maliptyieg Two Two-Digit Numbers When Both od in and Thele Tons Digits Are Eitor Both (or Both Even 14, Mltpivieg Two Two-Digit Numbers Wnose Tess Digits Ave Both & mad Whone Unite Digits Are 236, Multiplyeg Two Two-Digit Numbers Whoce Tens Digits Ate Both 9 sad One Unite bgt ts O38 2, Mulpieg Two Two-Digit Numbers Wnose Tens Digits Ave Beth Sand Whose Unite Digits Aad NUMBERS BEGINNING OR ENDING IN 37, Mutiptyng by 18 38. Muliptyng by 98 239, Mulipting by 998 40; Mulipiieg by # Namber Coesating Only of Nines 41, Maitpiying Two Pro-Digt Numbers Eadng in 8 42, Mating by 4 Pro-Digi Supe of 8 $3, Multpiing ty Any Two-Digt Number Ending in SQUARING NUMBERS 44, Squncing Any Number Being In 1 45. Suacing Any Two-Digit Sumber Ending in 8 6. Suncing Any Number Ending tn 5 (7, Stuarng Any Three Dig Sumber Ending in 25 $5. Stusring Any Foar-Dight Number Ending in 25 AS. squerng Any Two-Digt Number Whose Tens Digit ie 8 0; Shearing Any Number Ending i 9 St, Staring Any Number Constting Only of Nines 42) Suaring Any Two-Digt Number MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS THAT DIFFER [ONLY SLIGHTLY DMultpiying Two Numbers Whose Difference fe 2 Multiping Two Nubers Whose Dilerence fs 3 Multiplying Two Nunders Whove Difference Ie & Multipiyieg Two Numbers Whose Diference Is 6 ‘all Even Number SREEF MORE SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 6. Mitsiying Two Two-Digt Numbers Whose Tens Digs Are tho Eee 8, multiplying Two Two-Digt Numbers Whose Units Digit Are the Same 0, Mulipisng Two Numbers Tast Are Justa Litle 1, Multiplying Two Numbers That Are Justa Lite 2, ang feo Nanbers Tat res ie 3, Malpiyng Two Susbers That Are Justa Lite TW andthe Otter Corresponding Digits Are Equal, ee Chapter 3 SHORT CUTS IN SUBTRACTION 65, Siucaing = Mons fromthe He hs over 5, subtcacting a Number from Any Power 9 19 CChoper 4 SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION DETERMINING A NUMBER'S DIVISORS Diettilty ty 2 Diva oy 3 Divas by & Divs By § Diet 8 Diva by 2 Divablity by © Dives by 8 ively By 1 Divi Wy 3 NUMBERS ENDING IN 5 Tr. Diving 5 1B, Diving bp 1 ‘. Diving by 25 20) Dividing by 128 MORE SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION 22, Divan hy Factors ry Choptr 5 SHORT CUTS WITH FRACTIONS, MIXED NUMBERS, AND PERCENTAGE 3: £9, Adding Two Fractions Whose Numerator Are Bith 1164 EE NRK ite Duterence Between Two Fractions Whose a, Multipying by 27 aausying by 21/2 St, Multiples by 7-1/2 6. Multipiisg wy 12/2 re See Mtoe Same and Whose Fractions Addio1 181 490, aulipipng Tre Mixed Numbers When the Difference ‘Between th Whoke Numbers Is andthe Sum of ft. Souaring a Number Ending 1/2 2, Dividing by 1/2 98. Diving by 1271/2 Dividing by 30-1/3, Finding 1-1/9 of Number Finding £9-1/2 bof « Number Finding 97-1/25 of = Number Finding 62/25 of « Nabe Finding 66-2/35 af « Number Finding 971/24 of a Number Chapter & POSTSCRIPT ns 101, Do-t-Youeset sor Cuts 18 INTRODUCTION CUTTING CORNERS Whether due to curiosity or sheer Inziness, man bas always been experimenting, searching for and stumbling up- ‘nays of making work eabier for himself. That anony~ ‘mous caverian who chipped the corners off a flat rock and Invented the wheel started (his tradition. Most of man's efforts in the past were directed at con- serving oF Increasing his muscle power, but as time went fn some were simed at saving wear and tear on another ital organ: his brain. It followed naturally that his atien= {Yon turned to reducing such laborious tasks as calculating, [WHAT SHORT CUTS ARE Shortcuts in mathematics are ingenious litle tricks in caleulating that can save enormous amounts of time and Ibor ~ not t9 mention paper — in solving otherwise com~ plicated problems. There are ao magical powers connected ‘with these treks: each is based on sound mathematical Principles growing out of the very properties of numbers themselves, ‘The results they produce are absolutely 2c ‘curate and infallible when applied correctly. short-cut methods are by no means of recent origin; they wore known leven to the ancleat Greeks. The supply of stort cuts is un Limited. Many are knows, and many are yet to be ds covered, ‘The 101 short cuts included inthis book have been Selected because they are easy to learn, simple to use, and ‘can be applied tothe widest range of calculating problems. INTRODUCTION PUTTING NUMBERS IN THEIR PLACE ‘The numbers 1,2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 9, Oare called digits. Integers are numbers consisting of ine or more digts- For rample, 72,958 is an integer cansistg of five digit, 7, 2,0, 5, and 8, In practice, the word sumber is applied to ‘any diferene combinations of digits ranging from whole flumbers, to fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. The Word integer, however, applies only to whole numbers, ‘Each digi in 4 number has a name based on its position tn the number. ‘The number system we are accustomed 10 dealing with is based on the number 10. Each number po- sition inthis system is ramed for a power of 10. The po- Sition Immediately tothe left ofthe decimal point of & ‘umber is called the units position, tn the number 1.4 the Gigi I is in the nite position and i called the units digit Infact, any digit that Oceupies that position is called the unite digit. The next postion to the left of the units posi~ ton 1s alied the tens position, and any digit eccupying that ‘space 1s called the tens digit. ta the number 51.4 tho 8 is, the tens digit. Coniinuing to the left, in order, are the hundreds, thousands, en-thousands, hundred- thousands, inllions positions, 2nd 60 on ‘ositions ofthe digits tothe right ofthe decimal Paint also have names similar to those tothe left. The Position Immediately o the right of the decimal polat 1s alle the tenths position. Notice that the same is teuths and not tens. Ts fact, all positions to the right of the deci- ‘al polat end in ths,’ The next position tothe right ofthe tenths postion is the hundredths pesition, then the thou ‘andths position, and, in order, the ten-thousancths, the hhundred-trousandths, the millionts IyTRODUCTION 3 nits ‘Tens Thowetnds Ter a ree ee a Weanaeildee, Remember, the position names never change. The position to the left of the decimal poist is always the units position, the one to the right 1s always the tenths position, no matter What digit occupies the space. jas [noite /eswave ae here I Northen sith In atin to the names of the positions as given above, the letters A,B,C, will Beused in ths book to Relp ex plain the various short-eut methods. Thus, in some short ats the digits will be arranged as given belo ABCDEFGHISKLM B35755 1428039 ‘The leters themselves have no significance beyond helping {deity at locate a particular digit under discussion in the shart cut. For that reason it is important not only to Jeara the various position names but also to gain familiari~ ‘ty withthe letter petation just mentioned. Both will be used frequently taroughout this book. GETTING THE POWT All numbers may be coasidered to have a decimalpoint. ‘The point Is used to separate those numbers that are equal oor greater than 1 from those numbers that are less than 1. “Even if we write & number without a decimal point, it 4 INTRODUCTION {8 understood that there 1s one tothe right ofthe wits digit, For example, we can write seven dollars and forty nine cents a5 S180 Clearly the decimal point separates the dollars figure (Lor tore) trom the cents figure (he part that is less than one dollar), But when we speak of Seven dollars alone we may write it as $7 or $7. or $7.00, These three forms are ex {cily equal. In the first ease the decimal is omitted but nevertheless is understood to be to the right of the 7. Tis Also understood that the only digits that can be placed to the right ofthe decimal point without changing the value of the number are zeros, And as many zeros may be placed to the right ofthe docimal point as we wish. Later inthe Anplleation of many short-cut methods you will se Why ‘this is an important property of decimals. LEARNING 10 TAKE THE SHORT CUT ‘The preceding sections dealt with the language of mathe matics. Before studying any ofthe methods that follox, fake certain that you are thoroughly familiar with the terms that willbe used. When you read about the “hundreds igi,” you must immediately recognize that this refers to {porition a an Integer and not the number 100, Also, never confuse the hundreds digit withthe hundredths digit. ‘Once you have familiarized yourself with the language, the nest step is to develop a routine for learning and mem- bofizing the shortcuts, Maximui efficiency can be achieved ‘nly through constant practice, You will soon discover {hat shortcuts fall ito logiel groups or classifications. Short cuts involving numbers ending in § are an example of such a group. Learn to recognize a problem in terms fof Its group, would be pointless to have to refer to th ‘ook each time you want to apply a short ext. INTRODUCTION, 5 ‘TAKING THE SHORT CUT FROM LEFT TO RIGHT Moat of us were taught the arithmetic operations of multiplication, addition, and subtraction from right to let We alwaye started from the units digit and worked to the Teft. After we gor our antwer, we reversed the number in ‘out ilnd and read it from left to right. Not only was the process awlward, bot the mental gymnastics wasted time, ‘Take this simple example: 36447 ‘The product was obtained in the following order: 45,2 ‘Then to read the answer, it became 2,548 Why cannot answers be obtained in thelr natural reading order? There leno reason at all why we cannot solve prob- lems just a5 easi1y from left to right as we do from right tw let Tr this book all work will be performed in the natural order in which we weite and read numbers — [rom lelt to ight. laltially this methed may seem strange; but once mastered, its advantages will become evideat and the time~ Saving ease with which it can be usod will prove its worth In is book, the term “frst digit” refers to the handmost digit FOUR TO GO Here are a fow hints to get you started on the right foot st, read and reread the Rules as many times as nec cestary (xt least twice) vail a general idea of the short-cut ‘method is established In your thought, Keep in mind that 6 INTRODUCTION you are studying and not reading a novel. Tey to follow the method in general terms without thisking of specific ‘numbers at this stage. Neat, follow the sample problems carefully, step by step. Do not skip steps just because you feel they involve some trivial operation, such as adding 1. After you have read the sample probiom a few times, try to do the same prob- Jom yourself, writing the numbers a5 you go along. Do not refer tothe book at this point, If you don't get all the steps correct, go tack over them again.” You may have to re- ead the Fale, Finally, when you are completely satisfied thatyou have mastered the short cut, ty the Practice Exercises. The answers shoula be written directly In the space provided. ‘Try doing intermediate steps mental. Very soon yout find that you ean solve most problems without paper and pencil Remember, systematic study and concentration on what xyosiare doing are vital to the mastery ofeach of the 101 short cuts in mathematics, Chaser 1 SHORT CUTS IN ADDITION ‘Addition 1s probably the first arithmetic operation most ‘of us learned after we found out what numbers were, Do ‘you remember the admonition, never to add dissimilar ob jects? "One must not add 2 oranges to 2 apples (unless one ‘were making fruit salad), Dilferent methods of adding were “urually ugh! to help speed the process, However, strictly ‘Speaking, thereare no shortcuts to adding Fandom groups ‘of umbers. No matter what method of addition Is used, fventually they all require adding digit by digit until the final sum is obtained. Ti adding regular sequences of numbers, short cuts are possible. ‘These sequences can he groupe of conseeutive rnambers, series of numbers that eifer by some constant Amount, br series of numbers where each term differs {rom the preceding term by some common ratio. An ex- ample of the first group would be the numbers 13, 14,78, 16, 7, 18,79, 0, 6 ‘This 19 a series of consecutive numbers from 78 to 81. An ‘ample ofthe second series would be the numbers 5, 12, 19, 26, 99 In this series each number is always 7 more than the pre= ‘ceding number, An example of the third group would be the series 1, 21, 63, 180, 567 Here each number is 3 times more than the preceding number, SHORT CUTS IN ADDITION In each case, of course, the sum of the terms in the series ean be found by simply adding digit by digit, bat briefer, less laborious ways of finding these sums are pre- nted in the short este that follow. 1 ADDING CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS Tale: Ada the smallest aumber in the group to the largest number inthe group, multiply the ult by the amount of sumbers in the group, and divide the resulting product by 2. ‘Suppase we want to find the sum ofall numbers {rom 3 to di. Fine, add the smallest number to the largest umber. m+ 4 Since there are nine numbers {rom 83 to 41, the nest step 14 0 = 666 (see Short Cut 15) Finally, divide tne result by 2. 666 + 2 = 333 Ansuer ‘The sum ofall mumbers {rom 38 to 41 Is therefore 833, 2 ADDING CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS STARTING FROM 1 Consider the problem cf adding a group of consective numbers such as: 1,2, 8 4, 5, 6,7, 8, and 5, How would you go about finding their sum? "This group is certainly ‘easy enough to add the usual way. Bat if you're really Clever you might notice thatthe first mimber, 1, added to the last number, 9, totals 10 and the second number, 2, plus the next to last number, 5, algo totals 10. Infact, starting from both ends and adding pairs, the total in each case is 10, We find there are foar pairs, each adding to 10; there 4s no pur for the number 5. This 4x10 = 40; 40+ 5 = 48._ Going step further, we ean develop « method for finding the sum of as maby aumbers ina row a8 we please, Tiler Multiply te amount of aumbers in the group by one more than their number, and divide by 2. 4s an example, suppose we are asked (o find the sum of all the numbers from 1 to 99, There are 99 integers in this sertes; one more than this 18 100, Thus 99 x 100 9,800 9,900 + 2 = 4,850 Answer ‘The sum of all numbers from 1 to 99 is therefore 4,950, 10 3 FINDING THE SUM OF ALL ODD NUMBERS STARTING FROM 1 Rule: Syeare the amount of wambers lathe Series ‘To show this, the sum of all numbers from 1 to 100 will be caleulated. ‘There are 80 dd numbers ia this group. ‘Therelore 90 x 50 = 2500 Ansuer ‘This is the sum of all oad numbers {rom 1 to 100. AB a ceeck, we can compare tis answer withthe answers found fin Short Cate 2 and 4. 4 FINDING THE SUM OF ALL EVEN NUMBERS STARTING FROM 2 ‘Rule: Multiply the amoun! of mumbers in the group by one more than thetr aumber We shall use this rule to find the sum ofall even num- bers from 1 to 100. Half of the numbers will be even and half will be od, which means there are 50 even numbers from I to 100. "Applying the rule, 50 x51 = 2,550 Thus the sum of all even numbers from 1 to 100 is 2,550 In Short Cut 2 the sum ofall the numbers from 1 to 89 Is ‘ound to be 4,980; consequently the sum ofall numbers trom to 100 ie 6,050. Th Short Cut the sum ofall cad wutbers ‘rom 1 to 100 is found to be 2,900. Our answer for the Sum ‘of all the even numbers {rom 1 to 100 is therefore in agree sum of Sum of Sum of allnumbers all odd numbers all even numbers 5050 - 2800 = 2880 8 ADDING A SERIES OF NUMBERS WITH 4 ‘COMMON DIFFERENCE Sometimes it is necessary to add a group of numbers that have a common difference, No matter what the com mon dilference is and ao matter how many aumbers are be- {ng added, only one additicn, multiplication, and division Will be necessary to obtaia the answer. Tule: Add the smallest number tote largest number, ‘ltiply the sum by the amount of numbers in the group, and divige by 2. ‘As an example, let us find the sum of the following numbers: 7, 91,95, 98, and 108 Notice thatthe difference between adjacent numbers is always 4. This short-cut method can therefore be used. ‘Add the smallest number, 87, to the largest number, 108. ‘Maltiply the sum, 190, by 5, Since there are five numbers nthe group. 190 X 8 = 950 (Short Cut 11) Divide by 2 to obtain the answer 950 + 2 = 475 Ausuer Thus 87 + 91 + 95 + 99 + 103 = 475 (Naturally this 4s exactly the same as the rule in Short ‘Cut 1, because there we were simply adding a series of numbers with a common diference of one. So, for ease of Femembering, you can combine Short Cuts 1 and 5,) rr ee oe ee eo i ee ee Peete et ee, ee em ett SHORT CUTS IN ADDITION 15 Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 1 through 6 6 Find the sum in each ease, ADDING A SERIES OF NUMBERS HAVING A 4) All od numbers from 1 t0 23 = CoMmatox RATIO [ Rule: snuitpiy the ratio by itself ax many times as] there are numbers in the series, Subiract 1 from the product and multiply by the first number in the sertes. Divide the result by tne loss than the ratio, 2) 946412 264 484 96 3) |AUL numbers trom to 108 ‘This rule is best applied when the common ratio is a ‘ small number or whea there are few cumbers in the series. there are maay numbers andthe ratio is large, the ne- cessity of maltiplying the ratio by itself many times d= 5 Iinisbes the ease with which this short cut can be applied. But suppese we are given the series 56 + 504.62 65 - 2126216 = 88, 106, 212, 428 6) 144156164174 186194 20421 « Here each torm is twice the preceding term, and there are {our terms in the series. The ratio, 2, is therefore mulli< 1) All numbers trom 1 to 1,000 plied four times, 2x2K2x2=16 ‘Subtract 1 and multiply by the first number. 16-1 = 15; 18x 53 = 7095 Ghort Cut 27) ‘The next step is to divide by one loss than the ratio; how fever, since the ratio is 2, we need divide only by 1, prenaiat eee tar 10) 197+ 196+ 190+ 200 + 201 + 202 + 209 = SB + 106 + 212 + 426» 795 Answer All even numbers from 1 to 60 = 9) 192197 + 1424 147 = CChepter 2 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Multiplication is self @ short-cut process. For ex ample, a problem in repeated addition, Be3+909+9+9+9= 0 4s quickly recognized as nothing more than ax3-0 ‘Thus shorthaad notation led us directly tothe answer, eliminating the necessity of six additions along the way For most of us, the multiplication table, drummed into cur miads early ia our mathematical training, provided the Felerence source for obtaining the answer. But, happily, proficiency in multiplication does not depend oa memoriz~ Ing tables. The short-cut methods described in this sec~ Hon eniplcy addition, subtraction, division, and, of course, elementary multiplication. But if you can ad two numbers ‘quickly and halve or double a number with ease, you should fave no trouble at all THE piGiTs ‘The basic calculating unit 18 the digit. When two num- ers are maltiplied, every combination oftheir individual figs is multiplied, and by correctly adding the results (with proper regard to thelr position) the product ofthe two numbers ts abealned " 8 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Consider the following example: 432 678 ‘The nine possible combinations of digits of the two numbers 4x6 9x6 2x8 4x KG BKT 4x8 3x8 2x8 By arranging the products according to number position, ‘we can obtain the product desired. 24 16 12 2112 28 21 14 2034 32 a4 16 1.356 2112-2034 «1356 292,896 492 678 - 292, 895 Answer ‘Thus, by memorizing only the maitiplication tables forall digits trom 1 to 8 we are able to multiply one number by another, regardless of how many digits each of them con ‘But memorizing the eighty-one products inthe multplt~ cation table is not esseatial for multiplying by the digits, ‘The methods for multiplying by the digits described tn this Section involve only addition, subtraction, and doubling or halving. ‘The rules are given in detail intentionally. For some digits, the rule may appear unusually long. ‘This is only because the prosentation must consider all exigencies. Don't be discouraged by what Seems like complicated SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 19 ‘way of multiplying a simple digit. ter the second or third Teading of the rule a pattern will emerge and the process Will become a mere routine ‘A rule for multiplication by 1 has boen omitted, since the product obtained by multiplying any number by 116 the orig {nal number. eA MULTIPLYING BY NUMBERS ENDING IN ZEROS Numbers ending in zeros may be thought ofa the prod- uot af the nonzero part multiplied by a power uf 10, For example, 7,000 is really 37 1,000, Since multiplying by zero restlts in zero, malipying by numbers enlog ia eros maybe shortened by inating the ters andthe a xing the required amount after the nonzero part has een multiplied. ae Rule; Multiply he two mambers as W they did nol ead] lm zeros. Then affix an amount of zeros equal to the sum of all the zeros ignored in the mul tpliation, Asslmple case will be chosen, Let us find the predict of 37,000 » 6,000,000, By sgnoring the zeros, we have mxe Using Short Cut 12, we find 37. 6 = 222. A total of nine eros was ignored bofore the multiplication; therefore nine eros are alized to the product, 222,000, 000,000 Answer 20 MULTIPLYING BY 2 Multiplying by 2 is another way of saying we are doubl~ saga number or simply that we are adding a number to it- Scie, Doubling a number may be accomplished quickly ‘Eitnout carrying by appying the following simple rule. Pale: Starting from the frst digit a the given nam ber, double the digit itis 4 or less and put the anower under the respective digits of the fiven number, For digits 6 to 9, subtract 5 find double the result. Place tho answer un- Ger the respective digits ofthe given aum- ber. Now inspect the tentative answer. Each Gigi ofthe answer tothe immediate Let of ft digit in the given namber 8 or greater Should be increased by 1, The result is the final answer. ‘At fret reading, this rule may sound more complicated ‘than simply adding digit by digit. The beauty ofthis short~ feu methed 1s, however, (hat the answer is obtained im= ‘mediately trom left to right and we are never bothered by having to remember to carry over any digits, As an ex- Ample, suppose we were acked to multiply 5,377 by 2. First let us write the given number, using our alphabetic identi- eation ABcD Ba77 Startiog from A, double each number less than § (but not ‘equal 108) ifthe number is grenter than 5, subtract 5 ‘rom it and double the result, placing a small line under ‘24h digit ofthe answer that isto the Immediate left of a ii 2 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 2 __suorr curs m muumipticarion digit in the given number that 1s 5 or more, ‘The reason for this small line willbe explained shortly. Trout given number, the first digit 185; subtract 5 from this and double the rest 5-5-0 040-0 Place O under the and a small Line under the space to the left ofthe 0 (since there is no number in that space), Our first result will lok like this: ABeD baat Given number 0 ‘Tentative answer after first step ‘The nest digit fs Less than 5, so we merely double It, and (our answer begins to look Like this now: ABCD B317 Given number _o8 Tentative anewer after Second step ‘The C digit 1 a 7; subtract § from this and double the result. T-Sem 24a—4 This isthe C digit ofthe anawer; but remember, & small Hine must be placed under the next digit tothe left in the answer (the 6). We have now come tis far in our answer: Abep saat Given number 086 Tentative answer after third step Finally, the D digit is more than §, so once again we ob- fin 4 and place a small line under the previous 4 im the fnswer. Our answer now looks like thisr = show CUTS 06 MULTIPLICATION 2 ABeD sat ven number Testtie answer ater es fourth step. ach underlined digit is increased by 1 to obtain the fal 10,754 Answer MULTIPLYING ay 3 [Pate ist enaive dig of te answer a ob {ined by taking one-half the first digit of the iven number. ‘Next, in turn, each digt of the given num- ber is subtracted from 9, the result doubled, then ade to one-half the digit tothe night in the glven number to obtain exch digit of the answer. Ifthe original digit inthe given ‘umber is odd, add an extra 3. Ignore Sey fraction that occurs when taklag one-hall = | ond the wats dg of the answer, sab- tuact the units digit of the given number frum 10 and double the result. Add an extra 5 If the units digit of the given numer Is od In each ofthe steps above, record only the units digit in the answer. Any tens digt should be carried and added fo the answer Aigit immediately to te left. ‘To obtain the final answer {rom the tenta~ live answer digits obtained above, subtract 2 Srom the test digit recorded, Naturally, when multiplying @ small number by 3 the ng” Way Would probably be ax quick, though mayte nt as simple to use; but when long aumbers are multiplied, the short cut explained above is an excellent time and Labor For example: 4,895,117 * 3, ‘One-half of 4 is the test tentative digit. we 2 =~ “enORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 2 ena ME pecaatng Ate Sextet of he anaes found by ert Pong tne result, aad aang oneal he dg the arose ace fie evan the ational 3 Isso a B-425 SX 2- 1; 104 1-13 ‘Record the 3, carry the 1, and add it to the 2 previously rion othe ‘nest digit in the given number ts 6, 9-6-8 3x2= 6 6+ He 7 (ne fraction jis ignored.) The next digit inthe given mumoer Is 3. 9-8-6 Ox2=1% 12+ 46)-14 wes 19 eae BS wus added cane’ sok) ocord the {het tothe let The four dg ef ald inte aaee Continue withthe other digits of the given number. D-5-4 4x2- 8 Beis 8 o+5=13 Record the 8; carry the 1 tothe let O-1-8 ax2-16; 16+ in)=16 16+5=a1 Record the 1; carry 2. P-1=8 ex2=15 16+ im=19 1925-24 Record 4; carry 2. ‘The units digit is nex W-r=3 sx2- 6 845 ip 26 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Record 1; carry 1. The digits obtained are 33,005,051, ‘The tinal step involves subtracting 2 from the first 25,905,352 Answer 10 MULTIPLYING 8Y 4 Fale The first tentative digit of the answer willbe one-half the first digit ofthe given number. nore any fraction in this and other steps. The Giher answer digits are found by subtracting (ach of the digits ofthe given aumber from 9 find adding one-ball the digit tothe right. IE {he digit ofthe givea number is odd, add an fetta 5. To find the uaits digit ofthe answer, sub- tract the units digit ofthe given number from Yo, Add 6 ifthe units digit of the given num- ber is odd. To obtain the final answer, sub- tract | from the first agit recorded. in eachof the cares, above, f the result of cone of the steps (sa two-digit number, re- (cord the unite digit and carry any tone digit left tothe preceding answer digit Bs an cample: Multiply 97,488,108 by & ‘The frat tentative digit is one-half the first digit of the ven number, 5. 40) = Agnore the traction.) Th each of the nex steps, subtract the digit of the given number from 8, add oue-halt the digit to the right, and add S more if the digit in the given number is oad. B-3=6 6+ De s= 14 (ere 5 is added because 31s ot.) ‘Record the 4 and add I to the I previously determined, n 26 SHORT CUTS IV MUL, LICATION ‘The next digit lathe given number is 7 O-T22 24 daes= 9 (Again, 51s added because 7 is odd.) Continue in tara with 4,8, 5,1, and 0, 9-425 5+ Mao B-e-1; 14 4m)-9 o-5 ar iass= 9 o-1 B+ 0) + 8-19 Record 3; carry I tothe left 9-088 9+ yo) -13 (The aero is considered eves.) Record 3; carry 1 forward. ‘We have nov reached the units digit of the given number, To obtain the units digit of the answer, subtract the units digit of the given number {rom 10.” Add, since itis odd 0-9-4; We have now obtained the following tentative answer: 240,040,496 The final answer 1s obtained by subtracting 1 from the first digit, 2 145-6 149,940,486 Answer MULTIPLYING BY 5 ‘when any digit ‘= multiplied by 5, the units digit of the product is always elther $ or Oand the tens digit is always [ual to one-hal! the given digit lignoring the fraction). ‘This interesting property of 5 leads us tothe first of wo Ghort-cut methods for multiplying by 8. ‘Burst Method Fle The firs digit of the answer is equal to one ball the first digit ofthe given number. Each ‘succeeding answer digit is equal to 5, ifthe corresponding digit in the given aumber is tad of 0, i the corresponding digit inthe faven number Is evea; plus one-half of the tigi to the right in the given aumber. The units digit of tae answer is 8, ifthe given num- ber Is ode; and 0, ifthe given number is even. Ignore any fraction resulting from the halving process, Secona Methos Tule: Move the decimal point of the given number fone place tothe right and divide the resulting number by 2 Although the second method seems simpler a first reading, both methods are equally easy to employ and beth ‘will find applications, depending on the problem. Usually for small even numbers, the second method would protably De used more often. However, bots methods will be dem= onstrated, using the same piven number. 2 = 30 SHORT GUTS IN MULTIPLICATION, Matiply 78,499 by 5. ABCDEF raaae Given number First Method. ‘The first digit ofthe product (he A digit) II be equal to one-half of 7 Ggnoring the !), a First digit of product ‘Since the B digit ofthe given number is of, the B digit of ‘the product will be 5 plus one-half the C digit of the gives number (S + 4 » 8). The C digit ofthe given number is even, #0 that the C digit of the product will be O plus one= half the D digit (0 + 2 = 2). The D digt of the preduct is O's 1= 1. The E digit of the productis 8+ 4~ 8, The F digit of the product is the wits digit inthis cage, and since the unis digit of the given number is odd, the units digit ofthe product will be 8. The final produc ie ABCDEF 392195 Answer Second Method. Move the dovimal pot ofthe given num ber oae place to the rignt. 18,439. 0 becomes 784,290, Divide the new number by 2 78439042 = 392,195 Answer ‘The same result was obtained withthe first method 12 MULTIPLYING BY 6 Tule: The first dig of the answor is one-half the fiest digit of the given number. "The other answer digits are obtained by adding each of the digits of the given num- Der to one-half the digit to its right. An fea 8 ia added ifthe given digit Is odd ignore aay fraction (hat cecurs when haly- ing a number. "rhe units digit ofthe answer is the units digit of the given number, if even. Todd, fd § tothe units digit of the given number to ottain the units digit of the answer. In each case, i the result le a two-digit number, record only the units digit. Carry ty tens digit left and add it tothe pre= ceading answer dist ‘This short eut may seem like a roundabout way to mul~ tiply by 6, but the opposite is actually true. Tn fact, the Deauty of this method is the simplicity and ease vith which ‘Ananswer may be written directly. You vill soon find yourself able to multiply any number by 6, using only a Title quick mental addition without bothering to write any intermediate steps. ‘As an example ofthe procedure, we shall multiply T14,098 x 6 “The first digit (tentatively) will be one-half of 7, of 3 (nsglecting the 4 of course). The answer digits that follow ‘will depend on whether the corresponding digits inthe Biven number are odd or even. Since the frst digit is odd, 3 = 2 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION ‘add 5 and one-half the next digit tothe right 148+ H=T+8 40-12 (Remember, $1 ignored.) Record the units digit 2 and ‘carry the tens digit tothe left to be added tothe 3 previ- fusly written, The first two answer digits are 42 ‘The nest digit ofthe given number is 1, which is also od 1+544@=1+5e2-8 Record the 8 and move on tothe next digit inthe given num- ber, 4. Slace this Is even, merely add to it one-half the next digit tothe right in the given number. 4+ hO=4 Record this tn the answer. ‘Thus fer we have determined the following digits inthe answer; 4204 “The newt digit 18 0 whichis considered even), Therefore, Add one-half the next digit tothe right. 0+ 418) © 4 (ignoring 4) The next digit is 9, whieh is od. 058s 1@) Record the 6 in the answer and carey the tens digit, 1, lett to bo added tothe preceding digit, 4. The units digit of the tiven number is aex; since it Is even, i i also the unite digit ofthe answer. “The product Is therefore D+ 564-18 4,284,588 Answer MULTIPLYING BY 7 =e ra tontatve igh ofthe anne 16 OBe 2 hall the first digit of the given number. “hue ret of te answer digs are ones vy dialing the git ofthe given number aad isin one-tatthe digit toler igh. Ada an fxn if the given dg 6 of, The ants Sti af the answer is twice the sven unis 2S. a Ste given units it i ot statre any traction hat may occur. Record ‘Eiythe unite gt in each case. Any tone Gian abou be carried and aed te the SENS Siptetnmeciately toe le Example: 97,841 * 7. ‘The fret digit is one-hal! 9. ed (Ignore the fraction.) Next, in turn, double each digit of the given number, add one-balf the digit tothe right, and ‘ddan extra 5 ifthe given digit is odd. Ox2-15 18+ {= Me 5-26 ‘Record § and add 2 to the preceding answer digit, 4. TX2-1 144 1@)e 1B 145 = 23 Record 3; carry 2 to the left. Ox2-16, 16+ 31) Record 8; carry 1. axa Ge Me 8 3 - “ SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION ‘Finally, the unite digit of the answer is determined. 1x202 26527 ‘The dipite obtained are 684,887 Answer 4 MULTIPLYING BY 8 ale: Write the frst digit ofthe given number a8 the IHrat tentative digit of the answer. The next Answer digit is obtained by subtracting the first digit of the given number from 8, doubling the fesult, and adding the second digit ofthe given umber, Continue the process by subtracting {ach agit of the given number from 9, doubling {he result, and adding the next digit to its right To obtain the unite digit ofthe answer, simply nteract the unite digit ofthe given number from 10 and double the result. In each of the Steps above, record only the units digit ofthe Som any tens digit should be carried and added to the preceding atewer digit. To obtnn the final answer, subtract 2 from the first digit obtained. ‘Atypical example is sufficient to show how this short cet works. Brampie: 979,146 X 8. First, write the 3 26 the tentative first digit of the answer.’ Nex subtract $ from ®, double the result, and the next digit tots right, 7. O-926, 6x2-1% W+T=19 Record the 8, carry the 1, and add it to the 3 previously Fecorded. The fret tro tentative digits of the answer are 49 Proceed withthe next digit, 7. S-T2% 2x22 4 3s # SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Record the 3, carry the 1, and add st to the previously de— termined 9. at 9 + 1'="10. Therefore record the 0 and carry the Lanother digit to the left, adding i the 4. The first three digits are now soa ‘Continue this procedure. 9-9-0 OX2= & O+101 Record 1. O-1=6 Gx2-1% 1644-20 Record 0 and add the 2 tothe 1 preceding. The answer ‘gis obtained to this point are 50380 Continue withthe process, O-4=5 Sx201G + 6-16 Rocord the 6; carry the 1. The next digit isthe unite dig fof the given number. Subiract this trom 10 and double the result. Record the result as the waite digit of the answer. 10-5 axae 8 ‘The tentative answor to the problem ls 5,033,168 ‘To obtain the final answer, we must subtract 2 from the first dig, 5. 3 033,168 Answer . 7 1s MULTIPLYING BY 8 eewrararcncraneaan cerca era foie eee onan cee ee ararmco oe cere tania s Fecord the unite digit and carry the tens digit to the preceding answer digit ji ‘Multiply 7,149 by 8. ‘The frat digit of the given number minus 1 isthe frst digit ofthe answer. 1-128 second digit ofthe anuwer i 9 minus the rt di Gres pven manor pus the second gt of the ven ube. Qetem dete d We now have the fiat two digits ofthe answer fat least testatvaly ‘3 ‘To obtain the third digit of the answer, subtract the second ‘igi of the given number {rom 8 and ada the result to the third aigt of the given number. O-1-% arse ” -~_ au SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Here the result isa two-digit umber. The units digit 1s Fecorded as part ofthe answer, and the tens digit le-car- Ted and adled to the 3 previously determined. ‘The frst three digits of te answer are sow or ‘The tons digit and the units digit of the given number are wed to obtain the tens digit ofthe anower. 8-425 Soe ‘Record the , carry the 1, and add i to the 2 previously de- termined. The units digit of the answer lo merely 10 rina ‘the units igt of the given number, 10-9=1 ‘The product is therefore 74149 x 9 = 64,361 Answer 7 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 7 through 15 1) nan x 5 = 2) 8300 » 2,000,000 = 3) 7914 * 6 = 4) 6m x9 - 5) 1,396 «7 = 6) 51,007 2 = 1) 6,05 x 6 = Baga = 9) 12,760,198 «4 = 10) 1416 x 6 11) 436 «5 = 12) a1078 «a> 19) 613,267 <7 + 14) 44,000. 6 1s) 1,015 * 8 NUMBERS BEGINNING OR ENDING INT ne MULTIPLYING BY 11 en given number i muipe y the pred 4s the same given number. ‘This unique property of Lis luted to good advantage in numerous shortcuts. When a multiplier containing 1 is used, somewhere in the answer } is the number being multiplied. This fact forms the basis Of many ofthe short cuts that follow. “The first digit of the given number isthe frst digit ofthe answer, Add the first digit to the Second digit of the given number to obtain the Second digit of the answer. Next add the Second digit of the given number tothe third Aigt of the given number to obtain the third git ef the answer. Continue adding adjacent (digits until the tens digit ofthe given number {stadded fo the unite digit ofthe given number to obtain the tens aight of the answer. The nite digit ofthe answer Will be the sits digit Of ite given number. Ir any of the sums are wovdigit numbers, record only the units digit fd add the tens digit tothe preceding answer digit. Tivo Gages wll beat chow how fo we his shor eu Basnpie Rest Maly 1,29 by 1 ‘Pe hos ait of he atever wl be 6 the est digit of he given sur. Tho send digit of he anwer wil hte Som ole rat ant soon pts o he ven (BESET SS centinning trom nf ori tne sum of Aifice igs in ne given’ number ml predce digs of {ietnvers The rests shown Yow: ENS Nios) ogee 40 “ 2 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Inthe example above, each sum was Less tian 10, But what would happen ifthe sum was 10 or more? Example No. 2: Multiply 67,298 by 11. ‘The Gis the tentative first digit, The second digit is the sum of 6 and 7, or 13, Here the sum is greater than 10. ‘The 3 becomes the tentative second digit of the answer, but the 1 le carriod Loft and added tothe frst digit. 6+iet ‘This is the new first digit of the answer. The third dit of the answer is found by adding the second digit of the given hnumber to the thind digit, 7+ 2 = 8. The nex digit in the answer is 2+ 9~ 11, Again the units digit becomes part ff the answer, and the tena digit lo carried left to the pre~ ously determined answer digit. Oe 1-10. ‘The 0 18 the new third digit of the answer, and the 1 is carried sil forther left to the second digit, 3 + 1 ‘This is the new second agit. Continue inthis fashion until ‘il adjacent digits have been added, ‘The final digit inthe ‘newer is 5. This process is shown pictorialy thus OOO det | | Z| Given number v7 MULTIPLYING BY 12 Fale: Precede the given number with a zero. Btart= Ing rom this vero, double each digit and add twit the next digit to its right. Record the Summ, When the units digit ofthe given number Is reached, simply double it and record the ‘sum. In each step, if the doubling process Pesults in 4 two-digit number, record enly the “nite digit and add the tens digit to the pre ceding answer digit “This simple short eat is particularly handy when we want to project some monthly event over the entire year. Suppose we are asked to find the total rent paid during the Ser irene monthly rental ix $132.60, To do this we mul~ pry the monthly zental by 12. Our problem then becomes $132.50 x12 First, place a zer0in front ofthe number. 0192.50 Next, double each digit and add to it the digit to the right. ‘Addlag {to.D gives the first digit ofthe answer, 1. Adding fice 1 (the second digit ofthe given number) to 3 (ts teightor to tho right) gives the second diet of the answer, 5. Continuing ia this manser, we obtain the answer, 0 132.50 Given aumber $1,590.00 Answer Notice that in doubling the 5 in the given number the re ‘ult was 10. The O was recorded and the 1 was adéed to the receding diet. The preceding digit, however, was a 9 ‘hich vive increased by 1 bocame 10. Again the O was “a = “4 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION ‘recorded and the 1 again carried another step to the Left, This time it incroased tho previously determinod 8 toa 8. ‘Until the 5 was doubled, the answer digits were 1, ke ‘MULTIPLYING BY 111 Fille” Imagine a naraber whose digits are ABCDEFGHISKLM ‘The first digit of the answer will be A. The Second digit will be A+ B. ‘The third digit will be A+ BC, The fourth digit will be B+ C+D. ‘The litt digit will be C ++ E. This procedure {f followed, adding three adjacent digits to ether, until the final three digits are reached. ‘Tho hundreds digit of the answer will be K+ LiM, The tens digit ofthe answer will be L1ML. The units digit of the answer will always te the units digit of the given number, im this Uhses ats Romomber that whenover the sum 1s ‘two-digit number, the unts digit is the answer Portion and the tens digit is added to the pre Toting answer digit. Thus, ¢1+ J + Kis atwo- Aipit aumber, the tons digit will be added to the sum of H+ 1+ d previously determined Follow the next example step by step. 659,645 x111 “Tho first digit ofthe answer will be the first digt of the ‘given number, 6, The second digit of the answer is 6.s=1 ‘Write the 1 and carry the tens digit (also 1) left. Lt The neve digits Or8e8 20 « 6 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION ‘Write the O and carry the 2 let. Le2=3 | 9 ‘The thre digits we have found thus far are 30 ’ Now begin adding the digits ofthe given number sn groups gqytPLYING BY A MULTIPLE OF 11 of three, ‘ Bs 048 = 22 Fale; Malipy bythe units digit ofthe multiple of 17 Write 2 carey 2, : {ising the appropriate short ex). Then multi- eeede nt % py by 11 Short Cut 16). Write fy eazy 2, Continue this process untl the last three digits, 845, are reached. ‘Alou the began wih wualy aly he short ct Weir e It sn two separate operations, a8 he becomes m iit be otésined in only one opera oe te a ano to sn below is in two distinct steps, Write; earey 1, tion, The explanation ince this presentation is easter to follow. 4e500 ‘ltipy 88,788 by 68. Write &; no carry. Here we are multiplying ty the sixth multiple of 11, ‘The final digit of the answer willbe the units digit of since 6s ll'= 66, First, apply Short Cut 12 for multiplying the piven number, 5. Gy 8s Next, multiply the result by 1, using Short Cut 1 Ih pictorial form, the eatire example looks lke this: : } 5 | | : 6% 84,756 = 908,898 659,045 11 508,536 ‘Therefore 84,756 66 = 5,993,896 Answer 588,898 GS 6519 $1068 D1 Beds Aes 1 abo a as ” 20 MULTIPLYING BY 21 Ruler The first digit Gr digits) of te answer will be twice the first digit ofthe given number. ‘The ‘econd digit of the answer Will be the first digit of the given namber plus twice the second digit of the given number. The thied digit of the answer will be tne second digit ofthe given umber plus twice the third digit of tho given umber. Continue the process until the tens. {igi ofthe given number is added to twice the Units digt of the given number. This sum Is, the tens aigit of the answer. The units digit bf the answer isthe units digit of the given umber. Whenever a sum is a two-digit aum~ ber, record its units digit and add the tens Aig to the preceding answer digit This rule is vory much like the one for multiplying by 11, Infact, since 21 is the sum of 11 and 10, t does be- long to the same family of short cute. ‘AS an example, we shall multiply $,992 by 21. ‘The fret digits of the answer willbe equal to twice the lupst digit ofthe given number 3x2=10 Next, add the first digit of the given number, 5, to twice the second digit, 3. 5+ Qa) = 1 ‘The units digit becomes the next answer digit, andthe tens digit is added to the 10 previously determined. ‘The first three digits upto this point are 1a SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Mm _ghe nest digit is obtained by adding 3 to srice 9. 3+ @x9=2 record the 1 and carry the 2 tote lett Gigs of the answer are now tis sa igo he answer Is ctained by ding the fo Ban er eo ert vce the ans go he Sree masa pe anna acon the 3 carry the 10 the lef The uit digit of the Reser ee ante digo the even amber fe protect terelore 1,998 © 21» 11,238 Answer ‘The first four a MULTIPLYING BY 121 ule: Multiply the given number by 11, using Short] (Cut 16. Multiply the product obtained by 11 ‘The ease with which Short Cut 16 can be used permite leven a two-step method such as this to be applied with rapidity, When used with small numbers, say, ta" OF ‘three-digit mumbers, the numbers obtained in the first ‘step may be retained in the mind and the second step performed by writing the answer immediately. In the ‘sample problem, the two steps will be shown. ‘Multiply 6,581 by 121. ‘Maltiply the given number by 11, using Short Cut 16, 8,501 x11 = 04,501, -Maitipty the result by 11. 94,501 % 11 = 1,099,511 Answer 50 again. | 22 MULTIPLYING BY 101 Talay Fist write he eat wo digi atte aren | itor ae tne fret two annwer agit. Then, ein rom the third gio he given a= Ser a each of the digit of he given sam Sern turn ding the third digi to te fest ht, the fart gt to the second gt and on hon the lst git ofthe original aber ts Fenced, ceatinse wring theo thang digit ofthe given omer For example: 164,759 x 101. ‘The first two answer digits are 16 Starting from the thind digit, 4, addin ten the digits of the given number, 1-6-4-7-5-9- Lede OFTHIS 4e52H 168 ‘The 9 is the last digit of the original given number, There- iter merely record the balance of the digits of the given ‘bember not added: in thia care, 6 and 9. Naturally, in the Aditions performed above, the units digit is recorded as the answer digit; any tens digt is added tothe preceding answer ditt “Therefore 164,759 * 101 6 16,640,659 Answer st 23 MULTIPLYING BY 1,001 ler Firat write th frat threo digits othe ven ‘umber as the firt three answer digits, Then, | tasting trom the fourth gt of the given nun ber, add each of the digits ofthe given number in tan, acting the fourth digit to the first git, the fith digi fo the seccad dg, and 30 on Whea the last digit of the origina given tm ber is reached, contioue writing the remain digits ofthe given number a For example: 28,101 * 1,001, ‘Tho first three answer digits are 2ar ‘Starting from the fourth digit ofthe given autber, 0, the digs of te given number In fata ie 24022 947-10 ‘The 7 is the last digit ofthe origina given number; there- fore the digits ofthe givea number not yet added 1, 0, and 7, are merely written as the answer digits y Whenever a sum is greater tan 8, record the units digit amd add the tens digit to the preceding answer digit 25,107 % 1,001 + 25,190,107 Answer 24 MULTIPLYING BY ONE MORE THAN A POWER OF 10 Fale: Weite as many digits of the given asm there are digits inthe multiplier less ove ‘Then, starting from the dgit whose place 18 qual t the momber of digits inthe multiplier, fi, digit by agit, the given number to the original given nussber. “What this rule means is that ifthe multiplier has sevea digits, the addition should start from the seventh digit. The fist igit of the glven aumber isto be added tothe serenth Gigi ofthe given number, the second digit added to the fighth, and So on. Naturally, the frst ix digits of the SEtwer wil be the same as the fit six digits ofthe given fpumber unless they are changed by some digit that ix ‘carried forward, or example: 66,809,542 * 100,001 ‘There are six digits in the multiplier; therefore write the first five digits of the given number a8 the first five fansver digits. Starting at the siath digit ofthe given num~ Der, ad the digits of the given number G+54 1; 844210 B+ 2H 10 ‘The balance of the digits not added are merely written 25 {dren in the original number. When the sums are two~ figit numbers, record the uaits digit as part of the answer fn add the tens digit to the precoding answer digit. Thus, Inthe three sums shown above, is recorded asd 1 Is car~ led forward; 0 is recorded and 1 is carried forward: 08 Fecorded and 1 is carried forward. The rest of the digits Are recorded as they appear inthe original given number. 00542 5 sé SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION ‘The product is therefore {6,809,542 «100,001 = 6, 681, 021,009, 542 Answer Which, in case you are interested, can be read as: Six trillion; six hundred eighty-one bilion; weaty-one milion; rine thousand; five hundred and forty-two. ‘ i | 25 | yunTIPLyiNG “TEEN NUMBERS “Fale To ove of the mumbors, ada the units digit of the other number, To the result, affix the units figit of the product obtained by insltiplyng the Sits digit ofthe given numbers. Any tens ‘digit should be added to the sum found in the tare step. “The teen numbers include all sambers from 10 to 19, Beample: 13 17. ‘The units digit of the first aumber may be added to the Siip be added (othe first number, In either case the result ‘second number, or the ute digit of the second nimber fethe same. +7220 ‘Aldix the units digit ofthe product obtained by multipying the unite digits of the given number. 1x3=2 [AMtix the units digit, 15 the tens digit 2, 18 added to the Sum found ia the first step. m+2=22 Thue or 1763-20 15 17 « 221 Answer 8 26 MULTIPLYING BY ANY TWO-DIGIT NUMBER ENDING IN 1 ‘Rule: Multiply the frst aigit of the given number by the tens digit of the multiplier. The product | 1s the first digit (or digits) of the answer. The ext digit is cbiained by adding the frst digit ofthe given number tothe product of tho second figt of the given number and the tens aigt of the multiplier. Continue this process untl the tens digit ofthe given number is added tothe Droduct of the units digit ofthe given number And the tens digit ofthe multiplier. This will be the tons digit of the answer. ‘The units digit ofthe answer will always be the units digit of the given number, Notice tat only the tens digit of the multipller is used in the various steps. Koop in mind that whenever a two-digit | Sum is obtained, the units digit is recorded | While the tena digit io added to the preceding Answer digit ‘The beauty of these goneral short cuts is that thoy per mit the choice of many diferent methods for obtain 2a Answer, depending on the tens digit, If we were called upon {to multiply by 1, the rule above might not be as easy to ture as some other rule, or example. Short Cut 60. Multiply: 689 % 91. ‘The frst digits of the answer wil be three times the first digit ofthe given number axs- 24 ‘The nest digit isthe sum of the first digit of the given num her, & and three times the second digit of the givon number, 58 are a a Pa a lee a SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 3t (SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION _ “4 Tho threo, of course, comes irom the tens dit ofthe feulioler, 3 8+ Gx4)=20 ord the 0 and carry the 2 othe Lt Next, a 410 ecorfinea 3 to obtain the tens cgi of the anewer. 44 0x9 913 record the 3 and carry the 1. S0 (ar, our answer looks like * aoa the units digit ls yot to be determined. ony se ptf the anawer is he ants digit of the ven amber, 3. ‘Treretore ets x at = 26,199 Ansuer 2 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 16 through 26 osm x33 = Fy ama,s4s 1 a 956 x 1m = aise 5 2.742 * 1,001 = 5 za,ana x 21 = 6 x a = 8) 2,665 * 12 = 9) 547 x 10,001 = 10) x 111 nn) 25st6 x 11 2) 187 x 101 = 13) Tass x 40 M4) 12 = 45) 1008 * 121 NUMBERS BEGINNING OR ENDING IN 5 ‘The number § 1s perhaps the most interesting one to work with as well as one of the simplest. When we multi Jaya number ending tn 5 by any other number, the units Bide of the product is always either 0 or 5, depending on Siener the given number 1x even or odd. ‘in fact, the ease Flt which Sis multiple permits us to adagt short cuts to Tumbers having § in. position other than at either end Short Cut 86, for example, ean be applied even when 5 ap~ pears in the middle of a namber. Thus, although this sec~ Rios concerns itslf particularly with numbers having 5 at ber end, he methods are by no means restricted to seh numbers. 80 27) [MULTIPLYING BY 15 Tule: Add one-half the frst digit to itself to obtain the first answer digit (or digits). ‘Continue this process until the units digit is reached. Add an extra 6 if the digit tothe left tk the elven digit Ls odd, If any of the sums 1s more than 9, record the units digit and add the tens digit tothe preceding answer dist. Tenore any fractions that may occur, the unite digit ofthe given number i8 even, the unite digit of the answer Is 0. If the units fig of the given number is odd, the unite digit ofthe answer will be 5. For instance, multiply 738 by 15. ‘Add 7 to one-half tee, ignoring the fraction. 74 40) = 10 ‘These are the fist two answer digits, Noxt, add 8 to on half Hoel, 3+k-4 ‘The number to ts left 87, which is odd. Therefore add. 4abeo “This $s the third answer digit. 109 ‘The nent digit ie 8, ad there is an od digit to its Tf. 8+ HO +5 = 85465217 cy 1 | SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION a Record the 7 and add the 1 to the preceding 9, which be Bees 10, Record the 0 and add 1 to the answer digit pr ceding it. O+iet ‘The answer digits are now 1107 ‘rhe units digit ofthe given number is even; therefore, the tills digit of the anewer is 0. 411,070 Answer 28 MULTIPLYING BY 25 Rule) Move the decimal point ofthe given number ‘bo places (o the right and divide by 4 wae wn ema a i tio a two-digit number with aivision by a single digit, 4. ‘Matipy 649,372 by 2 First, move the 6ecimal point two places tothe right. 449,272.00 becomes 64,987,200. Next, divide the result by 4, 64,987,200 +4 * 16234300 Answer a 2» | MULTIPLYING BY 52 Tule: Move the decimal point ofthe given number (wo places to the right and divide by 2, Add twice fhe original number tothe result. ‘Suppose we wanted to find the yearly salary of someone eaming $117 por week. Since there are 52 weeks in the year, the problem becomes MTX 82 Move the decimal point of the given number two places to the right 117,00_ becomes 11,700 Divice by 2. 11,700 +2 = 5,850. ‘To this adé twice the original number. 2xuT = 2; 5,880 ou Tose ‘Ths the yearly salary of someone earning $117 a week is $8,054. 30 MULTIPLYING A TWO-DIGIT NUMBER BY 95 Here is caso where a series of short-cut methods, ‘each capable of being done mentally, are strung together Into one unified short-cut method, Tule: Sueract 5 irom the given sumber and affix two eres to the result, ‘This will be called the par- tial preduct, Next, subtract the given number from 100 and maltiply the result by 8. Add this product to the partial product to obtain the final answer. ‘This can be best demonstrated by trying the example 95 x73. Fire subtract § trom the given number and affix two eros to the result. 6,800 (his is the partial product.) Next, subtract the given ‘number from 100 (Short Cut 66). 100 - 13 = 27 Multiply by 5 (Short Cut 11). 0x5 = 135 (Note that the tens digit and the units digit of this product are always the teas digit and the uits digit ofthe final answer.) Finally, add this product to the previously determined partial product. 6,800 +125 ~ 6,995 Answer es 3 MULTIPLYING BY 123 “Fale Move the decimal point of the given number three places tothe right and divide by Dividing by B may not seem to be much ofa short cut at first, bo a simple application of the method will prove its worth. Multiply 1,488 by 125. The usual multipheation process would require twelve ‘mslliptcation steps plos many steps in addition. The short= EX method uses one step in division, First, move the Gecimal point of the given number three places tothe right. 1,489,000 becomes 1,489,000, Next, divide by 8. Division by 8 can be simplified by di digg the given number by 2, then dividing he quotient by $iand tially dividing the Second quotient by 2. This third Guotient isthe final aazwer.. Thus, 1,489,000 can be men {Ry divided by 2, giving us 741,800.” Inspection shows that ‘aL. 500 can once again be easily divided by 2, giving 310,750. Each time mo halve the given aumber, the divisor must also be halved. ga-4 W292 ‘To obtain the product we are looking for, we need merely Aivide 970,750 by 2 70,7505 2 Naturally, the same answer would have bees obtained by dividing by B direct. 25,975 Answer 1,483,000 + @ = 185,575 Answer 6 32 MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS WHEN BOTH END IN § AND ONE TENS DIGIT IS ODD WHILE THE OTHER 1S EVEN Ruler To the product of the tone digit add one-hale their sum Ggnoring the fraction |), Alfie 75 torte result, ‘This shortcut wil be tried with the numbers 78 and 45, ‘The product of the tens digits 1s 1x4 28 ‘one-half the sum ofthe tens digits (neglecting $) is sae ‘The oum of these two numbers is 83. Alix 5. 3378 Thus 15145 = 3,275 A word of caution about “affixinga number." This merely moans the autsber i attached or tagged on atthe beginning ‘oF end oft group of numbers; it does act mean the uumber {to be added to ancther number. 66 33 MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMDERS WIEN BOTH END IN 5 AND THEIR TENS DIGITS ARE EITHER BOTH ODD OR BOTH EVEN ales To the predact ofthe tens digits ad one-half their sum, Alfie 28 tothe result “Although to wse this short-cut method both tens digits must bo either odd oF even, they need not Be equal Mt we are asked to coultiply 68 by 45, we observe, first, that both tons digits are even and this method may be used. ‘The product of the tens digits Is 6 x4~ 24. To this, one- alt the sum ofthe tens digits is added Oehe 1, fx10-5 45H 20 Atti 28. 2,028 ms 65 «45 = 2,925 Answer 8 35 34 MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS WHOSE, MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS WHOSE ‘TENS DIGITS ARE BOTH 5 AND WHOSE UNITS. MING DIGITS ARE BOTH § AND ONE UNITS DIGIT DIGITS ARE BOTH ODD OR BOTH EVEN 3 ODO WHILE THE OTHER IS EVEN Filer Aad one-half the eum of the units digits to 25, ignoring the fraction |, Add the product ofthe {Bir digits to 30 and affix the result to the sum boteained inthe first step Tole: Add one tall the eum of the walls digits to 25. ‘tix the product ofthe units digits to the result. the product is less than 10, precede it with Ls 2ere. Ththis case we need not worry whether the product of te unite digits 1s greater oF lost than 10 since sts eventually added to 50. Totus tind the prodact of 4 and 59. One units digit ts ei ule te ether one Is even, One~palf the sum af the 30 tiie gts 1s 2 Ignoring the fraction and adding this to 25, we otain 25 +6 = 31 ‘the product of the units digits 1s 98, This is added to 50 ‘andthe sum aflixed to 31 50+ 36 = 86 It we are asked to multiply 52 by 58, we see that the units digits are both even and therefore this short cut can Be a The sum the us sg 10, and one-talt this is 6. aes Multiply the units digits. axe 16 Atti this tothe 30 obtained above. 3,016 Answer Suppose we are asked to matiply §1 by 87. This time the unite digits are both odd. Again the shortcut is applicable. ‘One-half the sum ofthe digits ib 4; with this added to 25, the result(s 29. However, In this case the product of the Units digits is 7, whlch ls less than 10; therefore a zero precodes the product before itis affixed to the 29. 2,185 Answer 2,907 Answer 8 80 36 MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS WHOSE. t ‘TENS DIGITS ARE BOTH § AND WHOSE UNITS DiGITs ADD 70 10, Multiply 83 by 57. ‘The unite digits, 3 and 7, total 10 so that this short-cut tea x 168 = 24,016 Answer method can be used. The fst two digits of the answer are 50, ‘The product of the units digits is axdea Aix this to 80, resulting in the product: 3,021 Rule) Affi the product of the waite digits to 80. Wf the preduet f8 less than 10, precede it with a SORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION n umber is 152, and the units digit of the other number i§ Bh Theretore their sum is 152 + 58 = 210 ‘ape product of the “units” digits bs 52x58 = 3,018, member, we are treating the ast two digs a the wats ae this example, Therefore 1 and 6 are the inal two i Ne aoawer, andthe 30 is aed tothe previous ou. 210 + 30+ 240 ‘We now have the result. spies jst one way in which a shortcut of apparenthy intial spcsion may have ts usefuness enanced. By a ttnur terme and following trowgh corectiy l= res dagthort-cu' area of application may be broadened, Bet lerctice and a working anotedge of the intricacies Cre ra as chocused throwphow tis book areal that ‘Through an interesting property of numbers, this same fs necessary short ext ean b¢ applied to aumbers of more than two digits. ‘The shortcut for multiplying numbers in their teens will be uved as an example, ‘Multiply 152 by 158, Imagine just (Or this example that 52 and 58 may each be considered as if they were units dgite. In actuality, only the #of the first number and only the 6 ofthe second number are the unite digit, But what happens if we treat 52 and 6 a units digits? ‘The rule for multiplying teen fumbers (Short Cut 25) requires adding the units digit of q fone number fo the other number. This provides the rst two digits of the answer. The product ofthe units digits gives the unite digit of the answer with any tens digit being Sided to the previcusly determined sum. Now our "teen" 0 2 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 27 through 36 NUMBERS BEGINNING OR ENDING IN 9 1) mia 52 = 2) 29,621 = 125 ~ ‘All mmbers ending in 9 are one less than multiple of 3) 6.108 » 15 = 10. All numbers beginning with 9 are some power of 10 125 than a rumber beginning with 10. These two character 4) 51 58 = dettcs of tumnbers beginning or ending in are used to good advantage in the short cuts that follow. 5) 58% 58 = for example, we increase a number ending in 9 bp one, uc anit digt of the new number {s zero, Therefore, 6) 8,298 x 25 ere, one less digit to multiply, and a simple subtraction VWostores the original multiplier. When a number begins 1) 65 78 = ‘Eitnd; Iecan also be increased easily to a simpler form. Fs 442 can be changed to 1,042 by adding 100 (which 5 8) oh x 05 = JO 10). Although the new aumber has four digits, one of them is zero andthe other is one; both are much simpler 9) 3,071 « 125 = sultipiers than 9. 10) 52 x 54 = 1) a1,gat x 25 = 12) 25 65 = 19) 144 x 52 = 14) 92% $5 = 15) 54% 56 = 2 37 MULTIPLYING BY 19 “Rule: Double the given number and affica zero to the result. Subtract tho given number. Example: 17,990,241 % 19, Double the given number. 27,900,241 = 14,780,482 Aifixa zero and subtract the given number, 143,804,820 - tandaar TEGATE, 379 Answer MULTIPLYING BY 99 ules Move the decimal point of the given number two places to the right and subtract the given mmber. ‘Multiply 1,152 by 98 ‘Mave the decimal point two places tothe right and suD- tract the given umber from the result. 4,152,00_becomes 118,200. 115,200", 1 THO Ansuer s 39 MULTIPLYING BY 939 Rules Move mal polat ofthe given sumber three places tothe right and suteract the siven tumbor Example: 1,162 * 900 Move the decimal point three places tothe right. 1,182,000 becomes 1,152,000 subtract the given number: 1,152,000 -_ ass 7,150,848 Answer 40 MULTIPLYING OF NINES BY A NUMBER CONSISTING ONLY Rule: Move the decimal point ofthe given number to the right as many places ss there ae anes in| the multiplier, ‘Then suberact the given number. | Multiply 78 by 9,999,998 ‘There are seven nines in the multiplier; therefore the decimal point inthe given namber will be moved seven places to the right 9,0000000_ becomes ‘suueract the given number 730,000,000, 730,000,000, 72, 99,927 Answer a MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS ENDING EX 9 AND WHOSE TENS DIGITS ADD TO 10 ale; Add @ to the product of the tens digits and at- ‘ix 81 to the result, [Note thatthe aumber 61 is merely attached to the end ofthe previously determined sum; Bl is not added to the ‘For example: Multiply 39 by 78, Since the sum ofthe tens digits, 3 and 7, 1s 10this short~ cet method can be uted, The product of the tens digits ts SxT=2 To whieh 9 is added. a1 +930 [Afix 8 to this sum and obtain the product. 4,081 Answer 42 MULTIPLYING BY A TWO-DIGIT MULTIPLE OF 8 ole. Multiply the given number by one more tha, the tens digit ofthe multiplier. More the {decimal point of the product one place to the right and subtract the original product (f course, the usefulness of this short cut is increased ifthe short exts for muliplying by each of the digits 1s known. ‘As an example, multiply 67 by 69. 63 is 2 multiple of 8 (that Is, 8 = 7 = 68). One more than the teas digit of the multipier is 7. ‘Multiply he given number Dy 7, using Short Cut 19. 617 = 600 [Maye the decimal poiat one place to the right 608.0, becomes 6,080. 5,4@t- Answer co 43 MULTIPLYING BY ANY TWO-DIGIT NUMBER ENDING INS Rule: Move the decimal point of the given number one place tothe right and maltiply by one more than, ‘the tens digit of the multiplier. Subtract the ftver number from the result Multiply 73 by 88. ‘Move the decimal point ofthe given number one place to the right. 113.0 becomes 7,130, ‘One more than the tens digit of the multiplier is 4. Multi- ply 7,190 by 4, using Short Cut 10. 190 x4 = 28,520 Subtract the given number. e520 13 F807 Answer 0 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION a IBHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION _# Practice bxeretses for Short Cuts 37 through 43 1) 5,809 > 998 = aor a9 = 3) 598,914 x 35 = 4 1325 = 19 = 5) 10 x 99 = 6 423 x 99,099 1) 29x 09 8) 89,161 « 19 9) 1,524 « 59 = 10) 69 x 49 SQUARING NUMBERS When we speak of “squaring® a namber, we mean multi- plying the numer by itself. To square 23 we write 23 % 23 (or commonly 23") ‘The process of multiplying a number by itself fllows a systematic pattera which londsitcolf readily to short-cut ‘methods, ‘The simple rsles explained inthis section cover an amazingly wide range of numbers. Most ofthe short tuts inchaded here involve two-digit numbers, bata few in- Yolve three and four-digit numbers. With a little ingenu~ ty, numbers of any size can be squared easily, sing the Short euis tat follow as the basis for maty others. But there te lav ol diminishing retaras ia using larger num- ‘bers; then, Instead of saving time and labor, the short cut becomes merely «“stunt." ‘The squares of aumbers play an important role in many ther short-cut methats, By means of the few very basic ‘othods inthis section, the range of the rultilication problems which may be performed by sbort-cat methods Decomer practically unlimited. 44 SQUARING ANY NUMBER ENDING IN 1 ule; First, square the namber to he left of the units ‘digit. Then double the number tothe lft of the Units digit. Affix the units digit of this Fesult to the square (ound In the first step. Ifthe results ‘moretnan9, addthepartto theleft ofthe nts digit {othesquarefoundin the first step. The units Aig of the answer is always 1 Consider the folowing example: Square 251. ‘The number tothe lft of the 1 25, Using Short Cut 45, ve find the square of 25 Is 625. Next, twice 25 is 50. ‘fin the zero in 80 to 695 and add the § to 628. 625 + 5 = 630 ‘To which are afixed the 0 and the units diglt (which is always 1). 63,001 Answer a 45 SQUARING ANY TWO-DIGIT NUMBER ENDING IN 5 Squaringatwo-digit number ending in5 isaspecial ease ot the shortcut for multiplying any two-eigit sumbers ending ‘in 3, In this particular case, the tens digits are equal Se TRale: Multiply one more than the tens agit by the cofiginal tens digit and aff 28 to the result, For examp! tons digit ae ie Next, multiply by the original teas digit. 4x5 = 20 ‘To this attx 25. 2,025 and we have the answer. 48x45 = 2,005 , we shall square 45. First, add 1 to the ‘Remember to merely attach the 25 to the product: do not add it tothe prduct. ‘From this rule we see thatthe equare of any two-digit number endiag in§ always Aas 5 as Its units digit and 23s ie tena digit “4 46 SQUARING ANY NUMBER ENDING IN 5 ‘ule: Multiply the complete number to the left ofthe 5 by one more than Itself and affix 25 to the result ‘To demonstrate, we shall find the square of 195. The complete number tothe left of the 5 is 19, Raising this fone norber higher gives ws 20. 20% 19 = 3 ‘To which 25 is affixed, 95,025 Answer 47 SQUARING ANY THREE-DIGIT NUMBER ENDING IN 25 ‘The square of 26 is 625. Oddly enough, there are the lst three digits in the square of any three-digit mambor fending in 25. Since squaring a three-digit number results ‘nat most six digits, the problem here is'merely to find the first three digits of the answer, Rule: The frst two digits (Gat i, tho hundred thousands digit andthe ten-thousands digit) are found by squaring the hundrede digit ofthe given umber aad adding to the result cae-half the hundreds digit ofthe given sumber ignoring the fraction 2 if t occurs). Ifthe result ix a one- digit umber, thea there is ao hundred-thou ‘Sands digit 18 the answer andthe resulte the ten-thousands digit of the answer. ‘The thous sands digit ofthe answer ia'§ i the hundreds git ofthe given number is edd ad 0 if the hundreds digit ofthe given number is even, Aix 625 to obtain the final ane ‘Two illustrative examples will be used to demonstrate the ease with which this short ext may be used, ‘Bxample No, 1: Square 225, First, square the hundreds digit of the given number, to obtain 4 ‘To this ad one-half the hundreds digit of the given number, aeies Since the answer Is a one-digit number, 5 1s the ten- )RT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION sands digit of the answer. The thonsands digit of the Mower wil be 0, since the hundreds digit ofthe given tum- terra; is oven, To this we alfix 625 cobain the final answer. 30,625 Example No. 2 Square 725 First, square the hundreds digit ofthe given number. eT 49 ‘To this add one-half of 7 (ignoring the 1). 4903-52 ‘Tho first digi, 5, 1s the hundred-thousands digit of the Answer; the sccobd diglt, 2 lo te Cen-thousands digit of the answer. ‘The thousands digit of the answer is 8, since the hundreds digit ofthe given number is oda. Aix 625 to obtain the final answer. 725 725 ~625,625 Answer 48 SQUARING ANY FOUR-DIGIT NUMBER ENDING IN 25, ‘The explanation for this short-cut method will be made fo clearor ifthe digits ofthe given number are Signed letters. The thousands, hundreds, ten, and units ‘igi will be designated A, B,'C, and D Pespectively. ule: Square digit A ofthe given number to obtain the tentative fen-millions and millions answer dig- Ate i there is enly ane digi, ils the millions answer dig) ‘Double the product of A and B to obtain the Inundred-thousands digit ofthe answer. I the sult in this and subsequent steps Is a two- agit umber, the unite digit s the answer Gigit; the tens digit shouldbe added to the pre ‘ceding answer digit. ToS times A add the square of B. The sum Is the ten-thousands digit of the answer. Muitiply B by 5. This product isthe thoa- ‘sands dipt of the answer. [ALlLx 625 to the answer digits found above to obtain the final answer. ‘This short-cut method will be tried in two illustrative ox- amples, Example No, 1: Square 2,826. Line the numbers up with their respective letters ABCD 2025 Square A. 2xa-4 wont CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 0 Ses ae ne sour hes only one cet therfore this s ar testa AN Shine aig Muliply Ay 8, snd doable the rebut pxexa+@ ‘The 2 is the hundred-thousands digit. The 3 is adied to thet obtained inthe first step, Beeet ‘Thus 7 i now the millions digit. Wadd 5 times A wo the square of B @x2+@xa-% ‘the 4 is the ten-thousands digit. Add the Tt the pre- Ceding answer digit. ae ‘The 9 becomes the new hundred-thowsands dig. recapitulate what we have: Stop and j—Miuttions ait /-~Htunared-troosanes agit J / Restos eat 7 104 Multiply B by 8. axs-40 ‘The 01s the thousands digit. Add the 4 to the preceding answer digit. er “The final ten-thousands digit is 8. The previous digits, 7 and 9, now ave alse final, Alix 625 to obtal the answer. a 0 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION “The square of 2,825 is therefore 7,980, 635 Example No. 2: Square 7,925, Aga lined up with thelr respective letters Ancp 1328 Square A. Txt aa Since the answer is a two-digit sumber, the frst digit, 4, 1s the ten-millions digit andthe 9 is the millions digit ‘Multiply A and 6 and double the result Txax2 = 42 the aigits wi be ‘The 2 is the hunared-thousands dist the left and added to the previous millions digit, 3, So0e13 ‘The 8 becomes our new millions digit, andthe {ts added to the ten-millions digi. pie This is the new ten-millions aig weite the digits we have deter:ained At this point let us /—Ten-millions digit | -—wanioss ance | / 17 saa / —Huraed-ossands digit [Add five times A tothe square of B Bx + @x3)= 44 ‘One 4 (the units digit) 6 the ten-thousands digit; the other ‘The 4 Is carried to | | ‘SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 9 4 be tens digit) is added to the hundred-thousands digit, 2. 4o2es ‘This Is the new hundred-thousands digit ‘Maltiply B by 8. 3x5-15 ‘The 548 the final thousands digit. The 1 is added tothe teo-thousands digit. Aoie5 ‘The 5 is the final ten-thousands digit. Since there 1s no Gigit to carry, the previous digits become final. “AMfix 625 to obtain the final answer. 53,655,625 Answer - 49 SQUARING ANY TWO-DIGIT NUMBER WHOSE TENS DIGIT IS 5 Ruler Add the unite digit t 25 and affix the square of the units digit to the result. Ifthe square of the ana digit ls a one-digit number, precede wth a0, Find the square of 53, using this method First, add the uate aigt, 3, to 28. 2+ 3-28 Neat afi the square of the units digit tothe result axa-9 y Since the answer is a one-digit number, place @ zero in front of the 9 before afixing it to the 26. 2,809 Answer AAs another example, find the square of 87 ‘Again, the unite digits added to 25. +1232 Next, square the units digit Txt 240 \ aew: and affix to the previous result. 3,219 Answer This time the square ofthe units digit was a two-digit fhumber, and therefore it was aot necessary to precede it with a ter 50 SQUARING ANY NUMBER ENDING IN 9 Rule: Multiply the umber to the Left of the 9 by two fore than itself. Alf an 8 to the result and subtract twice the number tothe left of the 9 as This short cut can be applied to any aumber, no matter how many dgite it has, e0 long asthe units digit Is 8. Of course, asthe number gets larger, multiplying the two fnumber® of the first step will became cumbersome unless Ushort cut can be used, However, most two- and three= Gigit numbers ending n 9 ean be readily squared, once a facility withthe otner short-cut methods has been achieved. Brample: Square 149, ‘The number tothe left of the 9 is 14, Two more than this is 16. Multiply 14 by 16, (Short Cut 69 can be used ber) 14x16 = 225-1 = 224 Altix 8. 2,288 Subtract twice the number to the let of the 8. 2,248 - (2.x 14) = 2,248 - 28 = 2,220 ‘Atti 1 to obtain the final answer. 22,201 Answer SQUARING ANY NUMBER CONSISTING ONLY OF NINES i 52 SQUARING ANY TWO-DIGIT NUMBER write alas the unite digi, ‘This method is purely mechanical and requires nothing ‘more than being able to couat the nines inthe given number. ‘Square 9,009. ‘There are four nines; therefore write three nines 26, the first part of the answer and follow with an 8, Next, ‘write three zeros and end vith a 1 } iat hater 51 Tule: Write one less 9 than here is a the given num) ber. Follow this with an b. Thon write ee many zeres as the aines previously written, Finally, [Rules Square the tens digit and atix the square ofthe units digit to the result, If the square of the ‘units digit s less than 10, precede it with @ ero before affixing i to the square of the tens ‘igi. Double the product of the digits of the fiven number. Add the units digit of this prod- {ct tothe tons digit of the previous number and Ad the tens digit ofthe product tothe hundreds digit of the provious number. Brample: square 03. Square the tens digit. ox6- 36 Square the unite digit axa-0 ‘Precede this with a zero, since it is Le tothe result above ‘than 10, and afi 3,609 Double the product ofthe digits. xax2- 98 ‘Add the snits digit, 6, to the tens digt of 8,609 and ade the tens digit, 9, co the hundreds digit of this number. % 6 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION sH0RT 5,959 Answer i" 2 2 4 9 : ° . D 8 9 19 1) 1) 13) 4) 45) CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION ” Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 44 through 52 ‘Squire each of the following numbers. 38 3 2s ea 99,999 65 u9 1,925 82 MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS THAT DIFFER ONLY SUGHTLY, (Once you have mastered the art of squaring 1 number, you have in your possession a powerful ool applicable to ‘more general problems in multiplication, The product of ‘to numbers that differ from each other onl slightly 18 nearly equal tothe square cf the number midway between the given numbers. (This 1s particularly true ef differences af up to about 20) The definite mathematical relationship ‘hich exists between the product andthe square will be employed inthe short cuts that follow, Since the squaring process is 80 important in al these methods, a review of the short cuts used in squaring numbers ie recommended at this time. 8 53 [MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS WHOSE DIFFERENCE 1 2 Rule: Square the number bet fumbers and suberact the two given ‘Tals short cut simple to apply when the square can bbe found easily. For example, suppese we have to multiply ‘2 by 26. ‘The nomber between the two given numbers is 25, ‘The square of 25 is quickly found to be 625 (Shore Cut si. Ah 26 = 625-1 = 60k Answer ‘Multiply 67 by 8. Hore the numer between the given numbers Is 68. Its square is 4,024, ‘Therefore 67 « 69 » 4,625 Answer 54 MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS WHOSE DIFFERENCE 1S 3 55 MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS WHOSE DIFFERENCE BS 4 ‘add one ess than the smaller number tothe ‘Rule: Square one more than the smaller aumber and ] result Example: Multiply $4 by 31, (One more than the smaller sumber, 34, is 35. Square 35 Ghort Cut 48). 35x38 = 1,225, ‘Add ove less than $4 to the result 41,225 + 33 = 1,250 ‘Therefore SH x 57 = 14258 Answer Rule: Square the number midway between the two ives numbers and cubtract 4, [Naturally the success of this short cut will depend on how easy it isto aquare a mumber. For example, ithe ‘number midway between the two given numbers ends in 5, Short Gut 45 can be applied vary simply andthe answer ob= tained a5 quickly as i takes to write the digits. There are ‘humerous other short cuts which ean also be used in con junction with this one, ‘Take the following example: ‘Multiply 68 by 73. ‘The number midway betweea the two numbers is 71. ‘Short Cut 26 shows how to square any owo-digt number ‘ending in 1. Applying tis short ca, We find Tx TL = 5,081 5,081 - 4 = 5,007 Therefore 69 x 73 = 5,037 Answer 101 56 MULTIPLYING 1WO NUMBERS WHOSE, DIFFERENCE 18 6 Tule; Square the number midway between the Wo giver numbers and subtract. Example: 40 * 54, ‘The number midway between the two given numbers is SL. Short Cut 26 can be used to square 81, since it ends in| 1, or Short Cut 49 ean be used, since its tens digit is 3, I either case, the square of 5 is found to be 2,001. Next, subtract 9, 2.601 ~ 9 = 2,592 Answer 102 57 [MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS WHOSE DIFFERENCE JS ANY SMALL EVEN NUMBER “Rule: Squave the number midway between the bro fven numbers: then square one-half the differ fence between the two given aumbers and sub- tract the result from the square obtained inthe first step. ‘This rule may be applied to numbers of any size, The iting factor, however, ls the calculation of the square. ‘Take, for example, the following problem: ‘Maltiply 109 by 121. ‘The number midway betweea the given aumbers is 115. ‘It can be squared easily by using Short Cut 46, 115 * Us = 13,225 uare one-half the difference between the two given ‘numbers. 1a = 100 = 12 yaa) = 6 6x6 = 36 ‘Subtract the result from the square obtained in the first step. 13,225 - 38 = 13,129 Tms 109 121 « 13,189 Answer 109 104 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Practice Exerctses for Short Cuts 53 through 57 Deas = 2) 3 «121 ‘The short cuts that follow do not fall within ang special category. They do aot involve a common number or a com~ non factor. AB a matter of fact, some are generalizations a) eas ‘Gr specific short cus discussed elsewhere in tis book. Because thoy are so easy to use, they are aten applied to problems in place ofthe more specific metheds. "Remem- fer that although there may be a samber of short euts which 4) a6 x 92 = ‘can be used to solve a particular problem, the important thing Is fo be able to choose the most effective methed pos 5) 19% 8 = ‘ble, 6) 98x 101 = 1) 2x 66 = ©) 322 x 926 = 9 102 * 108 10) 51 84 = 105 58 MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS WHOSE ‘TENS DIGITS ARE THE SAME 59 MULTIPLYING TWO TWO-DIGIT NUMBERS WHOSE UNITS DIGITS ARE THE SAME Rule: Ad the units digit of one number tothe other ‘number. Multiply the result by the tens dist And affix a zero tothe product. Add the prod: uct of the units digits to the resul ‘Since multiplication bythe digits 1s the key step inthis shortcut, a reviow of Short Cuts 6 to 15 le recommended, ‘Example: Multiply 72 by 79, ‘Add the units digit of one number tothe other number 1 does not matter whether 72 is add to'9 or 79 is added tol; the result ls the same, R+0=8 or wWs2- a Maitiply by the tens ait, 7 BL x1 = 867 (hort Cut 13) Astin a zero 5,670 and ad the product of the unite digits, 2x9- 18 5,070 + 18 = 5,688 ‘Therefore 72 79 « 5,688 Answer 106 Rule: Multiply the tons digits. Next, add the tens digits and multiply the Sum by the unts digit ‘Add any tons or hundreds digit of the result of this step to the product attained inthe first Step and aifix the unita digit obtained in this Step to the result. Square the units digit and Add any tone digit to the preceding number ‘The units aipit of the answer will be the units digit of the square, ‘As an example, we shall multiply 76 by 48. ‘The preduct of the tons digits ts 1x4 = 8 ‘Add the tens digits and multiply the sum by the units digit. Tose xen t6 ‘Add the teas digit, 6, to 28 and afix the unts dit, also 6 inthis ease tothe result 246 = 98 346 Square the wits digit ofthe given aumber. ox6 = 3 ‘Ali the tons digit, 2, tothe answer digits already obtained 30+ a = 049 and affix the units digit ofthe square, 5408 107 Therefore 76 x 46 = 34496 Answer SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 60 ‘MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS THAT ARE JUST ALITTLE LESS THAN 100, ‘Subkract each aumber from 100, Subtract one fof the diferences (rom the other given amber. ‘The resull isthe first two answer digits. Al- fix the product ofthe differences, which then becomes the last two digits ofthe answer. It the product of the differences is a single digit, precede it with a zero before affixing it to the first two atswer digits. It the product of the Aiferences has a hundreds digi, add it to the preceding answer digit. ‘Two examples will he used to demonstrate tis short- seth. First, wo shall multiply 88 by 78. ‘The difference between each number and 100 is obtained. 100 - 86 = 14 100 - 18» 22 act elther difference from the other given mumber; in ase the result is the same, Ta-14-64 or a 22 6H ‘The frst two digits of the answer are therefore 64, Multiply the differences 2.4.14 » 308 (Short Cut 19 can be used here) ‘fix 08 tothe previously determined answer digits and add the 3 to the nundreds digit ofthe new number 6G +308 109 110 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 6,708 Theretore 78% 36 = 6,708 Answer Next, we shall ty this short cut on the example or 8 First, find the difference between each number and 100, 100-973 100-9 = 2 Subtract either difference {rom the other given aumber. Notice again that the result is the same, no matter which ifterence is used, 8-395 or sT- 205 ‘Next, multiply the differences and aifix to 95, axa-6 In this case the product is 2 one-digit number, which means ‘we must precede the § with a zero before affixing it to the 3. 9,505. Answer 6 MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS THAT ARE JUST ALITTLE LESS THAN 1,000 Tule: Subtract each of the given numbers irom 1,000, Subtract one ofthe diferences {rom the other fiven number. The result isthe first three Enswer digits, Affix the product of the dilfer- fences to obtaia the fnal aaswer. ‘The question one might ask is, “What constitutes a Aittle less than 1,000?" Actually, the answer depends on the particular problem. ‘The ease and rapidity with which the differences can be multiplied wll often be the deter- amlning factor. ‘With ths short-cut method itis possible to multiply 908 by 996 as quickly as the answer can be written ‘The ditference between each of the gives numbers and 4,000 is 2 and 4 respectively. Subtracting 4 from 998, or 2'trom 906 (tho result is the same), produces the frst three answer digits. Using the AB C notation, the answer figits are ABCDEF oo4 ‘Only the letters A to F are necessary, since the product ‘ftwo numbers justa litle less than 1,000 §8 a six-dig umber. ‘The iast three digits are obtained ty multiplying 4 by 2. Since the product has less than three digits, the D and E Aigits vill be zero, ABCDEF ooso08 Therefore uu nz SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION 998 = 996 = 994,008 Answer ‘The precedinganswer was obtained with the simplest men- tal arithmetic. The given numbers were only two and four loss than 1,000. But suppose tho two givan numbers were ‘almost a hindred less than 1,000; can this short eat till be ‘wed? ‘The answer is that this method is applicable no matter how much less than 1,000 the given numbers sr@, However, it becomes a “short cut” only when the necessary ‘steps eat be handled quick ‘The following example will demonstrate this point. 956 964 ‘The operations are: 1,000 = 966 = 34 41,000 - 064 = 36 964-34 = 980 or 906 - 36 = 930 34496 = 1,206 ‘Short Cut $8 made the last step simple, The first three agit are: ABCDEF 930 Since the product ofthe diferences is a four-digit number, ‘record only 224 in D, E, and F respectively. Carry the | eft and add it tothe C digit ‘The final product is therefore 981,224 Answer 62 MULTIPLYING TWO NUNBERS THAT ARE JUST ALITTLE MORE THAN 100 Rule: Suvéract 100 from exch ofthe given wambers. ‘Aid one ofthe differences to the other given ‘umber. The three digits of the sum are the first three digits of the answer. Multiply the ditferences and affix the product tothe fist. part ofthe answer to obtain the final answer. ‘When multiplying two nombers tha are just a litle more “than 100, the product will be somewnere between 10,000 ‘and 15,000 or perhaps a little larger. But it wll bea five- igit number, We ean therefore dencte the answer digits by ABCDE ‘The following example wil be used to show how this short ew works. 117 «108 ‘Subtract 100 from each of the given numbers. 117 = 100-17 109 - 100= 9 ‘Add one ofthe differences to th other given number. Tt ‘does not matter whether we ada 8 to 117 or 17 to 108; the rut ls the same. 11s 9212 or 109417 ‘The digits, 1, 2,6, are the A, B, C digits, ABCDE 126 Mabiply the ditterences to obtain the D and F digits 180 126 x9 ua ua SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Since the product isa three-digit number, the last two Aigits are recorded as D and E. The 1 is carried left and sdied to the previously determined © digit. ABCDE 1a758 ‘Theretore 117 x 109 = 12,769 Answer I the product of the differences was a one-digit number it would be recorded as the unite digit of the answer (he E Portion) and a zero would be placed in the D position. > = 4 63 MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS THAT ARE JUST ALITTLE MORE THAN 1,000 ule; Sularact 1,000 from each ofthe given numbers, ‘Add one ofthe differences to the other given ‘umber. The four digits of te sum are the first four digits ofthe answer, Affix the prod uct of the dferences to obtain the final abswer ‘The product of two numbers just a tte more than 1,000 a's seven-digst number, Tho answer ean therefore be shown using the letter notation, ABCDEFG Multiply 1,078 vy 1,015, ‘Subtract 1,000 from each of the given numbers. 1,078 ~ 1,000 1,015 = 1,000 = 15, ‘aid one ofthe differences to the other given number. 1,015 + 72 ~ 1,009 1,078 + 18 = 1,009 or ‘These are the first four answer digits. ABCDEFG Logs Multiply the diferences (Short Cut 27 can be used here). Tox15 = 1170 ‘The lat three digits, 1,7, 0, are the last three aigits of the answer, ‘The thousands digit, 1, is added tothe pre cing answer dizi. ABCDEFG 1094170 us 7 SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICAI ‘Theretore 4,078 x 1y015 = 1,094,170 Answer Note that if the product of the eretces was less tha three-digit number, zeros would occupy the E oF E and F positions, depending on whether the product was a two: or ‘one-digit aumber. 64 “MULTIPLYING TWO NUMBERS WHOSE UNITS DIGITS ADD TO 10 AND THE OTHER CORRESPONDING DIGITS ARE EQUAL ale; Multiply the aumber to the left of the units ‘digit by one more than steel, Affix the prod et of the units digits tothe result. ‘This short cut can be used with numbers of any size ng the corresponding digits to the left of the units are the same and the units digits add to 10. ror example, rnultipy 324 by 326. ‘The units eigits add to 10, and the ether digits are the Jin each number. Multiply 32 by one more than 32, 32 39 = 1,056 hort Cut 19 or $8) ty the units digits 4x6 2 ix this product tothe result of the frst step. Ifthe ‘ofthe units digit was a one-digt number, a zero ‘precede it before i was affixed to the product ob- inthe first step. 105,624 “Theretore 324% 325 = 105,624 Answer ut » 2) » ” » ° » 9 ® 10) 1 12) 13) 1) 15) SHORT CUTS IN MULTIPLICATION Practice exercises for Short Cuts 58 through 64 axe = 79x15 91 x 997 axe axe we 907 x 991 1,082 1,011 108 121 ox 6 = 103 » 108 958 > 354 1,218 1,217 xo = Chopee 3 SHORT CUTS IN SUBTRACTION Like addition, subtraction does not lend itself to true shortcuts. Unlike addition, there are no sequences of fraction for which short cate may be used. For this fon, only a few simple problems in subtraction can be theough the use of short-cst methods. ‘Two of the are given here. no 65 SUBTRACTING A NUMBER FROM THE NEXT HIGHEST POWER OF 10 Rule: Starting from the first given digit, record the lilference between the digit and 9. Continue this process through the tens digit of the given | ‘umber. The unts agit ofthe answer is ob tained by subtracting the given units digit (rom ee “The nearest power of 10 whieh is greater than a given umber is aI followed by 28 many aaras as there are digits inthe gen number. The aarest power of 10 to a tuberin the "teen" a therefore 100, the nearest power ‘of 10 to 4 numer inthe tes of thousands is 100,000, and ‘The following table will help you withthe diferences ‘required inthis short cut. 1ti8 recommended that you ‘memcrize them until they become second nature. Givenaigt: 0129456789 Diterene with: 9876843210 Suttract 162 fom 1,000, ‘ne thouran, of cours, isthe next highest power of 10 to 762. gt es Subtract each ofthe digits irom 9, starting from tne test Sap athe ate igi Thee tow sean ets ‘are therefore “a 2 Subtract the given uaite digit, 2, from 10 to obtain the units anewer dit. 238 Answer 120 66 | gUBTRACTING A NUMBER FROM ANY POWER OF 10, short Cut 65 can be extended to include subtraction grt ny per of 10 by affixing Serer infront of the given amber and proceeding as efure. What we are ding i Masing tre umber of digits {eventhough the new digits Gi zeros) so that we are, in tic, subtracting {rom eat hghest power uf 10 Tale: Altix as many 2eros infront of the give num ber az are necessary to give the given number fone less digit than the power of 10, Proceed fas in Short Cat 65. ‘Thus, 1 our given number has three digits and we want subtract it from 1,000,000, wo most affix three zeros front of the given number.” [twill then have sx digits, le the power of 10 {rom which the number Is being sub- ed has seven dizi, ‘As an example, let us subtract 74,215 trom 10,000,000. are eigit digits inthe power of 10 and oaly five Inthe given number, therefore four 2eres (5 - 1) “Imust be attached tothe given number. oooo7a215 ‘Now record the diference with 9for exch digit under the ‘corresponding digits ofthe given number except the units ‘igi, where the citference with 101s used. 000.078 215 Given number 999,921,785 Answer mn 12 SHORT CUTS IN SUBTRACTION Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 68 and 96 1) 1,000 = 42 = 2) 1,000,000 ~ 23,680 = 3) 100 ~ 63 = 4 10,000 - 9014 - 5) 1,000,000 - 108,355. = 1 Chapter 4 SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION Division can be considered a short ext for repeated subtraction. For example, when we say 8 goes into 72 aine times, ‘we mean 8 can be subtracted from 72 nine times. We can Uhlan this answer by subtracting 6 {rom 72 over and over {atl nothing remains, then counting the number cf times we subtracted, ‘The same resull is oltaned by dividing Toy 8 [ike multiplication, division tends ttseif to many in- teresting and useful short cute, Many of them, in fat, in- volve multiplication. Consequently short cuts 7 to 64 will find frequent use in the methods that follow. DETERMINING A NUMBER'S DIVISORS. Many times it is useful to know whether oF not a num ber can divide ancther number evenly. One method of taking such « determination is to actally carry oxt the division. Unfortunately, when the given number is very lange this process can be quite laborious. The short-cut ‘methods that ‘ollow eliminate the necessity of such work. ‘ules are included ‘or all single digits and 11 and 13, ‘These rules also form the foundation for determining many other divisors. For example, 'a number is found to be evenly divisible by 2 and 7, i is evenly divisible by 14 (that fs, 2 7); ra number is evenly divisible by 3 and 5, iis evenly divisible by 15 (at is, 3 = 5), The rule {Gr divisors is therefore clear, m4 SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION Rule: Ife given number is evenly diviable by each of several digits, which themselves do not have ‘common divisors, then the given number is evenly divisible by the product ofthese diets, ‘Short Cuts 67 to 7B are among the most useful ones you wil Learn, 67 DIVSIBILITY BY 2 ule: Uf the units digit of the number 8 evea, the ‘number is evenly aivisible by 2. ‘This rule is clear and stralghtforward, s0 that no ‘ample is necessary. 15 68 DIVISIBILITY BY 3 ‘Rule: Add the digits of the given aumber. the sum Contains more than one digit, continue adding Subsequent sums until a oue-digit answer i= obtained. If the answer is 3, 6, 9, the given umber is evenly divisible by 3, Determine whether oF not 8,761,052,214 is evenly divisible by 3, ‘Ad the aigits, D4T+ B+ 14045420201 e4= 09 Since the eum has two digits, add again, 340-12 ‘Again the sum has two digits. Adé once more, lezea ‘This time the result isa single digit. Since the sum 1s 3, the given number is evenly divisible by 3. 126 69 Tale: Ifthe number formed by the last two digits is ‘evenly divisible by 4, the entire number 1s ‘evenly divisible by 4 Determine whether oF not 165,052 Is evenly divisible wt ‘The last two digits are 52, Divide by 4, see4- a9 refore the entire number is evealy divisible by 4, Ts 614 evenly divisible by 47 ‘The last two digits, 14, are not evenly divisible by 4. a4 ed= ay refore 614 1s not evenly divisible by 4. oo 70 DIVISIBILITY BY 5 Rule If umber ends in O or 6 i is evenly, ble by No example is necessary, since the meaning ofthis rule 1s very clear. 18 Tule: Ifthe sum ofthe digits of an even number is 8, 6, oF 9, the entire number is divisible by 6 ‘As in Short Cut 66, the digits ofthe sums should con- te be aded until a ono-aipt answer ie obtained. ‘Determine f 86,125 is evenly divisible by 8. Since this an odd number, it isnot evenly divisible by 6. 1s 1,21 divisible by 6? ‘The digits ultimately add to 8, so thatthe aumaber is not divisible by 6. If 1 were add to any ofthe digits, thatthe given number became 2,274 or 1,874 or 1,284 1,275, the digits of these qumbers would ultimately add 6, The first three are evenly divisible by 6 bt the fourth, 275, 6 an odd aumber and therefore is not 120 72 DIVISIBILITY BY 7 Rule: Mark off groups of threo digits, starting fom the right.” Add alternate groups. Find the difference betweon the two sums thus obtained. U the diference ts zero or & multiple of 7, the sivea number is evenly divisible by ‘This method works nly ifthe given number has four oF more digits. Determine whether or not 58,586,344 yt Divide the number into groups of three digits, starting ‘rom the righ, sa 558 a4 ‘Add the first and third groupe. Pind the difference between this sum and ine second group. 344 + 58 = 402 556 abe is evenly divisible ‘To determine whether or not 154 Is a multiple of 7, divide 4 by any apparent divisor, In his ease itis obvious that, 2is divisor. 156277 Since 77 is a multiple of 7, the given number 68,556,944 Is evenly divisible by 7 1 does not follow that as the given number becomes larger, the ditference will become larger. Consider the following. 120 629 630900 Le 671 +620 = 1,501 and 636+ 900 = 1,886 ais ve 74 DIVISIBILITY BY & ee Bale: Ifthe sum ofthe digits of the given aumber is equal to 9 or a multiple of 8, the given number Rule: Ifthe number formed by the last three digits i evenly divisible by 9. of the given number is evenly divisible by 8, the entire number is evenly i (E ible by 8. | ‘The digits ofthe given number should be added ana the ‘ofthe resulling sums re-added until number 1s 0b- ‘which is clearly recognized as a multiple of 9 or nat, "the sum ofthe digits of 34,762,195 31, which is not divisible by 9, But the digits of (0 course, the first requirement is that the given num ber is even, A further test that can be made by Inepection is to ace whether or act the given number is evenly divic ible by 4\Short Cut 69). Ir tte na, then it cannot be ‘evenly divided by @, For instance, which of the following numbers is eveniy divisible by 87 2,702,1% or 94,762,19% or 34,602,189 ston cal 3, and thereore each a he numbers tn erealy sates 1225 ‘The first umber is ruled out because itis not even. ‘The fourth number is ruled out because itis aot dic visible by 4, ‘The second and third numbers are possibilities, Tt is therefore necessary to apply the rule for divisibility by 8, tot se = as 188 +8 = 235 ‘Thus, $97,104 Is evenly divisible by 8, but 9,468,188 is nt. 182 7 75 DIVISIBLITY BY 11 ile: Add alternate digits to obtain two sums, Ifthe difference between the two sums is equal to zero or 4 multiple of 1, the given number is ‘venly aivisioie by 11, jee 76 DIVISIBILITY BY 19 Tule: Mark off groups of three digits, starting from the righ Adl alternate groups and find the fifterence between the two sums thus obtained. the dilference is zero or 4 maltiple of 13, the given number is evenly divisible by 13 To determine if 472,258 is civistble by 11, ada alternate digits, detereeem d+ 2+8=10 Find the difference between the two sums. 2-10-11 ‘Therefore the given number is evenly divisible by 11 ‘The number 3,206 is eventy divisible by 11 because the ditference of the sums of alternate gis is equal to tere ce a 4a Tr nen Similarly 99,819 is divisibie by 11 because 8 aos ga et =a and 22 is a multiple of 11. 1 Tis interesting to note the similarity betweon this short aod Short Cut 72, In either case, when thedilference ‘zero, the given number is evenly divisible by both 7 and Determine whether oF not 82,108 is evenly divisible by “ark off alternate groups of three dais, starting from right. 2 108 this case we merely fnd the difference between the two rours. 108 - a2 = 26 ‘Since 26 is a multiple of 13, the given aumber is evenly ‘divisible by 13. ‘The following example shows how this short cut works With larger namber 1s 1,116,248,953,781 evenly divisible by 137 ‘Aad aiternate groups of three digits, starting from the igh. 1s 240.4 Tar = 1,030 116 + 969 ~ 1,069 ‘The auference between these two sums is 39, Since 1s A multiple of 12, the given number is evenly divisible by 138 4g§______stiorr curs ny prvisioy Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 67 through 76 Determine whether the following gumbers are evenly divisible by 1,2, 8, 4,8, 6, 7, & 8, 11, 13. 1) 690 2) 1,308 3) 28 4) 1,001 5) 1,079 \UMBERS ENDING IN 5 “When dividing by a number ending in 5, the sumber 2, ly enough, plays a very useful role. This is because Mean be written inthis form pao if ve divide by this new number, which you must re ber Is only $ Ina slightly different dress, we are in ‘dividing by and by 10, Division by Jie the same ‘multiplication by 2. Division by 10 simply involves ing the decimal point ofthe given mumber one place to Test. 1 7 DIVING BY 5 78 DIVIDING BY 15 ile: Doble te autor and move th decimal pol oxe pice tote left By using Sort Cut 6 the anawer can ve writen direc {peep ore pain othe seca greta mae sat evenly cvsite ty 8, here wil avays be Signe ‘he right of the decimal point isthe final anawers Divide 6397 by 8 From Sort Gut 10 we know thatthe gen mime is not evenly divisible by 5. hi Double 832, The realt may be writen dcectiy, 16,854, ‘Move the decimal point one place to the let. 16,654. becomes 1,665.4 Tas 4,327 + 5 = 1,605.4 ‘The decimal remainder, «is the same as 4/10 oF 2/5 ‘6,327 had been divided the usual way remainder would have been 2. ee 8,327 $5 = 1,565-2/5 Quotient ‘The decimal equivalent of 2/$ is 04 138 i Tule: Move the decimal point of te given namber one place tothe left. Double the result and aivide by. asectially this short cut involves three separate steps, and the beginner would do well to approach it that way. Bak ce mastered, the entire process can be condensed Into fe step. The three separate steps willbe outlined in the ‘first explanation given below. After thatthe shorter one= ep method will be examined. Divide 0,971 by 15. Move the decimal polat one place tothe left. gat. sor i, becomes Divide by 3. 1,614.2 +8 = 556,06-2/9 “The fact thatthe sum ofthe digits of 1,674.2 ls equal to 20 Andicates that the number is not evenly divisible by 3. ‘The same result may be obtained in one step a8 follows. ‘Start withthe doubling process, keeping the result in your mind instead of writing it own’ then mentally divide by 3, Do this digit by digit, starting from the lft Using the same number asin the example above, follow each operation carefully. Double the 8 but do not record ‘he result. Instead, divide by 8 and record the quotient. 130 140 SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION 828-1 1823254 1 remainder Record the 5 asthe first answer digit, Next, double the second digit inthe given number. 249-6 recede it withthe remainder, 1, obtained in the previous step. 16 Do not record this number, bt divide it by 9 and record the result, wea Record the § again, so thatthe first two answer digits are 56 Double the third digit of the given number, Tete +L remainder ‘The remainder, 1, obtained inthe previous step precedes the 4, but since a 1 already precedes the 4 the tvo ones smust be added to obtain 24, Divide the resulting sumber by 2, mea ‘This ts the third answer aigt. ssa Double the next number and divide by 2, Leie2 2eS=2/ ‘This time the result is less than 3, Therefore record a zero in the answer. 5,580 Attvca zero to the 2and divide again by 3, m0 e9= 6-2/3 yRT_CUTS IN DIVISION m1 ‘mecord this as the final part of the answer. 55,806-2/9 ‘The decimal potat 1s located by counting one Less digit to the left cf the decimal poiat than appeared inthe given fumber. The given number In this ease had four digits fo the lett ofthe decimal point; therefore tho answer will, ave three digits tothe left of the decimal pot. 558.06-2/3 Answer Actually the answer could have been extented by contin- ly obtaining a romainder of 2. Since inthis case all digits tothe right of the decimal poit in the given number eros, this would amount to repeatedly dividing 20 by ‘Sito obtain 6 and a remainder of 2. Ifthe given number ‘evenly divisible by 15, the last division by 3 would be ‘exact without any remainder. 79 DIVIDING BY 25 80 DIVIDING BY 125 ule; Move the decimal polat two places tothe let and multiply by 4. ‘Multiplication by 4 is discussed in Short Cut 10. Div sion by 25 thea becomes merely a problers of simple addl- ton and multiplication. But wateh the decimal potst care. tally Divide 1,387.16 by 25. Move the decimal pont two places tothe left. 987.78 becomes 13.8778 Multipy by 4, 13.8776 «4 = 58.5108 Thus 1,887.76 + 25 = 55.5108 Answer 12 a ‘Rule: Move the decimal point three places tothe left and multiply by 6 ‘Multiplication by 8 is discussed in Short Cut 14. Divide 6,639,105 by 125. Move the decimal poia three places to the let, 8,639.705 becomes 8.639705 runiply by & 8.630705 x 8 = 69.117640 Ts 8,639,705 4 125 = 69.117640 Answer 143 Ma SHORT CUTS IN DIVISIOs Practice Exercises for Short Cus 77 throwgh 80 1) oT = 2) 1,427,006 + 5 9) 102.88 + 125 = 4) 50418 = 5) 238 + 25 JORE SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION ‘The first of the two shortcuts that follow is interesting ‘and unique because it requires only the use of addition. Tt fg based on an unusual property of 9. IC any digit from 1 to is divided by 9, the result is 8 decimal point followed by the numerator ecatinuing indetintely. For instance, 1/9 = tnt. (The three dots indicate thatthe ones continue on without end.) ‘Reducing a number to its various factors helps ws to me many tags about the number. By using factors, we ‘able to find the highest common multiple as well asthe oot common dencininator ofa group of sumbers. We ‘also cancel common factors an thereby simplify other~ fc complex problems in division, The later property 1s ‘basi of the second short cut inthis section. us SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION ua 4 the given number isthe tentative remainder digit. Re al peat the process of adding al digits in the given number ‘ind record each result until mere are three digits alter the units digit of tho answer. The digits appearing over ‘the digits ofthe given number constitte the qctient. ‘The first digit tothe right of the units digit fa the quotient ls the remainder. Ifthe remainder $8 9, cross if out and add 1 to the units digit of the quotient. The balance ofthe Gigits to the right of the remainder digit may be discarded. Remember, if any of the sums is two-digit namoer, carry land add anj tone digits to the preceding answer digits, ‘AS an example ve shall divide 636,125 by 8 ‘We shall we the A, 8, C notation fo make it easier to {olow the explanation, DIvIDNiG By 9 ‘Rule: The first digit of the answer 1s equal to the frst ] igi ofthe given number. ‘The second answer digit 1s equal tothe sum ofthe first and second | Aigits ofthe given number, The third answer | ‘git 1s equal to the sum ofthe firs, second, And third digits of the given number. Continue this process until all digits ofthe given numer | are added except the unts digits, This sum ta the units digit of the answer. The sum of sl 4igits ofthe given number 1s the tentative r is of ABCDEF mainder. Repeat this eum three times. I an er fof the sums are two-digit numbers, record posse a rs only the units digit and add the tens digit to the ‘The A digit 6, os over B as the first digit in the answer. receding answer digit. The first digit to the ‘ Conver digi ight of the units digit ot the answer isthe re mainder. If the remainder is 9, cross Mt out ABCDEF and add 1 to the units digit ofthe answer. The sven number est ofthe digits tothe Fight of the Femaindes Ostia se ce. may be discarded, Next, we add 6 + 8 and put the answer over C; 6 + 3 + 8, areas and put the answer over D (carrying left the tens digit of the Sum); 6 + 3+ 9'+ 1 goes over E (romembering to carry the tens digit again). The answer thus far looks Uke this (aking into accoust all tens digits that were carried, ‘The letters A, B, C, and s0 forth will be used to desig nate the digits ofthe glven number; the letters a,b, ¢, and ‘50 forth will designate the answer digits, ‘The first digit of the answer Is equal to A and should be placed over the of course): B digit of the given namber jn this fashion ross Answer digits a Answer digits m sncogr ABCD... Given number Mm osacias Given number ‘A +B = b, whieh goes over C and is the sevond digit of sum 6 +3494 1 + 2will give the units digit; the the answer. A «B+ Ce, which goes over D. ‘The a a sum of ail digits 6 +1348 + 1+ 2+ 5 will give the ten- waits digo he answer i he fu of alt ig in he tative ronaldo. eget thin sna tree gta are fivem namiber exsept the unt dist, ‘The sum of al git fiven after the units digit of the quotient. The answer will Me ow lok ike this a Tioiseas ABCDEF ose125 ‘The quotient is 71,013; the units digit of the is therefore: 82 Given aumber DIVIDING BY FACTORS. Tole: Determine the factors of the given number and the divisor. ‘Cross out the factors that are ‘common to both. Divide the resulting given num ber by the resulting divisor. the remainder, the first digit after ‘uotient, is 8, The complete answer 71,013-8/9 Anener A number that divides ancther number evenly 1s called f factor of the larger number. Thus 2, 3, 4, 6 are all factors of 12 since each of thom divides 12 evenly. Short Cuts 61 to T6 will be used to determine the factors ‘nthe example given below, bit sometimes simple trial snd error Is just as eas. For example: Divide 435,240 by 14,040, Start from the highest factor. Using Short Cut 76, we see that both the given number andthe divisor are evenly divisible by 13. The cigis of the given number add to 18, fnd the digits of the divisor ade to 8, Therefore both fumbers also have factor of ®, Likewise they both have factor of @and 6, We can also show that ? is not a factor of elther ofthe numbers ‘A this point we can stop determining the factors for a while. lesb apparent thatthe digits 2,3, 4, and 6 are fac~ {ors ofboth aumbers since each of these digits have com- ‘mon factors with the numbers & and 9 previously deter ‘mined, Now divide by the factors 13, 9, 8, and 6. 495,240 +13 = 38,480 14,040 +19 = 1,080 33,480 9 3,720 1,080 9» 120 370+ 8= 405 © 120+ B= 15 465255 93 be |S Now we can easly divide 98 by 8. a eeascneneaP rg Preis oN i ata ls daa 180 SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION ‘SHORT CUTS IN DIVISION _ 151 oa s3- 91 Thus Practice Exercises for Short Cuts 81 and 82 1) aera 0 = 495, 40 & 14,040 = 21 Answer 2) 4,104 = 9 3) tate = 210 = Chester 5 SHORT CUTS WITH FRACTIONS, MIXED NUMBERS, AND PERCENTAGE Fractions and mixed numbers are not as difficalt to ‘work with as many people believe, Since they foliow the ules used with whole numbers, 10 new operation needs to Ye learned. However, special Care is necessary to avold ‘vorlocking intermediate stops and seving that numbers fare put in thetr proper place. A number ofthe short cuts fre merely extensions of short cuts used elsewhere in this ‘book for whole numbers ane decimals. Percentages represent fractional parts of 100. When we say *502" ve mean “fity-hundreaths” or 50/100, which 1s merely j. Since percentages are fractions, a “perceat” ‘of a given number is loss than the given mamber, provided the "percentage" is less tha 100, Percentages greater than 100 are really mixed nurnbere, with the digits to the Jett of the tens aigit being the wholG number ana the tens And waite Aigita making up the fractional part of 100. Thus 215% is actually the mixed number 2-15/100 183 83 ADDING TWO FRACTIONS WHOSE NUMERATORS ARE BOTH 1 ‘ule: Write the sum of the denomiastors over the Product of the denominators. ‘The numerator is the number over the fraction line an, of course, the denominator isthe number under the trac~ tion line. ‘To find the sum of ea it merely add the denominators, T+ i= 4 {nd put the sum over the product of the denominators, a2 = a Tie WT + 12» 19/84 Answer 1 is always a good dea to reduce any {ractional answer {0 its simplest form by canceling any common factors, In the example above, 19 and 84 have no common factors; therefore 19 ss the simplest form uf the fraction. a 154 84 FINDING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO. FRACTIONS WHOSE NUMERATORS ARE BOTH 1 ‘Rule; Write the difference between the denominators lover the product of the denominators, Watch bow a couple of simple short cuts ean save a lot of work and time in saving an otherwise aificult problem Sobtract from 1. "8 W The diference between the denominators 1s 4, ‘The product ofthe denominators is 69 87 » 7,221 (hort Cut $5) ‘The answer is TT A fractionalanswor should always betested tosceifit can be reduced toa simpler form by canceling common factors 4m the numerator ane denominator. In the case above, i 48 obvious that the only factors of are ? and 4. But aince 7221 is an odd number, it does nol contain either a 2 or 4) so that 4 ‘Is the simplest form of the fraction, Tat 155 a5 MULTIPLYING BY 9/4 86 MULTIPLYING BY 2} Rule: Divide the given number by 4 and subtract the) ‘result from the given number. 924 by 4 and subtract the result from the original number. 4) 8,928 Given number “Ena Quotient 5,803 answer ‘Therefore 8,924 3/6 = 6,699 Answer ule: Starting from the frat digit ofthe given mum= ber, double each aigit and add one-balf the igivon digit. guore any fractions. Add aay tens dipts to the previous answer digit. Add 5: the preceding digit of the given aumber is ‘dd. Affix jto the answer If the given nam- ber Is ad, Use this short cut when the given number isan integer for adecimal number. Mixed nambers aad ‘ractions are iticuk to handle with this method. ‘This short eut will be used in the example: 517,848 « 2 Double the 5 and add one-half of steolf to oben the first answer digit. S451; 10+ 46)= 1042-12 (The traction | is ignored.) ‘Record 12 as the first two answer digits, Double 1, One-half of Vis 1, which is ignored, But since the preceding given digi Is odd, add § to the result ol this Le1e2% 2+ gay=2+022 24507 Record the Tas the next answer digi. 12 ‘The noxt given digit 167. Teel: 4 = t4e3 247 ‘The previous given digi, 1, Is odd therefore add 5, 187 SHORT CUTS WITH FRACTIONS Ios a ‘Record the units digit, 2, = an answer digit. Carey the tens digit, also 2, and ada it to the previcus answer digi ‘The answer thus far ie 1202 Continue tis process with the balance of the given digits, B+ 8= 1; 6+ 4= 2; 2045-25 ‘Record 5; add the 2to the previous answer digit. The Answer at this point is 12045 ‘The 41s next. 464-8 842-20 Record 0; add 1 to previous answer digit 129460 Next is 8, 949-15 18+ HO) = 18+ 422 Record 2; add 2 to the previous answer digit. 1,204,622 This Is the last digit of the given number. Since the given umber is odd, affix $ to the answer, 1,294,622-1/2 Answer 87 MULTIPLYING BY Tj Tule: Move the decimal point one place to the ight, / ivide by 4, and subtract the quotient from the number first divided, Since dificulties are sometimes encountered when moving the decimal point of a traction or mixed number, . limit the use of this shortcut to Integers and decimal sumbers. Multiply 63 by 74. Move te decimal point one place tothe right, 63.0 becomes 630, Divide by 4 and subtract the quotient from 630, 050 +4= 157} 630 “151 FRY Thus 62x 7-1/2 = 4721/2 Answer 180 MULTIPLYING BY 12) ‘Rule: Move the decimal point two places to the Fight and divide by 8. ee | Use this short cut on whole numbers and decimal num- hers only. Odd whole numbers will always end in f; Ley the remainder after aividing by & will be 4. ‘49 an example: Multiply 631 by 121, Move the decimal point two places tothe right. 681,00 becomes 63,100, Divide by 8, 63,100 = & = 7,887) ‘Therefore O81 x 12-4/2 « 7,887-1/2 Answer 100 a9 MULTIPLYING TWO MIXED NUMBERS WHOSE WHOLE NUMBERS ARE THE SAME AND WHOSE FRACTIONS ADD TO 1 Tule: Multiply the whole namber by one mare than IUself. Aix te product of the fractions. Multiply 9-4/9 by 9-5/3, ‘Multiply the whole number by one more than stselt, 9x10 = 90 Altix the product ofthe fractions. 4/9 5/9 = 20/61 9-4/9 x 9-5/9 = 90-20/81 Answer 181 90 MULTIPLYING TWO MIXED NUMBERS WHEN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WHOLE NUMBERS 181 AND THE SUM OF THE FRACTIONS IS 1 ‘Rale: Increase the larger of the whole aumbers by ‘one and multiply by the cther whole number. | ‘Square the traction ofthe larger number aad subtract the square from 1. Aifix the result tothe product obtained inthe first ste For the sum of two fractions to be equal to 4, their denominators must be the same (atleast when both {rac~ tions are written in thetr simplest form) and the sum of the fumerators must equal the denominator, ‘Multiply 15-8/4 by 14-1/4, Increase the larger whole number by one and multiply by the smaller whole aumber, 15 +1=16; 16% 14 » 224 (hort Cut $3 oF 28) ‘Square the fraction of the larger number a/4 x 9/4 = 96 Subtract the result from 1 1-9/6 = 7/6 ‘Attx the result to the product obtained in the first step, 27/16 Answer 182 a SQUARING A NUMBER ENDING IN j Rule! Muliply the whole-namber part ofthe given umber by one more than itself snd atx 1/4 [Naturally the ease with which the whole number is mul- uplied by one more than itselt wll determine when this short cut Is used. Often other short-cut methovs can be applled to reduce the job of multiplying the whole numbers, ‘Square 67} Multiply the whcle number, 87, by one more than itaeit (Snort Cut 88 or 62 can be employed neve). a1 x a8 = 7,656 tts 1/4, 74 656-1/8 Answer 163, 92 93 DIVIDING BY 22 I ik Meyeus teanal uae aa GE | anor Sern point ofthe given number, there will sever be a fractional Fenainder Left after dividing by & Divide 67.6 by 24. ‘The use of Short Cut 14 wil naturally facilitate mui- More the decimal point one place tothe lft ication by 8. . 6 becomes 8.70 Esample: 5,819 + 124. | Move the decimal plat two places tothe let DIVIDING BY 12} Use this short cut oa integers and decimal numbers, Fractions and mixed aurabere sometimes present problems {in moving thetr decimal potnt Makoy by 4 Bort cu 10 Sha, becomes 51819 x4 = 35.08 haus 8 | pei S113 x8» 428.04 | 216 + 24/2 «38.01 Ansar Thaetore S7813 4 12-1/2 = 4625.08 Answer ‘The answer 16 decimal number. This will always be | true (although, of course, the decimal portion can be 220 at times), 185 94 DIVIDING BY 33-1/3 95 FINDING 16-2/3% OF A NUMBER [ A HaRRY Be een nie Santas] [decimal point twa places to the let, Divide 63 by 33-1/3, Multiply by 3 (ase Short Cut 94f necessary). xs = 29 Move the decimal point two plates tothe left, 249.0 recomes 2.49 Tus 89 + 99-1/3 = 2.49 Answer 105 Fale: Divide the given number by 6. 1 the given number is oi, the answer will contain a {raction. ‘See Short Cut 71 forthe Fale for divisitiity by 6, "Fad 16-2/ 9% of 192,00 Short Cut Tl shows that tis number is evenly divisible by 6. 132 +6 = 22 ‘Therefore 20-2/2% of 182 = 22.00 Answer 1st 96 FINDING $3-1/3% OF A NUMBER [Rate Dia te even number ty ‘Short Cut 68 wil indicate whether oF not the given ‘number is evealy divisible by 3. vill have a traction, What is $8-1/3%¢ of 127 Divide by 3 er ‘Therefore 41s 39-1/9% of 12. 108 itis not, the answer | 97 FINDING 31/5 OF A NUMBER ‘Rule; Multiply the given number by 3 and divide the result by & Ether operation may be performed first; the answer will be the same. For example: Find 912% of 7,216, Multiply by 3 (Short Cur 9). 126 x3 = 21,640 Divide by 6 21,648 = ‘Therefore 37-1/ of 7216 = 2,706 Answer I the order of operation were changed, 2,708 would again be obtained, This time, divide by B fis 1216 + 8 = 902 (This can be obtained almost by inspection) ‘Nex, multiply by 3 902 <9 = 2,706 Tis evident that in tis particular example the second ‘order of operation Is the one that profices the answer with the least mental effort. = 2.706 169 98 FINDING 6255 OF A NUMBER 99 FINDING 68-2/3%% OF A NUMBER [Ruler bfove the decimal point one place tothe Fight and divide by 16. | Dividing ty 16 is not as formidable as it may seem at first, Asa matter of fact, it can usualy be dove easier in {wo steps. Dividing tho given nutiber by 2nd thon divide 4g the result by 6 is one way of simpllying this division, Another way isto divide the given aumber by 4 and thes, divide the Fesut by 4 again. ‘Both methods will be demonstrated in the example be- low: but first. division by 16 will be shows, Pind 624% of 512, ‘Move the decimal point one place tothe righ, 512.0_ becomes 5,120, Divide by 16, 5,120 + 16 = 320 Answer ‘The same number, 5,120, wil De divided by 2 and the co- sult divided by 5,120 42 2,560 2,560 + 8 320 Answer ext, the aumber will be dvided by 4 and the result again alvided by 4, 5,120 + 4 = 1,280 1,280 64 = 220 Anener na given problem, at least three choices are open, de- Bending on what the given number is and how easilgen con be divided by 2, 4, oF 8 10 Rule: Divide by 9 and subtract the result from the given number, Find 66-2/3% of 75. Divide by 8 and subtract the result {rom the given umber. Bes= 2 75. 25-50 ‘Therefore 50 is 05-2/3% of 75, m 100 FINDING 814% OF A NUMBER aaa Rule; Divide the given number by 6 and subtract the | By carrying onthe division under the given number, the subtraction can easily follow. Find 872% of 81.52, Divide the given nomber by 8 8) arse Given number 460 Quotient 2.83 Difference 8761/28 of 37.52 » 92.82 Answer Practice Exereises for Short Cuts 89 through 100 » 2) 3) a 5) 8 ome 3) 9 10) ny 12) 13) 14) 18) 18) 1 18) 19) 20 FRACTIONS, MIXED NUMBERS, PERCENTAGE st x 2b 4 abe a 018 * 3/4 ana/s x 28-2/3 13 + aan = 3x 12h = SUP, of 1,250 - yn - fat = BNI of 43 = 32 1p = 5: 62; 2408 + 12) 16-2/35 of 12 1,659 + 125, S0-1/9% of 8 66-2/3% of 9,072 = 42s a= 5245 of 088 = 104 = s8-1/3 = x 6/7 = Choptar & POSTSCRIPT ‘One hundred is a alee number, and it is always plessant ‘to conclude things ina nice fashion. But the 100 short cuts you have just learned do not constitute the conclusion of this book, The provious 100 short cuts were only an iatro- ‘duction something to whet your appetite while at the same lime serving a weful purpose. The one hundred and first ‘short cut is therefore ota summary but rather a fore word.” Here, then, is Short Cut 10, with the hope that "very shortly you will be the one to make it 102,103, 108 . 15 101 DO-IT-YOURSELF SHORT CUTS ‘The first one hundred short cuts inthis took are merely the prelude tothe fascinating art of *do-it-yourselt chose ‘is.” ‘There is an ald proverb that says. “Weceselte eg the rather of invention," and in mathematics we find setae nt the best examples of thi ‘The saicsman who has to figure the price of aa article M itis soldat a discount of 33°1/3% otf ist son dlacerers & quick way of performing that particular calculation te his head. The mechanic, the engineer, the housevifeeach of them meets with dozens of problems in matheratice jch day. Many of the problems are repetitious or wise Involve specific aumbers or groupe of numbers, ‘Helere ong a method is evoived for Teducing paper work, and eo another short cutis bora. To be able to invent short cuts, one must first have a 00d, Solid familiarity with numbers andthe various forms in-whleh they appear ~ fractions, mixed numbers, deciinele, tnd intezers. One must recognize that a number's value ‘ay be changed by the position af a decimal potat while, its appearance as a group of digits can remain the same. For example, ve know 4 short eat for mulipiying by 25 we can easily extend it to include 2.5, 0.25, 280, on even 25,000,000) The important thing to remember is the post ton ofthe decimal point after the answer is obtained, it '& also very important to be able to convert from a decimal toa fraction and from a fraction to a decimal, For lastance fos 4/8 have exactly the same value, Thus if we are given the following problem: 116 Posrscripr n Se Box Daa We Should be able to nee it as 25x25 28/10 x 25/10 ayn ay ‘Some of these are forms for which short-cut methods have already been discussed. Suppose we are given the problem of tinding @ short ext for squaring mixed numbers ending in 1/4, In decimal form, 1/4 is equal to 0.25, Short Cut 41 ean be used for ‘squaFing numbers ending in 25. With a Litle ingenuity it ‘can also be applied to numbers ending in 1/4. Take the example: Square 9-1/4. ‘This can be written as 9.25 or 92.5/10 or even 925/100, this last form the example becomes 925/100 x 925/100 or 905 x 935, 0,000 ‘Short Cut 47 tes us to square the hundreds digit (re~ ‘momber, this was the whole-number portion of out ofiginal given number). ‘Then add one-half the hundeds digit. Fol low this with a 5 or a zero, depending on whether the hun- ‘dreds digit is odd or even,’ The last three digits of the ‘answer will be 625. Thus the last four digits are always either 8825 or 0625, [Let us go tack to our original number, 9-1/4, From the rocedure above we see that only the whole number Is i= Yolved in the short cut. His squared.” oxo. a ‘One-half tse is ated to the result (ignoring any traction). fot8=4 (ignore 4) Means 18 PosTscRipT: ‘The noxt step isto ax 5625, since 9 is odd. But 5625 ‘ctually represents 0.5625, ahd 0.5605 is 9/16 In fractional form. ‘Thus we need afix ony the fraction, 9/1, to cbiain the answer. Ifthe whole number were evet we would af- fx 0.0625, which is equal to 1/16. From what has just been explained, see if you can formulate a short cut for squaring ‘any mixed number ending i 1/4, By simply interchanging fractions and decimals and manipulating the decimal point, an entirely new area of short-cut methods is opened, Anyone can be a ‘do-it-yourself short cuter.* All ho needs is a good working knowledge ct numbers and an ability to visualize a problem ina variety of diferent forms. Given the job of performing routine arithmetic ‘operations and oncugh laziness Yo wast to reduce the Amount of work as much as possible, there is no limit to the number of short-cut methods one can invent,

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