Arcis-sur-Aube - Malt Storage Silos

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Arcis-sur-Aube - Malt storage silos

France, Aube (10)

Work / Activity 1
Structural reinforcement /
Additional prestressing

Engineer :

FREYSSINET Dpartement Technique

Subsidiary(ies) :

Freyssinet France

End of works :


Description of the work :

The Malt storage silos in Arcis-sur-Aube is a large structure
which comprises 4 cells. Each 1,500 tons cell have a diameter of
9m and a height of 33m. They showed serious damage of the
reinforced concrete structure: vertical and horizontal cracking.
The solution implented was that of external additional

Freyssinet mission :
Freyssinet supplied and installed 3 tons of external posttensionning: each was confined by 18 loops of 1T15 greased
sheathed strand threaded in a HDPE duct ciment granted,
anchored by 1X15 anchorages.

Photos : Photothque Freyssinet

FREYSSINET - 1 bis rue du Petit Clamart - Bat. C 78148 Vlizy Villacoublay - France
Tl.: +33 (0) 1 46 01 84 84 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 46 01 85 85 -

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