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Kaitlyn McMonagle

Revolution Leader Fidel Castro

Breaks ties with the
US and Allies himself with the Soviet

The US originally believed that Cuba was

democratic, but within a few months they
proved otherwise. They held tribunals for
political opponents and jailed a lot of people.

Castro broke the 1952 pact with the US. He also

confiscates US assents and made Soviet like
collective farms. The US ended the relationship
with Cuba and then Cuba created a relationship
with the USSR.

Bay of Pigs

Cuban exiles that were backed up by the US

invaded Cuba. This was planned during the
Eisenhower administration.

The plan was giving the go ahead by President

Kennedy. However, he refused to give air
support. The invaders did not gain Cuban

Soviet Missile Crisis

The Soviets attempted to place missiles in Cuba

and point them at the United States which
created a crisis.

The United States planned to create a blockade

of Cuba to prevent the delivery of the missiles.
About 6 days later, Russia took down the
missiles, but made the US promise to not attack

In Poor Health Castro

Announces His Retirement

Castro announced in a public statement that he

was not healthy enough to campaign after an
emergency intestinal surgery.

In 2008, Castro announced that he was

permanently retiring after 49 years of being in
power. His brother, Raul Castro took over

Cubans Begin to Win Small


In 2008, the government allowed more

freedom when it comes to land restrictions in
order to boost the poor food production and
reduce reliance on food imports.

In 2009, the United States repealed on the

restrictions of Cuban-American visiting Havana
and sending money into the country.

Cuba Takes Possible Steps

Toward a New Leader Not
Named Castro

Cuba made a significant change when they

appointed Jose Ramon Machado as the second
highest leader. It was the first time in over 50
years that a Castro wasnt filling that position.

Castro started allowing Cubans to go into

business for themselves in a variety of approved
jobs, from accounting to food vendors.

Pope Makes Long Awaited


In 2012, the Pope visited Cuba. This visit

occurred after the long years of tension
between Cuba and the Church.

During his visit, the Pope, said, "I am convinced

that Cuba, at this moment of particular
importance in its history, is already looking to
the future, and thus is striving to renew and
broaden its horizons."

Exit Visa Requirement Is


The government announced in 2012 that you

wouldnt need an exit visa to leave the country.

To leave the country, you only needed a

passport and a visa from the country that youre

Cuba Resumes Diplomatic

Relations With The US

The Cubans freed Alan Gross who was a US

citizen who was imprisoned in Cuba. In return,
the US said that they would resume relations
with Cuba.

With diplomatic relations restored, the ban for

Americans traveling to Cuba was lifted. Before
Dec. 2014, Americans could only travel to Cuba
with permission from the U.S. State

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