Bjhs Cheer Contract 2015 2016

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2015-2016 Contract
Coaching Staff:
Maggie Kennedy
Team Website:
The following are the rules and expectations of the Bloomington Junior High School
cheerleading program. All cheerleaders and parents must read and sign this form.
Practices will begin this summer and continue through the entire boys basketball
season. I will keep everyone posted about when summer practices will be held. Regular
practices during the school year will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30pm. If
there is a game on a practice day, we will not practice. Adjustments will be made to
the practice schedule around holidays. There will most likely be extra practices
scheduled around state.
A team can only achieve great things if the entire team is there to practice. Because of
this, team members are expected to attend all scheduled practices. Each girl is
responsible for letting me know if she has to miss a practice. If you know of an absence
ahead of time, an absence request form must be filled out and signed by a parent. For
last minute absences, a parent must notify me by phone or email prior to practice. If a
cheerleader is sick from school, please e-mail me to let me know. It will be considered
an unexcused absence if I am not notified. Please do not ask one of the other
cheerleaders to inform me about an absence. If a cheerleader is not at practice by
3:15pm, and I have not been notified of an absence, I will contact the parent by phone.
Three unexcused practice absences will result in removal from the squad. As long as I
am made aware of the absence ahead of time, it will be considered excused. However,
having eight excused absences will result in removal from the squad.
Because we only practice twice a week, please schedule appointments or other
functions at other times that do not conflict with practices.

Cheerleaders will wear their uniform to school on game days. They must be present for
at least two hours and 45 minutes of the school day and must dress for P.E. in order to
be eligible to cheer at the game that evening. Games will begin in November and end
in February. The cheerleaders will cheer at all home games, in-town away games, and
all tournaments. The girls will be divided into 6 stunt groups, A-F. At each game, 3
stunt groups will cheer. I will make a rotation for each game. If there are times that you
know will be difficult to make a game (for example, you have church on Wednesday
nights so it would be difficult to attend the 8th grade game on a Wednesday or you are
in another sport and have practices), please let me know so I can try my best to
schedule around those conflicts.
Each cheerleader is responsible for their own transportation to and from home games,
and should be picked up promptly (within 15 minutes) after each game. For the in-town
away games, the cheerleaders must ride the bus with the basketball team to the game,
which leaves from BJHS at 3:15pm. The bus is only one-way, so parents will be
responsible for picking their child up after the game at the away school. For out of
town post season games, cheerleaders must ride the bus to and from the game. If a
cheerleader wants to ride home with a parent, the parent must write a note and it has
to be signed by an administrator the day before. If riding the bus back to school, they
should be picked up from BJHS promptly (within 15 minutes) upon their return.
Cheerleaders for the 7th grade game must arrive to the gym and check-in with me by
4:00pm for games during the week. Cheerleaders for the 8th grade game must arrive to
the gym and check-in with me by 5:00pm for games during the week. For Saturday
games, each squad member should arrive 45 minutes prior to the start time. Any
cheerleader that arrives more than 10 minutes late will have to sit out one quarter of
that game. If there is a valid reason that has been discussed ahead of time with me,
this action will be waived. I will supervise those who choose to remain at the school on
game nights, rather than going home and coming back. We may possibly do a team
dinner option if parents want that. Otherwise, cheerleaders should bring a
snack/dinner with them to eat during that time. They can also use this time to finish
their homework.
Cheerleaders must attend all games. The following reasons would be considered
excused absences from a game:
1) Illness
2) Family Emergency
3) School activity that earns a grade
4) Participation in other sport (as long as compromises are made from both sides)
6) Other reasons based upon coaches discretion
If an absence does not fit the criteria above, it will be considered unexcused.

If a cheerleader must miss a game, an absence request form must be filled out. For
last minute absences, a parent must notify me by phone or email prior to the game. It
will be considered an unexcused absence if a coach is not notified. Please do not ask
one of the other cheerleaders to inform the coaches of an absence. If a cheerleader is
not present 15 minutes prior to game time, and we have not been notified of an
absence, we will contact the parent by phone.
If you know ahead of time that you have to miss, please find a sub for that
game. I will make a list of all cheerleaders, their contact information, and
what part of the stunt they do so you can find the appropriate sub.
Three unexcused game absences will result in being removed from the squad.
Unexcused absences from practice or games prior to a game will result in the
cheerleader sitting out the first half of the game following the absence.
**If you leave school early due to being ill, you will not be able to cheer at the
All girls will cheer at the Intercity Tournament. I will make a schedule for the
tournament once we know times. Post season tournaments consist of Regionals,
Sectionals, and State. Both 7th and 8th grade basketball teams will play at least one
Regional game and will continue on if they win. I will also divide up the girls to cheer
for these games. We cheer at both in town and out of town. Exact times for post
season tournaments are often not known until a couple of days before the tournament
begins. We will have the dates of the tournaments, but when we play will depend on
our seed. Please leave all the dates open. All cheerleaders will be expected to cheer at
all tournament games. The absence policy is the same for tournaments.
General Practice/Game Rules

No gum at games or practices.

No jewelry of any kind can be worn at practices or games. Please do not get any
new piercings during the season.
Athletic attire (shorts and a t-shirt) and cheer shoes should be worn for all
Hair must be pulled up in a high pony tail with the team bow for games. No long
side bangs. If you have short hair, it must be pulled half up. For practices, hair
can be styled any way you choose, as long as it is up and away from your face.
Please arrive on time and ready for all practices and games.
Uniform, including cheer shoes, should be neat and clean at all times.
Please check in with one of the coaches when you arrive to the game.
The school rule is for all students to be picked up within 15 minutes after a game.
If you are not able to get to the game within 15 minutes of the end, please let a
coach know beforehand. We can try to coordinate a ride for the cheerleader if

Other Performances
There may be additional opportunities to perform that will come up during the season.
We will provide as much notice as possible when these arise. Additional opportunities
known at this time include:
Staff vs. Students Game Date TBA
State competition Date TBA
State Competition
Cheerleaders are not required to participate in the state competition, however it is
highly encouraged. The category we will compete in will be determined by the number
of girls that will be able to compete. If you are going to participate in the state
competition, it is imperative that you attend all practices and games. If you miss
practices, we wont be able to practice parts of our routine.
The school provides the uniforms for each cheerleader. This includes the top and skirt.
All cheerleaders will purchase shoes, midriff bodysuit, briefs, and hair bow. Those items
are not to exceed $90 total. Financial assistance is available and the parent must
discuss this with the coaches. Otherwise, it will be expected that the items will be paid
for at time of order. We will get all of this ordered over the summer.
Uniforms must be returned to the coaches at the end of the season. They are to be
washed in cold water (the uniform with no other clothes) and hung to dry. They should
be turned in hanging on a hanger.
I expect hard work, cooperation, and appropriate behavior at all times. If behavior
problems exist during practices, games, or at school (even if it does not involve
cheerleading) the cheerleader will be addressed by myself and possibly the athletic
director. If it happens again, the cheerleader will be removed from the squad.
Cheerleaders need to be on their best behavior at all times at school or school
Academic Eligibility
All cheerleaders must be passing all of their classes in order to cheer at games. Grades
are submitted by teachers every Friday, which will determine a students eligibility for
the following week of practices and games. If a student is ineligible, they must still
attend practices, but cannot participate. They must still attend games with the team,
but cannot dress or participate. Academics should be each cheerleaders highest
priority, so it is expected that she will work to bring her grade(s) back up in order to be
eligible again. If a cheerleader is ineligible three different weeks during the season,
they will be removed from the squad.

Any necessary information that needs to be distributed to parents and/or team

members throughout the season will be communicated in at least one of the following
- Directly to the cheerleaders
- On team website (
-On the team Facebook page (BJHS Cheerleading)
- E-mails to parents
- Notes sent home with the cheerleaders

I have read and agree to all of the rules and expectations of Bloomington Junior High
School Cheerleading. As a parent, I agree to be supportive of my childs participation
and assist them in fulfilling their commitment as a team member for the duration of the
season. As a cheerleader, I agree to work hard, be positive and respectful, and
maintain good behavior and grades in school.
This form must be submitted to me by next Tuesday, June 2nd.
Days my daughter will not be available over the summer and/or days and times that
work best:

Do you have any ideas for summer get togethers?

Any other information I should know:

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