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Homework 4

Fall 2014

4.1 Consider a baseband system with the following characteristics:

Hc (f ) = [1 + j2f /fx ]1 ;

Gx (f ) =

Heq (f ) =

Gni (f ) = N0 /2 watt/Hz

0.5 fx ,

1 + j(2f /fx ),

for |f | < fx
for |f | < fx

(No preemphasis filter.) Calculate (S/N )d for this system.

4.2 Design optimum preemphasis/deemphasis filters for the system described in problem 4.1 and
compute (S/N )d for the optimum system. Assume ST to be the same and compare the results.
4.3 A carrier of amplitude 1 mv is 50% amplitude modulated by a sinusoidal waveform of frequency fx < 1000 Hz. The signal is accompanied by thermal noise of twosided spectral
density N0 /2 = 1012 watt/Hz. The signal plus noise is passed through a predetection filter
having the response shown in Fig. 1. The signal is demodulated by multiplication with a
local carrier of amplitude 2 volts and filtering the product with an ideal lowpass filter having
a bandwidth of 1 kHz.

Figure 1:
(a) Find the output signal power.
(b) Find the output noise power.
(c) Find (S/N ) at the demodulator input and (S/N )d .
4.4 The average noise power per unit bandwidth measured at the front end of an AM receiver is
103 watt per Hertz. The modulating wave is sinusoidal, with a carrier power of 80 kw, and
a sideband power of 10 kw per sideband. The message bandwidth is 4 kHz. Assuming the
use of an envelope detector in the receiver, determine the output signaltonoise ratio of the

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