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The Perspective I chose for this poem was about what my journey of finding myself.

the beginning of my poem I talked about this path that I walked along and how it was the road to
finding myself. As I revised my poem I started to elaborate on what happened throughout that
journey. I went into more depth on what happened on that journey, I talked about what I saw and
what I smelled.
The first important change that I made was bringing in sensory words such as sight
smell and touch. My first draft is very visual and has none of the other senses included. I felt this
needed to change because my poem seemed unbalanced as well as adding other senses into
my poem would increase the imagery. In my final draft I talk about the smell of roses and the
touch of a silk cloth. This change improved my poem imagery a lot as well as giving it a deeper
emotional feeling.
The second important change that I made was including the audience in my poem. In my
first draft I only talked about my experience and I felt like I wanted to not only tell about my
experience but I also wanted to share it with the audience. In my final draft I talk to the audience
about their experience with my topic and how it will affect them. This change allowed for the
audience to gain a deeper understanding about my poem and relate to it more.
The third change that I made was making the mirror into a monster. In my first draft the
mirror was just a way of showing self reflection. But I wanted to show how hard self reflection
can be. So in my final draft I turned the mirror into a monster making it like it was your own
personal demon. This was an important change because everyone knows self reflection is hard
and this part of the poem really brings the audience in and helps them relate to what im talking

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