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The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 1

Source 1: Insight into the Rebbe’s educational concerns from Aish Kodesh

Source 2: Introduction to Chovat ha-Talmidim – ‘A Chat with teachers and the fathers of sons’

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 1

The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 1

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 2

The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 1

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 3

The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 1

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 4

The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 1

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 5

The Piacetzner Rebbe – Chovat ha-Talmidim 1

Rabbi Harvey Belovski 5770 Page 6

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