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Comparison of Alternative Hull Forms for Power Boat Application Karl L. Kirkman, Fellow, Science Applications Int'l Corp., Annapolis, MD ABSTRACT A fundamental choice at the time of concept design of a power boat involves the selection of one of number of different generic hull forms ranging from conventional displacement forms to special purpose high performance hulls, each with an appropriate domain. For a design, there is often a particular hull suited to the size, speed, and operating conditions but all too often the inappropriate type is selected and then forced to suit the requirements. ‘The paper reviews the relative uses and merits of power boat hull forms, and provides methods for selecting the appropriate hull and making early stage resistance predictions. It also presents, as sidebars, selected examples of cach application, including a number of interesting craft presently in active service. INTRODUCTION "the author and his many assistants have tied to produce material of use 10 designers of small specialized rat. In this county, at least, the owners of these rarely ‘rave an engineering background. Once the need fora new boat is established, they are far too impatient 10 wait for design altemarives 10 be worked ous, tested in model tanks, find thorough anabses made. They are certainly unwilling to finance such activities. The success ofthe ngs, rawlers, {freboats, and other such craft have resulted from a handful eral che aif pola mean of Imagination, inition, and most of all, long practical Codiric Ridgely-Nevitt discussing the Webb ‘Trawler Series One of the interesting aspects of dealing with potential purchasers of power boats is the lack of appreciation of the importance of applying principles of naval architecture to this type of hull ; persons who would never consider undertaking changes which vitally affect the final of a sailing yacht think nothing of making il considered selections which doom the power yacht to be a disappointment. Accordingly, this paper was conceived to give @ sense of the hydrodynamic trade-offs which must be used to reconcile owners requirements with a final design by selecting the correct hull form type. ‘The present discussion is limited to monohull types, not because of any technical superiority of these for all missions, but because they typify the majority of craft in pleasure use and produced commercially. It also concentrates on calm water resistance, while pointing out the importance of adapting hulls for good performance in rough water, and good handling characteristics. ‘THE DOMAIN OF THE POWERCRAFT In order to understand the uses of alternative hull forms for powercraft, it is necessary to understand a limited amount about the nature of resistance of a hull form, Ti i rue becnne ceraln gps af hala re suited to specific speed ranges and weights better Cothers. In this presentation great emphasis is placed on conceptualizing speed and weight in relative or "non- dimensional” terms as a means of better understanding the merits of different forms. AL To begin, William Froude contributed to naval architecture the iaw of simlitude” of wave patterns. He noted the characteristic shape of a wave train, Figure 1 taken from Reference ', and also that hulls of different lengths had the similar wave trains if the speed was characterized by a ratio called the speed-length ratio, @ fraction obtained by dividing the speed in knots by the square root of the waterline length in feet. Introduced as a basis for mode! testing and extrapolation, the concept helps to demonstrate that speed for a surface ship is directly related to size rather than being absolute. This is why a tug running alongside a large ship such as a aircraft carrier can be seen to make a huge fuss of waves while the water seems still alongside the large ship travelling at the same speed. The fuss corresponds to an increase in resistance; energy is pumped into the water and forms the waves as a result, and this increase in resistance isso marked thatthe notion of hull speed has been applied to displacement hull forms; hull speed being a theoretical maximum beyond which the hull cannot be driven regardless of the power installed. This {sa useful concept, not because there isan absolute limit for there is no such a limit - planing boats get beyond this speed routinely, but because it assists in understanding the nature of futility in trying to speed up a heavy displacement type hull. Figure 1 - Froude's Sketch of Wave Patterns Rather than taking the hull speed as a limit, tis ‘seful to se it a8 a tool to delineate the speed zones suitable for different types of hull forms. These limits fal ut of considerations of economical operation which can be defined a number of ways. One arbitrary standard as the lift to drag ratio ofa ll Ifthe ift is taken asthe displacement, and the drag related to the installed Power, it becomes clear that very low speed operation is most economical because the supporting force for such a hull is achieved without much drag, This is why cariers of cheap bulk cargoes tend to be large with low speed operation; a VLCC typicaly has a speed-iength ratio of about one-half based on an absolute speed of 15 knots ‘This choice is not practicable for a power yacht however, ata length of 30-feet, the corresponding speed would be about 3 knots. This example shows, however, why displacement type yachis as exemplified by trawler hulls tend to be relatively slow speed hulls - it is done to achieve economy in cruising. This general principle overs most matine craft andthe achievement of fugh relative speed is usually accompanied by a decrease in efficiency. For example, typical speed-length ratios of common marine craft and the corresponding efficiencies expressed as lift-to-drag ratio are Type ‘Speed-Length Ratio L/D vice 4 3,000 Naval Auxiliary 1.0 200 Destroyer 18 2» Patrol Craft 30 to Fast Yacht 60 3 Planing For high speed operation, say above thirty knots, cven relatively large ships are traveling at speed-length ratios which cofrespond to massive wavemaking resistance, and it becomes appropriate to utlize another source of lif to support the bull - this is progressively tore true as the lengih decreases in accordance with the notion of non-dimensional speeds explained above. Becaue af tie end operating er citealy hgh sponds employ dynamic Lit wo support the hull rather than relying solely on buoyancy, for example racing hydroplanes or offshore boats can be seen skipping along "Lewis, Edward V., editor, "Principles of Naval Architecture", SNAME,1988. a2 ‘on the water surface. This behavior has been given the rather imprecise term of "planing" ; imprecise because there exist various definitions of the term. One common definition is that more than half the weight is carried by the dynamic lift forces, and another is that the craft CG rises above the static flotation level; but in either case the behavior cannot readily be detected by direct observation of a real craft. For lack of a better alternative, planing hulls (designed to achieve significant lift) tend to be characterized by hull form geometry; the shape of chines and buttocks near the stern needed to achieve clean flow separation necessary for efficient planing operation, rather than amounts of lift or sinkage. The ability to break the bonds of the resistance hump is shown by comparative generic resistance curves for a displacement hull and a planing hull in Figure 2 which was talsn from a state of the art survey paper by Savitek,’, ‘This ability to elude the traditional "hull Speed" limit has a price, however, as is also shown in the Figure; at low speeds the planing hull has much more resistance than that ofthe displacement hull, presumably because the compromises in hull form made to generate lift at high speeds lead to unfavorable low speed resistance. ‘There is a tendency to think of all hulls as falling into either the displacement or the planing category, but indeed there exists a continuum of hulls between the two ‘extremes in which partial compromises of displacement form have been made to allow the attainment of partial planing without giving up completely on low speed Performance. These intermediate forms are called é high-speed displacement, semi-displacement, or semi-planing, and are characterized geometrically by Aattened buttocis and hardening of chines ( or the fitting of spray rails) to achieve clean flow separation. To show the relative roles for the displacement, semi-semi- displacement, and planing forms, a chart such as Figure 3 gives insight because it allows the superposition of ‘contours demarking the bounds berween the types on a background of speed and size. The boundaries are somewhat arbitrary, but are typical of values which appear in the literature. If these are further focused within the size range of small pleasure craft, Figure 4, the regime of the various types can easily be related to contemplated designs. If for example, you wish to have a yacht having a length of 40-eet, it should begin to show the characteristics of a planing hull if the speed is to exceed 10 knots, and should be fully developed as a planing hull for speeds above 20 knots. Se 5 Figure 2 - Comparative Resizance Curve for Dpiacement and Planing Hall 2 Savitsky, Daniel, “Planing Craft’, Naval Engineers Journal, February 1985. a3 sdryg 10}0W OM], apeuatlac pue os1y AS ‘The fact that the hull form selected is of the correct type for the speed range is a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for a successful boat. The other main design parameters must also be suitable; proportions & weight, for example, The first occasion at which the designer confronts these often conflicting decisions is upon receipt of a set of owners requirements. ‘Owners Requirements An owners selection of requirements for a new boat can doom or bless the eventual boat which is selected from them. Dealing first with the stock boat purchaser, one should rarely go to a store for the Purpose of deciding whether to buy something, and boat, shows are no exception. When shopping at a boat show, rational requirements are often overlooked because the tendency is to be attracted to a particular model which seems t0 suit individual taste, and to bypass the step of carefully laying down requirements what is sought or desired, Accordingly, even if a stock boat is the ultimate solution, it is essential to a wise selection to confront writing ‘down some requirements to match against candidates. For the owner who chooses a custom design, the process forces this step to some extent by requiring conveyance of design goals to the designer. While discussion has its place in this process, a disciplined attempt should be made by both parties to reduce this process to writing. The following is excerpted from an actual letter to a designer which states requirements about as well as it can be done: "By wife and I have cruised the Florida Keys and the Bahamas Ous-Islands rather extensively inthe past six years in our (blank), a 40-foot single screw diesel rawler type ‘yacht. Prior t0 that time, we cruised the same area in a sailboat. thas been our practice in the past and hopefully in the future to Spend at least four to séx months aboard the boat for the most part in the Bahamas Out-lslands. We have concluded that our present boat has some shortcomings that are uncorreciable in view of is size. The shontcomings I refer to are: 1. Potable water and laundry are such problems that we ‘want water maker and washer and dryer on aboard. Apparently the reverse osmosis water makers have reached {high stave of dependabiliy. 2. Weutilze a 13 foot Boston Whaler and a 35 hep. electric Start ourboard motor as a dinghy. However we cannot cary 4. The present refrigeration system we have isnot adequate for enansv eid at anchor, don se ay reason why we could not have a refrigeration system, including both freezer and refrigerator, which would not require the ‘operation of a generator for more than three hous a day. We do not desire to increase the number of people aboard simply because the boat we plan would be somewhat larger. We simply do not desire sleeping Fre naatns ets for curses anal wo short tm : It seems tome that to meet our requirements we ll have to have a hull of approximately 50 or 53 fet in overall lengih. We are not interested in speed and would want a displacement hull, single screw with propeller protected by 4 full keel and skeg Because of our cruising grounds it ald be eae forthe dr, uly oad na eed ie "It is obvious that need th sevice ofa competent naval architect with wide experience in trawler ype yachts Your designs have appeared in various publications and have atracted my attention, thus ths letter.” ‘The specific requirements are not the issue here. It is interesting that the owner has correctly selected a hhull form which is suited to both a rather heavy accommodation, and a low speed, but that may not always be the case. What is good about this sample is that it includes the following items which affect the selection of a hull form: Experience - some indication of the background of the intended user. Use - a cogent description of the intended use of the vessel. Speed - a definite statement of the desired speed capability. Range - qualification of the use which allows determination of a practical working range. ‘Accommodations - a description of the relative level of habitability required Since this paper deals only with hull shape, we will dispense with the rest of the process which’ the designer must undertake in order to arrive at a balanced design. However, that process is critical and an excellent description is presented by Hamlin’. Even when AG Resistance - The various hull form wypes need consideration in light of the speed regime imrended a3 described above. In addition, attention must be given {0 selecting proper size and proportions Asa rule of thumb, planing ‘hulls tend to be lighter, displacement. hulls heavier for their length. The naval architect has a way of portraying this weight relationship in a non-dimensional form, that isa form which accounts for size differences. The quantity is called displacement-length ratio and is computed by dividing the weight in tons by 0.01 times the length in feet, quantity cubed. ‘Typical values. for displacement hulls are 300-400, for semi-planing 225-300, and for planing, less than 225. You can see why the Planing hulls more sensitive to weight if you refer back to the LID values given previously, each increment of weight added at high speed requires almost exactly the same addition of power. In fact, I have had good experience using the curve in Figure $ for making preliminary estimates of the speed of high-speed cratt ‘nowing only the weight and the installed power, or for judging the effects on an existing design of akering the ‘weight or power plant. Powering - most high speed powercraft have relatively oor propulsive efficiency. That is, a significantly reduced portion of the power developed by the engine is actually ‘t_work overcoming the resistance of the hull. ‘Accordingly, estimates of the powering performance must be made in selecting both the propulsion ‘machinery, and the type of propulsion system. Seakeeping - A par of the performance which is often overlooked in pleasure craft is the seakeeping; the comfort to passengers and the structural loads. Generally speaking, low speed craft are susceptible to extreme motions; particularly roll, while high speed craft tend to be limited by passenger comfort or structural loads as a result of high levels of vertical acceleration. As an example of how important (and poorly defined) the limitations become, one ‘manufacturer, in light of massive hull structural failures, hhas gone to the extreme of declining to warrant hulls used in rough water (whatever that means). While some limits are reasonable, to be useful a boat must be able to sustain speed in rough water with both comfort and safety for the erew, as the sea is rarely calm. Handling - Reasonable stability and control characteristics are essential to a successful design. ‘Whether this involves good course keeping for a slow speed boat to ease the workload for the helmsman , oF resistance 10 the various types of violent pitch and rollyaw coupled stability which can make small, high speed craft unsafe 10 operate, attention must be paid to handling at early stages of design. ‘Range - when designing to a demanding range Tequirement, a significant part of the weight of a. becomes the fuel necessary to complete the intended long run. This leads to a concept known as the “total ‘weight of machinery and fuel" which can be extremely >. Hamlin, Cyrus, "Preliminary Design of Boats and Ships", Comell Maritime Press, 1989, ay ergertas 00 ‘rojamyd.yatce sore 008 m2 OFF neon Bt 00% oT spencd 0008! wer ott ‘wer oe yeog Aeq orsset[9 A[41oysey Ag sensitive to small changes in resistance, propulsive performance, and machinery characteristics. For craft Gesigned to a demanding range requirement, there is almost always a trade-off of machinery life against performance which must be addressed. In fact itis this consideration which makes power plants with high specific output especially attractive. For example, inboard/outboards and outboard motors with low weight per horsepower, and low appendage drag (since they Tequire no separate steering systems) are_ especially attractive in high performance applications. These same Pressures have led to the widespread introduction of ‘turbocharging of large diesels engines and a shift to non- \raditionally high RPM's in order to meet the challenge of reducing machinery weight. The reason this becomes so critical in long range situations at relatively high speed. is that the weight of machinery and fuel as a percentage of total displacement begins to dominate such designs. In the case of one particular design this in turn drove the total boat size so that a preliminary design study resulted in the following approximate design characteristics to attain 300 miles at thirty knots: Propulsion Length Overall Displacement Outboard 35-feet 8,000 Ibs WO, Gasoline 38-feet 12,000 Ibs, Diesel 42-feet 24,000 tbs ‘While the larger diesel version clearly would have substantially more accommodations, the point to be made is the sensitivity of the design to selection of machinery in a relatively long range application. PERFORMANCE ESTIMATES ‘The business of making performance estimates for ‘a new design usually relies heavily on experience with previous vessels. Indeed, much of the data which is useful in this regard was produced on a proprietary basis, and is not generally available; it exists in the form of individual model test and trial results squirreled away in the files of experienced designers. However, sufficient data exist in the open literature to allow for early stage estimates, and the remainder of this paper is devoted to summarizing these data for power boats resistance. Perhaps the frst issue to raise and deal with i the role and prospects for computational uid dynamics (CED) methods to estimate resistance of power boat hull, forms. The state of the art at this writing is that while such tools have shown great promise for treating cersain Fesistance components for certain hull types, robust tools suitable for general use are not available. As a result, heavy reliance must be placed on empirical tools, primarily model tests. ‘As an interim procedure somewhere between (CFD and model testing there exist various semi-empirical models based on simple planing theory and synthesized ‘with model data which give perfectly workable estimates of performance , at least for parametric variations. Such tools are quite’ useful for selecting balanced design parameters, but their insensitivity to individual hull geometries limits their usefulness in evaluating specific proposed lines. An excellent survey of these tools is siven by Savitsky in the Naval Engineers Journal article Previously cited. Fortunately, there exist a variery of published model test data, primarily for systematic series tests ‘which allow preparation of resistance estimates for a variety of hull forms. In fact, Figure 6 was prepared to summarize some of the more widely available resistance data by zones of speed-length ratio, and displacement Jength ratio. Later inthis paper, the various series wil be described further. Having offered these data, itis worth qualifying their use carefully for a number of reasons : + Not al series represent an optimum set of parameters for a realise design; one must be on the lookout that he has chosen the best hull type as well as the appropriate parameters within that hull type for his application. For example, one could choose a model from any of four nts at the values of specd-length ratio = 15, isplacement-length ratio =225. The choices would include two different cruiser sterns and two diffrent round bilge hulls with transom stems. This example Shows that the mere existence of data within a methodical series for a parameter combination should not be taken to validate that variant 3s a good design. In fact, on the fringes of the various families shown, the designer should almost expect poor design. ag DISPLACEMENT. LENGTH RATIO Cony 300 Figure 6 - Available Model Resistance Data + A nced exists to tie ones experience as represented by specific designs to the data base. For example, in the discussion of Reference 6, Nickum shows how a number Of his offices designs compared to the Nevitt equivalent - frequently the actual designs had significantly more resistance, presumably because of details of lines and form representing practical design details, This matter is best addressed if comparative model test results are in hand of existing designs so as to avoid the problems of uncertainty related to determining EHP from full-scale trials. * One must always be conscious of the issue of roughness allowance or more broadly model-ship correlation, in applying a mode! test prediction to a final design. * Particularly in the case of high-speed power boats, it will be necessary to make an allowance forthe resistance ‘of appendages. All too often, the is quantity is underestimated at carly design stages. ALO Jastinig Aepsuroog BSSTIeS All Having introduced these cautionary notes, let us now proceed to introduce the data in Figure 6. This wll be done starting in the lowest speed heaviest portion of the Figure, and working toward the fastest lightest hulls by presenting the source for data, describing the general characteristics of the series and noting features of the data. The slowesthheaviest hulls, typical of what might be applied to a trawler hull form are represented in the Trawler Series tested at Webb Institute and reported by Nevitt’, Developed to cover typical 50's trawler practice, these data have demonstrated wide applicability 10 various small craft. A body plan and characteristics of a parent hull are shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 - Nevitt Trawler Series Lines Within the same parameter range, are a non- systematic series of data for ten singlescrew tug boat hulls as published by SNAME®. While not a systematic series, sufficient ranges of parameters are included (ex: ‘DLR 250-447) that these data should be useful for a tug cor trawler type hull. In the lower displacement-length ratio area, the ‘Taylor Standard Series® has been shown. This series based on a cruiser stern hull of a British armored cruiser ‘and employing over two hundred models, independently investigated the effects of prismatic, beam-draft ratio, ‘and displacement-length ratio. The parent lines are shown in Figure 8 This series was so extensive that the data are frequently used to assist in parametric selections for hull forms greatly different than the parent. Figure 8 - Taylor Standard Series Lines All of the above series are for cruiser sterns which are generally agreed to be the best choice for relatively low speed operation. ‘As the speed the range of high-speed displacement hulls, it becomes advantageous to resort to fa transom stern. Opinions vary, but a good consensus value of this transition point might be the speed-length ratio of about 1.4 as shown in Figure 6, 4. Nevitt, Cedric, "The Resistance of a High Displacement-Length Ratio Trawler Series", SNAME Transactions, 1967. 5, "Tug Model Resistance Data Sheets", SNAME, 1958. * Taylor, D.W., "The Speed and Power of Ships", USMC, 1910. Al2 There are four series which represent hulls intended to bridge the transition from displacement operation to planing. The work known as the NPL methodical series! comprising 22 models provides the areatest coverage of the design space in Figure 6, and has the added benefit of including limited seakecping and maneuvering data. A parent is shown in Figure 9. ‘Also applicable inthis design space isthe work published by De Groot comprising 76 models (and including the 14-model series of Nordstrom’, Figure 10.) Next, there Ww 777 Mi y i a Mil ——— ‘ ip = S Figure 9 - NPL Series Lines Figure 10 - Nordstrom Series Lines 7. Bailey,D., "The NPL High Speed Round Bilge Displacement Hull Series", Maritime Technology Monograph, RINA, 1976. *. Groot, D. de," Resistance and Propulsion of Motor Boats’, International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol 2, 1955. °. Nordstrom, HLF. "Some Tests with Models of Small Vessels", SSPA Publication No. 19, 1951. ©. Beys, Petros M,, "Series 63 Round Bottom Boats’, Davidson Laboratory Report 979, ‘April 1963. 1, Yeh, HLY.H,, " Series 64 Resistance Experiments on High-Speed Displacement Forms", Marine Technology, Vol 2, 1965. LingrenH, and Williams, A. "Systematic Tests with Small, Fast Displacement Vessels, Including a Study of the Influence of Spray Strips", SNAME 1968. Note: This reference is given in PNA and apparently i in error as no such paper appears in the 1968 ‘Transactions. Al3 SoAeM UL poeds Ys pouteysns yIOOSY Ala is the family based on a US. Navy $0-foot utility boat and known as Series 63"° shown as Figure 11. Finally Series 64", an extreme family of low wave drag displacement type hulls covers well into the planing regime. The parent lines for this series is shown in Figure 12 taken from PNA. A final round-bilge series which covers much less range in displacement-length ratio and slightly less speed- length ratio variation is the SPA” series of nine models described in PNA from which Figure 13 is taken to show the parent. Experience has shown that for operation in the planing regime, itis necessary to resort to hard chines to ‘most effectively give a clean separation of transverse flow and assure good planing performance. The final sets of ‘methodical series data are therefore hard-chin hulls for Sees Pry Figure 12 - Series 64 Lines Figure 11 - Series 63 Lines Som Py Als Figure 13 - SSPA Series Lines which test data extend to significantly higher speeds. In this regard, such data is frequently scaled by a Froude Number based on volume, and certain liberties were taken in translating this into the form of the other data in Figure 6. For example, not all models in any series were tested to the highest speed shown. problems in one case. ‘The two series included are Series 62, Figure 14, which was developed as a representative planing hull with good steering and rough water performance by Clement and Blount®, and Series 65 which was developed from the hydrofoil craft AG(EH) as reported by Holling and Hubble, Figure 15. Clement, ¢. p, and Blount, D.L., "Resistance Tests of a Systematic Series of Planing Hull Forms’, SNAME, 1963, 4 Holling, Henry D., and Hubble, E. Nadine, " Model Resistance Data of Series 65 Hull Forms Applicable to Hycrofois and Planing Craft, NSRDC Repor 4121, 1976, Al6 ueulloystjjiods paeoqyng 4sey days uegq aly Having presented this data which would appear to cover design space for power boats, two concessions must be made about the utility of the data: * There is limited resemblance between the parents of the series and many modern production designs, for ‘example transom width to beam amidships in the planing boats. To help deal with this weakness, reference to specific point design tests may provide additional insight. ‘The index of SNAME Small Craft Data Sheets reproduced as Figure 16 includes particular craft with features such as flatter wider transoms ( Sheet # 3 ), a “Sea Sled” hull form ( Sheet # 6), and a Ray Hunt Moppie type hull ( Sheet # 14 ). * The trade-off of resistance characteristics to achieve good allround designs: seakeeping and handling, is ‘implicit in each parent and cannot be traded off explicitly. This trade-off is often what makes specific

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