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Personal Teaching Philosophy

A positive and healthy wellbeing development can lead a child to achieve outstanding of learning outcomes in
his lifelong learning process and holistic developments.

Esther Ao

For supporting childrens learning, development and growth in social context, I focus on how children
did more than what children did, as the process of how children learn greatly influence their self-perceived
competence and self- value that toward their wellbeing development. As I believe, wellbeing is the most
essential and influence component in childrens development. The sense of wellbeing symbolize how children
feel and think about themselves, it corresponds to childrens self-value, self-identity, believes, confidence,
perspectives and how they are accepted and respect by others. I believe that positive and healthy wellbeing
can increase childrens motivation and participation in learning, this leads to outstanding of learning outcomes
in learning and all areas of developments.
As a professional early childhood educator, my goal is to provide a safe and inclusive learning
environment to support children in learning process, developments and healthy wellbeing development.
Childrens sense of wellbeing can be established through positive social interaction, self-confidence and
performance in their learning process, as well as the respectful and trust relationship with others in their
familiar environment. As children are the centre of curriculum and the sense of wellbeing is the most essential
component in childrens development, it is important to take account of childrens interests, thinking, and
ideas and involve into their learning programs. Planning educational curriculum is not only planning fun
activities for children, it is about how to extend childrens interests and involve pedagogical concepts in daily
routine and activities that support childrens learning and holistic developments.
I believe that a curriculum plan should contain different level of challenging for children in different
ages, the word average should not be used to identify all the childrens learning and development level, as
individual children is unique with their own development rate and learning methods. Appropriate levels of
challenging can stimulate childrens motivation, interests and curious to participate in learning with peers, and
to become active and capable learners. Challenging gives opportunities for children to explore their abilities of
what they can achieve higher thus achieving higher levels of developments and learning. It allows children to
develop positive attitudes to face challenging and work collaboratively with peers and other age children, thus
to enhances the development in problem solving skill and sense of social-wellbeing.

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