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7th Grade

Music History Time Periods Project

Your task is to create Power Point Presentation, which will be shared
with the class. Your presentation should be enhanced with art (and
music if possible). You will be working in a small group. The following
periods will be assigned by random draw: Baroque, Classical,
Students will be divided into small groups and choose their time period
through random draw.
Each student will have a specific role and will gather their own
Composer Historian
Music Historian
Social Historian
Groups will take the information that was individually collected and
organize it into their final Power Point Presentation and class
Power Point Presentation:
Your presentation must contain AT LEAST (it can have more):
Composer Historian:
Information on at least 3 important composers (their birth and
death dates, their nationality, other important personal information,
what kind of music they wrote, list at least 3 famous compositions by
each composer) - collaborate with the Music Historian. Be sure to
include pictures of the composers.
Music Historian:
Information on 2 significant musical instruments of the time
period, 3 facts about musical style of the period, list 3 pieces of
important music from the period - collaborate with the Composer
Historian. Be sure to include pictures of the instruments as well as how
the instruments were played, what they were made of, etc.
Social Historian:
Information on 3 important historical events, 3 important people
from the period who were not composers (like scientists, authors,

politicians, artists, etc), list 3 famous works of art from the period and
include pictures of the artwork in your power point presentation. Be
sure to include the titles of the artwork as well as the name of the
artist. Also tell why the historical events & people were
important...dont just list them!

Day 1 - Introduction to the project, break into groups, decide roles
of group members and start research.
Day 2-3 - Research information and begin Power Point layout
Day 4 - Finish individual power point pages and combine into
group presentation. Practice presentation as a group as time allows
Day 5-6 - Share Power Point presentation with the class

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