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Michelle Chan

FRINQ: Life Unlimited? Mentor Session

Fiction Writing Prompt: In the sociological science of garbology, human habits are assessed by
studying what people throw away. Write a character sketch by describing the contents of a
wastebasket or garbage can.
Somewhere in England is a house with a jet black rubbish bin clearly labeled RUBBISH
painted in white across the the. The rubbish bin belongs to a successful male model and in the
bin contains these contents:
Business cards from various modeling agencies
Scrunched up pieces of paper with numbers from ladies and gay men
Brochures from various places such as entertainment venues, many of them in
foreign languages
An empty protein shake container
Expired gym membership cards
VIP access cards to concerts and various other events
Menus from various restaurants which many of them are in foreign languages,
some menus are covered in food stains
More scrunched up paper of unfinished sketches of either drawing of various
people and various unknown sketches
Candy wrapper from his younger cousins recent visit to his mansion
Empty bottles of Corona and scrunched up in the bottle are what seem to be rolled
up little letters
At the bottom of the bin is sand he recently emptied out of his shoes from his visit
to his hometown
Some shopping receipts from shopping centers in the country as well as some
from his business travels

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