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The Role of Calculators in Math Education

This article focused on the importance of using calculators in our schools and
math education while also addressing some of the biggest concerns
regarding calculators being used within our teaching of math principles. As
mentioned in the introduction, Calculators allow students access to
mathematical concepts and experiences from which they were previously
limited with only paper and pencil. There have always been concerns about
using calculators and technology while teaching mathematics. Many people
feel that calculators take away from important basic math principles, that
they make students lazy with their work and hinder them from really thinking
and being challenged with math problems. However, we must take into
consideration that the world is changing and progressing and therefore
technology and the need for deeper mathematics is also progressing.
It states within this article that, Calculators and computers, such as handheld graphing calculators, are not to be feared; they are powerful learning
tools that allow students to experience the richness and value of
mathematics by greatly reducing the need to execute paper-and-pencil
computations and algebraic manipulations. Math is one of the most difficult
challenges that students face in their education, which is why there is no
surprise that many students struggle with and do not enjoy math. However,
if we allow students to use the technology that they are already so much
involved in, we can increase the enjoyment and learning of math. It will
broaden and expand their knowledge and will become a great tool and
support to them now and in the future.
The ability to enhance students learning and capability by using calculators
is something that I feel has become a great responsibility for me as a
teacher. Throughout my high school experience I remember being given a
calculator to use in order to help solve a few difficult problems. However, I
have come to realize the many other tools and mathematical advances that

can be made as we become further educated in the technology that we are

given. I, myself, have had many concerns about involving technology while
learning the basics of mathematics, but I have felt that if technology is used
in the right manner throughout a students education it can become a great
resource for them to use throughout their lives.

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