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Kevin Solares

Eng 67
Success and Failures
The only success and failure in my life would probably have to be when I was
practicing for my drivers test and my result of the drivers test. The successes
I had that time was actually gainning some expireinces on driving on the
road. But sadly I didn't pass the driving test because I was being a little to
nervous during the test and failed. To me I thought it was the worst
expireince in my life. Then my dad told me that with a little more practice I
could pass the next test, and for some reason think his words gave me the
confedence to try it again until I ace it some day. Even if it was a big failure in
my life, at least I got some experience on th road. My next test is going to be
on March 13, I just hope i pass it this time.

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