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Isabella Tomasek

Honors English 12
May 29, 2015





Wuthering Heights Timeline Project Questions

For Catherine and Heathcliff, I tended to focus more on the main ideas and events that
occurred during their time together. There were many occurrences that happened between
the two. For example, I focused on how Heathcliff was brought into the Earnshaw
household and how he wasnt really accepted by anyone besides Mr. Earnshaw himself
and Catherine. I also focused on how their relationship evolved from something so
miniscule, to something so complex and complicated. Over time, though, their
relationship fell apart because the theme of society and class became very relevant.
Catherine insulted Heathcliff by saying that she couldnt be with him because it would
degrade her. Another thing I focused on was how abusive they are with each other and
how they make each other suffer constantly. For Cathy and Hareton, I selected events that
showed how distant they were and how other events led to their relationship. I showed
how love was a main theme for them because Cathy accepted Haretons ignorance.
During this time though, she took the initiative to teach him and make him into a better
Throughout the story, there were many small events such as small conversations between
Catherine and Heathcliff that I didnt include. I also didnt include themes such as
revenge or betrayal. I didnt include the theme of revenge because Heathcliff never
wished revenge upon Catherine due to the fact that he loved her so much. I didnt include
the theme of betrayal because even though Catherine married Edgar while Heathcliff was
away, she was never his to begin with. He might have loved her, but she did love Edgar.
When it came to Hareton and Cathy, I didnt include the theme focusing on society and
class. Cathy never really focused on where Hareton belonged with his social standingshe accepted him and his class, unlike her mother, Catherine, did. I also didnt include the
theme of foreignness because even after the trouble with living at Wuthering Heights,
Cathy was never out of place or uncomfortable; just like how she was never
uncomfortable with Hareton.
In creating my timeline, I had a hard time with choosing what events to include. All of
the events in the novel make the actual story, whether it is small events or big events, all
of them are important to understand the plot and whats actually going on between both
of the relationships. I addressed this issue by using my better judgment and choosing the
ones that make the most sense and the biggest impacts on the relationships.
Bronte focuses on the time spent between the two pairs of lovers. She describes how both
Catherine and Cathy were patient with Heathcliff and Hareton. They spent time educating
their significant others instead of just forgetting about them or making fun of them, even
though Cathy did several times. They both focused more on attention instead of social

standing. Bronte also focuses on how much both sets of couples admired each other. For
example, Heathcliff became obsessed with Catherine and spent majority of his time
reforming himself to fit her. Cathy, even though married to Linton for a little while, still
admired Hareton. She also takes the time to help Hareton with his own struggles, out of

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