Yoga Lesson

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Subject: Physical Education

Lesson Topic: Introduction to Yoga

Essential Question: Can students describe some basic facts about the practice of yoga?
Can students actively participate in a yoga demonstration?
2.1.2.E.3 Explain healthy ways of coping with common stressful situations experienced
by children.
2.1.4.E.4 Summarize the causes of stress and explain ways to deal with stressful
Learning Objectives and Assessments:
Learning Objectives


Students will be able to demonstrate their

The teacher will closely watch the children

ability to follow along with a yoga video.

as they complete several yoga poses.

Students will be able to use the information

The teacher will monitor students during

learned to complete a corresponding

the worksheet activity as well as when they


share their open-ended responses.

Materials: Video, Worksheet

Prior Knowledge: Students have previously learned about some stress coping methods.
They have also practiced some breathing activities in relation to stress reduction.
Lesson Beginning: The teacher will begin by asking the class is anyone has ever tried
yoga or knows what it is? The teacher will allow several students to share their responses
and have a brief discussion about yoga.
Instructional Plan:
1. The teacher will then go through a flipchart presentation discussing multiple areas
of yoga including what it is, what it is good for, its history, as well as when and
where to practice.

2. The teacher will then pull up a childrens instructional video on yoga and tell the
class they will now be trying some yoga poses themselves! They will all be
standing poses.
3. She will ask students to slowly stand up, push in their chairs and stand directly
behind their seats. The teacher will proceed to show the first 6 minutes of the
video, which will teach the class 5 yoga poses. The teacher will model the poses
for the children in the front of the room.
4. Once finished with the video, the teacher will instruct students to take their seats
again. She will then hand out a worksheet that goes along with the video as well
as the flipchart.
5. She will allow several minutes for students to complete the worksheet
independently. Once most have finished, the teacher will proceed to go over the
answers as a class and allow students to share their open-ended responses.
Closure: The teacher will close the lesson by asking students to think of or recall from
the lesson ways in which yoga would be beneficially for them. She will be sure to
reinforce the idea of how yoga can be used to help deal with stress management.
Differentiation: During the video, the teacher will instruct students to only stretch as far
as is comfortable for them. When completing the worksheet, the teacher will walk around
and assist any students in need.

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