Solution 08

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12-10. Show that the the slopes of the curves of ¢ vs. r of non-radial light rays in an Eddington-Finkelstein diagram like Figure 12.2 must lie within the light cones defined by the radial light rays. Solution: Without loss of generality, we can take the non-radial light rays to lie in the equatorial plane. Then the condition ds? = 0 for light rays becomes ds? =~ ( = a) dv? + 2dudr + r2dg? =0. Divide by dr? and solve for dv/dr to find 6-2)" ffo(-29 -G)]] In the radial case the + sign corresponds to outgoing light rays r > 2M and the — to ingoing, v = const. one. The quantity inside the square bracket is always larger for non-radial light rays d/dr # 0 than for radial ones. This can be seen to mean that the trajectories of non-radial light rays always lie within the light cones of the radial ones in the (é,r) plane. Asiguit #8 2) Unaalat - Srelaes Crondsnntes Frowafesenebion : Ue &, - iy thts cosk fe ve Gene ate a fT We G- Byte enh hy vz (-§ Eyre tlens reRy cosh fi, r> Rs ee =" Tes dr dc Tn G ee \ Laity . 0 Gy ga He, si, - (G- 1): * ude, « \V %, = q- 8 u $V, wi: G- SVE au t Ce, au + EG- &) + lu &, ov &, - de = Gai! m, VE come Valen for 7 > Ms wo: (- SVs rug, “dV at + hf 8) (veulen «(eva = (WV) Ce SY [Q- Byae - (BY de] uve a « &C)- By gris fee rts ond Pele Bl 3 z (0 gee eae a Be ay au Sclhwur cclild coor diste: Unaslal- Sychues 12-22. Two observers in two rockets are hovering above a Schwarzschild black hole of mass M. They hover at a fixed radius R such that R § naw 2 ( )¢ a) and fixed angular position. (In fact, R © 216M). The first observer leaves this position at t = 0 and travels into the black hole on a straight line in a Kruskal diagram unti] destroyed in the singularity at the point where the singularity crosses the line U = 0. The other observer continues to hover at a) On a Kruskal diagram sketch the world lines of the two observers. 4) Is the observer who goes into the black hole following a timelike world line? ¢} What is the latest Schwarzschild time after the frst observer departs that the other observer can send a light signal which will reach the first before being destroyed in the singularity? Solution: 176 Vg 7 b) The straight line has a slope of 2 which means the observer is within the 45° lines which are the light cones. | ¢) The latest time is the value of t at which the 45° dotted line from U = 0, V = 1 intersects the curve r = R. The equation of the 45° line is V = 1—U; * ! F-1)! ettsnn (1) =~ Fe-1)* ethcoa (4) or fed) =1—fa(h) so that t= 4M log(2) .

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