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Year 11

Name: Mrs Readman

Date: 14/5/15

Subject: Stage 6 Modern History

Class: 11 Modern History

Period: 7. 40 mins.

Topic: The Decline and Fall of the Romanov Dynasty

Period begins:

Period ends:

Syllabus outcomes addressed:

No. of Students: 22

The student:

P1.1 describe the role of key individuals, groups and events of selected studies from the eighteenth
century to the present
P3.1 ask relevant historical questions
P4.2 communicate a knowledge and understanding of historical features and issues, using appropriate
and well-structured oral and written forms

Lesson outcomes:


The student:
P1.1 describe the role of key individuals, groups and events of
selected studies from the eighteenth century to present
P3.1 ask relevant historical questions

Diagnostic: Start of lesson brainstorming activity.

Formative: Ongoing observation of student progress.
Summative: End of lesson discussion.

Equipment/resources required:
Teacher resources include; Whiteboard, Projector & projector screen, prezi, whiteboard markers, spare pens
Student resources include; workbooks & pens/pencils

Lesson Plan
Stages of the lesson:

Teacher activity:

Student activity:

Introduction (5 minutes)

Welcome students.
Introduce myself.
Outline the anticipated outcomes for the

Enter classroom and unpack.

Answer to the roll
Listen to introduction and instructions.

Previous lesson summary: ask students

what they learnt, what they remember

Answer questions about previous lesson. Give

detailed answers about prior learning on Lenin

Revision and Prior Knowledge

Continue prezi on Lenin:
As slides go through, tell students additional
information about Lenin (fun facts to keep

Ask students to compare what they know

about Rasputin & Lenin how that relates to
the downfall of the Romanov dynasty
Ask students about Communism, Socialism
& Democracy

Show Cow theory politics.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

Ask students to share their answers with

the class and provide feedback.
Class discussion on thoughts and
Dismiss class.

Students take notes on Lenin from Prezi.

Students ask questions about the information in
the Prezi

Students discuss and answer questions from

teacher and each other about the role of Rasputin
& Lenin in downfall of Romanov Dynasty
Students in groups of 4 work on giving a short
answer for what each of the words represent.

Students respond to Cow theory politics.

Volunteer and are asked at random to answer
questions to the class.
Engage in class discussion.
Leave classroom in orderly fashion.


Pre-planning proved effective

T & L strategies were effectively implemented

I was able to generate a sense of purpose

A high level of student participation was achieved

My questioning was clear, concise and logically sequenced

Pupils were interested and self disciplined

The resources used were appropriately graded

Instructions were clear and easily understood by students

I recognised and catered for individual differences

I established and maintained an effective learning environment





What were the most effective elements of the lesson?

What were the least effective elements of the lesson?

If I was to repeat the lesson what would I change? What could I improve?

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