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Highest Priced College Textbooks

Acta Philosophorum The First Journal of Philosophy: $1,450

Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications: $1,215
Management Science An Anthology: $850
History of Early Film: $740
Biostatistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology: $665
Companion Encyclopedia of Psychology: $600
Feminism and Politics: $600
Concepts and Design of Chemical Reactors: $593
Advanced Semiconductor and Organic Nano-Techniques: $570
Ethics in Business and Economics: $550
Environment in the New Global Economy: $510
Solid State Chemistry and Its Applications: $500
Why are these books pricier than others? " In general some books are more expens
ive because of the research involved and limited number of copies used in the ma
rket place," observes Bobby Brannigan, CEO and founder of Valore Books, who star
ted selling used textbooks when he was in college in the early 2000's.
I think most students know that the best way to find cheap college textbooks is
to buy online. At Valore Books, for instance, you can buy Acta Philosophorum for
$184. What's surprising, however, is that only 23% of students buy their colleg
e textbooks online.

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