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What political, economic and social divisions in L.A.

nation's hinder successful democracies?

In Latin America, political divisions that hinder successful democracies
are the cities are falling apart and the development of of democratic
governments in Latin America are difficult. In Latin America, popular
democracies did not exist and there was never a democratic government
before. In order to have a successful democracy, there needs to be
representation of the people, someone who will represent the needs and
wants of the people in that nation. The 1960s was one of the darkest periods
in Latin American history due to political issues. There were military run
governments and brutal military opression. Having the military run the
government meant that they could use force on the people if they went
against anything the government did.
Also, economic divisions hindering successful democracies are the
major population shift due to mega-cities. The population has shifted from
rural to Urban and many people now live in urban areas. Also, the North
American Free Trade Agreement is giving people equal access to customers
and allowing them to be able to sell to more people. The Monroe Doctrine,
created by the president of the United States at the time, James Monroe,
justified U.S. expansion and also said that any further efforts of European
nations to either colonize any land or interfere with North or South America
states would now become viewed as acts of aggression. With the Monroe
Doctrine, the United States could now intervene whenever they needed to in
European nations. With the Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary, the
United States could do whatever they needed to intervene in Latin American
nations, causing that to hinder successful democracies.
Lastly, the social divisions hindering successful democracies are
poverty, crime and the misuse of natural resources. In history, there were
300 different classes of people based on the color of their skin, with all the
classes not having the same freedom and rights. Having such major social
divisions means that not everyone is equal, causing issues within the society.
Many people think crime is the way to fix the issues within the country, with
the military using more and more crime against people. Crime has also been
the reason for the death of Socialist president Salvador Allende, along with
many other important people in the government.
Overall, the social, political and economic divisions in Latin America are
the reasons for the hindering of successful democracies. If there were not the
divisions and the issues there are due to each division, Latin America would
have a better chance at successful democracies.

Word Count: 420

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