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I know you are sad, why shouldn't we have coffee? Wajeeha

tells me.
No, I am not sad, I am okay.
Snow really irritates sometimes. She says, wiping the
snowflakes away from her face, I'm hungry. I've been shooting
since early morning. She says moving along with me But here all I
can see for miles is only snow. We can't just shoot in this
Finally we head toward a restaurant. Literally, it is so cold and
she is gathering her coat around her. We sit across the table made of
mahogany with beautiful handmade artwork. I looked outside the
window again. There is a layer of snow on the ground and more is
swirling around. My gaze once more lingers around her and I
notice an extent of changes in her appearance after so many days.
"You've been so kind to me," she says, "But I have to accept
the reality that it's somewhere me..."
"There is nothing like that Wajeeha. It's not you, it's destiny."
I say.

When Heaven Falls Down


Perhaps! I could have known this. I notice her voice is

having a tinge of guilt and it hits me hard. I shut my eyes to
remember how within a moment everything shattered.

That evening we landed in Mumbai and met Mr. Kapoor. He was a

very enthusiastic man and noticed the very nuances in the
disappearance of my father. He talked to his secretary in Delhi to
collect the required information to deal with this case. After
discussing for an hour, we finally returned to the hotel. He
instructed us to meet again in morning as he wished to draw some
solid conclusion to work upon.
It was night and I was sitting alone watching television and
contemplating over any clue that might help Mr. Kapoor to get
some more insights. Wajeeha was taking a bath as she was a bit
tired. Hardly a few moments passed by when I saw her coming out
of the washroom. And it was the moment which I didn't ever
expected in the wildest of my dream.
"I have something for you," I heard her voice and when I
swivelled my neck I was dumbstruck. She was only in a transparent
dress. And before I could understand anything, she came and
grabbed me completely.
"Whenever I see you, my legs get warm, she hissed in
my ears, you know since how long I have been waiting for
this moment.
Completely astounded by her behaviour, I tried very hard to
pull her away, but her grip was very firm around my body.
"From the day I saw you for the very first time I think about
you every night. Just last night I'd imagined you on the top of me
when I was touching myself. And today I actually want to lick you.


Satyapal Chandara

She forcefully planted a long kiss on my lips. Her soft body

pressed against mine sending tickling to my spine.
"I love the way your body feels against mine, my sweetheart,"
she brushed her chest against mine and it was the moment when
her tongue travelled deep inside my mouth.
Come-on, don't be shy. I really want you between my legs.
She said, pulling me almost close to her and I almost gasped.
It was almost impossible for me to have control over myself.
She was really getting hornier by every passing moment.
Whom are you waiting for? I know you are single. I don't'
wanna put any burden of commitment on you. Just have some fun.
Some weird fun and make me feel better. Whenever I imagine your
hard manhood slipping into me, I can't help but get really wet.
Make me feel happy today. She said, her voice was husky.
I was about to say something but she shushed me by holding
her finger along my lips.
We are alone here and you know what two perfectly shaped,
hot and desirous bodies demand?
But I just can't think to..
And before I could say anything her lips were on me again, her
tongue slowly and gently rolling into my mouth. She smiled and
looked up at me and wrapped her arms around.
I am damn hot, you are so sturdy. Then what's wrong? I am
not even saying you to be with me. Just have some fun, that's all. I
don't want to ruin your life by generating emotions. I also don't
want to ruin my modelling career. So come-on have some perfect
moments. She said, brushing the deep curves of her body against

When Heaven Falls Down


my chest. damn, I can't resist to get over how sexy you look. You
always turn me on. She whispered in my ear.
A lot of questions were popping up in my mind and I wanted
to go out, but she was not in favour to let me go. I initially tried very
hard to force her off, but it was nearly insufferable. She met my eyes
and hers were filled with lust,
I want you now and her lips hungrily attacked mine.
Just relax and have fun. What's wrong? She again
prompted me.
Once more I looked over at her. I really didn't know whether
it was right or wrong but I couldn't resist myself for too long and I
finally accepted her open invitation. I knew there was no one in my
life to show the loyalty and commitment. I prepared my mind to
enjoy the moment as best as I could ever imagine.
She pushed me up and we came eye to eye level and she kissed
on my chest to literally arouse me. The way she touched made me
shake with pleasure. She knew very well how to arouse a man's
erotic zone and she was using her skill. She knew how to proceed
ahead well and before I could understand anything, she forced me
on the couch. I looked into her eyes and it was the moment when
she advanced towards me. Her tongue swirled around me,
exploring my mouth. Her hand snaked further up my thigh. Her
soft hand felt so good on my smooth skin. Her fingers dipping
under my dress tracing the line of my underwear. She kissed my
lips, sucking hard on my bottom lip. My eyelids fluttered when I
tilt up my face to give her better access to my neck. My heart went
wild when her teeth grazed it. She began to kiss down my neck.


Satyapal Chandara

She had the most sensual body. I liked the way her red bra
covered her bobbling breasts. When I looked down at her, she
revealed the depth of her curves and placed my hand gently over it.
Now my whole attention engrossed into her firm and mature
breasts. I didn't hesitate in pushing her bra down to pull out her
breasts. My finger gently ran over the soft skin, making it instantly
go hard.
That really makes me feel good. she whispered in my ear.
My hands wandered down across her bare stomach. My lips
advanced down to her navel and I flicked my tongue and it elicited
a soft moan from her.
"Oh, Ayaan please," her voice filled with lust and she was
barely being able to speak dewing her slow moans.
I hiked up her skirt creeping my hand deeper and deeper and I
noticed her breathing got heavier when my hand touched her
groin. My fingers slip inside her underwear and I could feel her
warmth and wetness. Without any hard effort, my finger located
the right spot and I circled it a few times, gently adding more
pressure. She began withering in excitement when I slid my fingers
within her. She again ecstatically turned to me and kissed my lips.
Your hands have explored every inch of my body, now I want
your tongue to explore everything, she said gaspingly. She gently
showd me the right way how to replace the hand with tongue and
I found her literally shivering in ecstasy. She pulled me on top of
her to kiss me. I loved the way her tongue rolled all across my
body. My lips then got a little lower and I began to kiss her breasts
and inner thighs.

When Heaven Falls Down


Oh Ayaan! she yelled as her breath hitched when I licked

and swirled my tongue in all the right spots. I pushed her up a bit
more and now my tongue was in a prefect circular motion. Her
heart was pounding and I discovered her legs start to flicker. Her
moans came faster and faster mixing with her gasps for air.
"I need you right now." she stated. I recognized she was
literally throbbing for me.
I want it to be the most memorable moment Ayaan, and
that's exactly what I needed to give her. I began to move slowly. She
breathed deeply. My mouth reached her breast and I sucked it
gently, letting my tongue swirling all around. Her hands slowly
slipped down to my hips, and then moved up and down my spine.
"Oh, Ayaan," I could hear her crazy moan.
I slowly quickened my pace. Her mind buzzing with the pure
joy of our union. Her hips moved to my powerful rhythm as her
back arched in response to me hitting just the right nerve and
making her moan harder and harder. My every thrust took her to a
new level. She entwined her lips with mine. She grabbed my hair
and pulled me closer to her and moaned over my name. She
wrapped her legs around me and held on. She closed her eyes with
pleasure enjoying every second and every inch of her warm and
inviting wetness. I slowly realized my breathing was getting even
more ragged. She gently closed her eyes and her mouth released
uncontrolled moans urging me to go harder and harder.
We both were now panting hard. My thrust got unexpectedly
hard and it made the couch slam against the floor. Neither of us was
ready to stop, nor willing to let this feeling of pure pleasure end.
And suddenly everything became calm when two sticky liquids


Satyapal Chandara

intermingled into a rhythmic motion and we collapsed in to each

other still gasping for the fresh air to breathe.
Hardly five minutes passed by when she again turned to me.
Her eyes were having still the same fire.
"Do you like me to be on your top? Can you handle what I'm
about to do?" she smiles lecherously.

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