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Year 6

Design Competition
The Design Brief:
NIST Year 6 Team needs a design of The ‘Big
Picture’ Compass for use by students, parents
and staff during the NIST 2010 Year 6 Exhibition.

The design will be used as a learning tool and

may also be used as a logo on various printed
materials throughout the Exhibition.
The winning design will:
 Be clear, simple yet ‘eye-catching’
 Look professional and appeal to a wide audience
 Include the four points of a compass and the words ‘Nature’, ‘Economy’,
‘Society’ and ‘Well-being’ (as set out on a compass)
 Be easily printed and viewed at different sizes (perhaps symbols rather than
pictures would be the best way to show the NESW)
 Could include a NIST logo as part of the design. (These are available in the EleY6
 Be clearly named (including class)
 Passed to your teacher or placed in the folder in EleY6 by Wednesday,
February 17, 3.30pm.
 Be voted on by the students and then a final judgment by a team of
 Earn a 500baht book voucher for the winning designer.

Year 6 Exhibition

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