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English 30-1


The Rocking-Horse Winner By D.H. Lawrence

Guided Analysis
Name: ____________
Date: _______________
Part 1
Instructions: Review the Notice & Notice Signposts below. With a partner, work through the story
to identify the relevant signposts. Highlight, label, and give a brief explanation of each directly on
your copy of The Rocking-Horse Winner.

English 30-1


Part 2
Instructions: Consider the character of Paul. Record his character traits, the main ideas that apply
to his character, and any other pertinent information in the web below. Be detailed and specific:
number the pages of your story and reference when appropriate.

Part 3

English 30-1


Instructions: Use the timeline below to trace the development and change Paul experiences in
The Rocking-Horse Winner. Under Date or Event describe Pauls character starting at the
beginning and working your way to the end of the story; be detailed and specific. Under
Description provide an explanation and quotation from the story as evidence for your claims.
Remember to cite the page number in brackets.
Part 4

English 30-1


Instructions: Use your smart device to review the definition of theme, then consider each of the
themes below. Provide an explanation for each in relation to The Rocking-Horse Winner. Ask
yourself: How is this theme present in the story? & Which character(s) exemplify this theme? You
may work with a partner.


Faulty Sense of Values





Part 5

English 30-1


Instructions: D.H. Lawrence uses many examples of non-verbal communication in The RockingHorse Winner, concentrating specifically on the eyes. Find at least four instances where this
occurs. Record and cite the quotation, and provide a brief explanation of the effect for each. Ask
yourself, Why would Lawrence chose to communicate mood or meaning in this way?

o Explanation of Effect:


o Explanation of Effect:


o Explanation of Effect:

Part 6

English 30-1


Instructions: Make at least one of each type of connection to The Rocking Horse Winner.
Consider the bulleted points to inform your thinking. Point form is fine this time.
1) Text-to-self

What does this remind me of in my

What is this similar to in my life?
How is this different from my life?

My connection:

Has something like this ever happened

to me?
How does this relate to my life?
What were my feelings when I read

2) Text-to-text

What does this remind me of in

another book Ive read?
How is this text similar to other things
Ive read?

How is this different from other books

Ive read?
Have I read about something like this

My connection:

3) Text-to-world

What does this remind me of in the

real world?
How is this text similar to things that
happen in the real world?

How is this different from things that

happen in the real world?
How did this part relate to the world
around me?

My connection:

Woohoo! Youve made it. Great job!

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