Bondvsu S

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Jovany Garcia



Petitioner Steven Dewayne Bond was passenger on a bus that left from California heading to
Little Rock, Arkansas. During the ride the bus was stopped at a checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, a
border patrol agent named Cesar Cantu boarded the bus. The patrol agent was on board just to
confirm the identities of the passengers and the immigration status. After being satisfied with his
routine check agent Cantu walked back down the aisle towards the exit of the bus and began
feeling the bags which were in a storage place above the seats. As agent Cantu arrived at
Dewayne Bonds seat he squeezed his luggage and felt a brick like object and asked Bond for
permission to search the bag and permission was granted. As Border patrol agent Cantu searched
the bag he found a brick of methamphetamine wrapped in duct tape and the rolled in a pair of
pants. Steven Dewayne Bond was then charged with possession and intent to distribute
methamphetamine. Steven Dewayne Bond then claimed his luggage was searched illegally and
manipulated his bag in a way no other passenger would have with violated the Fourth
Amendment. Was Bonds expectation of privacy violated by Agent Cantus squeeze of the
green canvas bag?
Steven Dewayne Bond claims his privacy was violated when border patrol agent Cesar
Cantu manipulated the bag finding contraband, violating the fourth amendment. The Fourth
Amendment gives us, The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated ...and no Warrants
shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly
describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized February 29, 2000April 17, 2000. The rule im applying to this case requires me to address 3 different rule
questions.1) Has the individual manifested a subjective expectation of privacy in the object of
the challenged search ,Has the individual created a physical barrier that keeps affairs
private? Petitioner had his belonging very well concealed The brick had been wrapped
in duct tape until it was oval shaped and then rolled in a pair of pants which was all in a green
luggage bag. This very well shows there was no way for his personal belongings to be seen or
noticed without the manipulation of the bag and how petitioners belongings were made to be
private.2)In a public setting is Bond willing to expect privacy, is it reasonable?
While in a public place it is expected to have privacy when it comes to personal items which are
concealed or hidden.Steven Dewayne Bond says Agent Cantu manipulated the bag in a way that
the passengers would not This quote explains Bonds luggage was expected to be private by
anyone even Agent Cantu.3) Is the actor pursuing you of the state? -is the person doing the
search a government official -- did he overstep his authority? Agent Cantu is a government
official but was on the bus to verify immigration status only. When he started to feel and squeeze
the bags he then overstepped his duty and what he was there to do in the first place. Border
patrol Agent Cesar cantu boarded the bus to check immigration status of its passengers. After

reaching the back of the bus, having satisfied himself that the passengers were lawfully in the
united states , agent cantu began walking down toward the front Along the way, he squeezed a
green canvas bag and noticed it contained a brick like object. This shows how he had no
Authority to go and start squeezing luggage which is unnecessary when checking immigration
Was Bonds expectation of privacy violated by Agent Cantus squeeze of the green
canvas bag? I do believe Agent Cantu violated petitioners rights and overstepped his privacy
when he manipulated Bonds bag without any consent.

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