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All throughout the Bible people address the topic of wisdom. And though there is a
consistency to what people say about wisdom, there are also many differences. The
wisdom that Moses wrote about in Deuteronomy has a different nuance than the wisdom
that James or the Apostle Paul wrote about thousands of years later.
This week we have the opportunity to read about wisdom in different sections of the Bible.
We can get a taste of the different nuances of wisdom.
Fix a cup of tea and spend some time thinking, pondering, and reflecting on what you read
about wisdom.
Comments about the devotion can be E-mailed to

Monday, May 4
Read Deuteronomy 4:5-8
This passage written by Moses was done to prepare the Israelites for life in the Promised
Land. It was like Moses was giving operating instructions to the people for their new life.
Life was going to change drastically for the people, and Moses was giving them help a
foundation to help with these changes.
Moses taught the people that by observing the law the people would be living out wisdom.
There was a discernment process in observing the law. This wasnt a mechanical process
that governed every situation. The people needed to think and reflect and pray about what
to do.
This process of discernment resulted in wisdom. In thinking deeply about these foundations
that God gave, the people would be going deep with God. This is wisdom. Its going deeper
into the way of God.
Today spend some time taking a next step into the ways of God. Think, ponder, and pray
about how you go deeper. This process is the way of wisdom.

Tuesday, April 21
Read 1 Kings 4:29-34
Solomon was known as the wisest person in the Old Testament. The wisdom of Solomon
is a reflection on this idea. Solomon was King Davids son. In 1 Kings 3 Solomon had a
dream where God told Solomon he could ask for one thing. Instead of asking for wealth, or
a long life, or to conquer his enemies, Solomon asked for wisdom.
People would come to Solomon with particular disputes and ask for wisdom. Solomon was
like a judge who was called to apply wisdom to earthly situations.
These verses from the fourth chapter of 1 Kings display the power of Solomons wisdom.
People would come from far away just to hear Solomon speak. Solomons talks were like a
precursor to todays TED talks. If his talks were on the Internet, they would receive
hundreds of millions of hits.
Look at the three words in verse 29 that were put togetherwisdom, discernment, and
breadth of understanding. This is a triad describing the way that God wants us to live.

As you pray today pray for wisdom, discernment and breadth of understanding. Perhaps
you wont give a TED talk that receives hundreds of millions of hits, but you can live a
fulfilling day today!

Wednesday, April 22
Read Proverbs 1:7, 2:1-10
Many people believe that Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs. Proverbs is a compilation of
wisdom sayings. They are like nuggets of information that helped people negotiate life.
It is worth spending time memorizing Proverbs 1:7, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Fear in this verse does not mean we are afraid of God. It means a sense of reverence and
awe towards God. It is like what we experience when we see something grand in nature
like seeing the big sky on the prairie, or coming to the beach at the ocean, or seeing the
mountains. This experience of awe is the beginning of our wisdom.
When we live with wisdom we live with a sense of reverence and respect for people. It is
the foundation for our approach to life. Pray for this sense of awe or pray to go deeper into
this reverence today!

Thursday, April 23
Read Luke 2:39-52
Jesus, of course, was wise. In verse 40 Luke noted that Jesus grew and became strong
and was filled with wisdom. In the last part of this passage Luke shared that as Jesus grew
up he increased in wisdom and in years, in divine and human favor.
This shouldnt be surprising as Jesus was the Son of God, fully divine and fully human. And
though we recognize Jesus as our Lord and Savior our first thoughts about Jesus arent
always that he was wise.
If we read the gospels we will see that he spoke in the language of wisdom. He taught in
parables that on the surface werent clear, but on deeper reflection taught a powerful
message. He sometimes shared short aphorisms that described a way of the world. At
times Jesus taught in the same form as Solomon did in Proverbs.
What are some wisdom sayings from Jesus that are especially meaningful to you? Give
thanks to God for them today and see if you can go deeper in your own understanding of

Friday, April 24
Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-13
In these verses the Apostle Paul made quite a contrast between human wisdom and divine
wisdom. If you have some time read the first two chapters of this letter. Paul was making
a case for divine wisdom and how different it is than how the world understands wisdom.
Look at these words from the first chapter:
But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in
the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that
are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, so that no one might boast in the presence of
God. He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and
righteousness and sanctification and redemption, 1 Corinthians 1: 27-28

It was foolish and certainly unwise to think that the crucifixion of Jesus would make a
difference. But here we are still talking about it an celebrating the Cross. Gods power
works in ways that the wisdom of the world does not understand.

Saturday, April 25
Read James 3:13-18
Like Paul did in yesterdays reading, James also contrasted the wisdom of the world with the
wisdom of God. Look at verse 17: But the wisdom from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality
or hypocrisy.
Perhaps this could be your prayer today! Pray that you live out these qualities.

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