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Science test Prep-Juan Felipe Collins

Colegio Britnico de Cartagena

Contains: Chemical and Physical changes section
Purpose: To prepare highly well the comprehension and application of the involved
Student: Juan Felipe Collins Valencia
Chemical and Physical changes Questions
I. Choose the correct answer
Label it with an X
1. What type of change occurs at the molecular level?
A: chemical change
B: physical change
C: temperature change
D: all of the above
2. Using the following forces: motion and pressure, which type of change can occur?
A: chemical change
B: physical change
C: neither
3. Which type of change is reversible?
A: chemical change
B: physical change
4. Is the burning of wood a physical change or a chemical change?
A: chemical change
B: physical change
5. Is rust forming on a bicycle a physical or a chemical change?
A: chemical change
B: physical change
6. _________ changes do not change the composition of the substance.

7. Which of the following are examples of physical properties? Check all that apply
A: weight
B: odor
C: chemical makeup
D: size
8. Which of the following could indicate that a chemical change took place? Check all
that apply.
A: change of color
B: change in temperature or energy
C: formation of gases
D: all of the above
9. In a chemical reaction, bonds are broken and reformed between different atoms.
A: True
B: False

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