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SABBATH SCHOOL Announcements of graduates after vespers at 8 pm.

We welcome ALL to
the spiritual program. Come to interact and support
Jesus, the Master Teacher Notifications youth of all ages in their search for truth. The format will
include: 25 min video presentation, small groups
Memory Text: “And they were discussions, interactive game between groups.
astonished at His teaching, for His 1. Please pray for the members who
word was with authority” (Luke 4:32, have made a commitment to a church
plant in West London. They worship 8. What does Bible really say about ordaining women
NKJV). for ministry? June 20 at 7 pm pastor Golovenko will
each Sabbath at the Mount Zion
United Church, located at 471 present perspective on the upcoming General
The Church at Study – 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Conference session vote regarding women ordination.
Ridgewood Cres, off Berkshire, near Springbank and
Wonderland. What will happen if the Church votes YES to ordain
Superintendent: Aubrey Williams women? What may happen if the church says NO and
continues ignoring to recognize women in ministry?
WORSHIP HOUR 2. Pathfinders Club meetings continue
There are other questions that will be addressed also
tomorrow, Sunday, May 31 for regular
Praise & Worship…………………………................Team 1 classes. will be room for questions and dialogue on the subject.

Hymn of Praise….”Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”....#538 9. Please mark the date for VBS: This year it will be
3. Inviting ALL to an hour of prayer, Bible
August 17 – 22: The theme is “Camp Discovery”. Any
Study and testimonies on Wednesday
Intercessory Prayer ………................................Maria Bartosz night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed. donations of any kind will be greatly appreciated. Please
contact Doris Van Leeuwen @ 519 452 7073.
Men in Leadership, Health Care Workers, Emotional Healing, Rocky
Mountain Conference 4. Youth Bible Study Group meets 10. Our deepest sympathy and
Next Week Thursdays from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. @ condolences are with the family
Revival and Reformation, Alaska Conference 785 Nadine Avenue (Ferreira’s home). of elder Clara Baptiste as her
mother, Linith Connie
Children’s Story…………………………………….Elder Kemi Ola 5. Lord’s Supper will be celebrated June 13. Stanislaus, rested in the Lord
This is our first annual communion, come to on May 21, awaiting first
Offering…........”Burman/CUC”………..Patricia Ferreira-Lopez share your testimonies of God’s miracles. resurrection at Jesus Coming.
Elders Bob Reeve and Clara Baptiste will The Baptiste family are away in
Scripture.............”Deuteronomy 8:2-5, 16”............Don Topper lead the service. Grenada for the funeral service and will be returning
next week. Please keep their family in prayers.
Special Music………...........................................Dayna Munro 6. Nicaragua Mission Report – Events
June 13 at 5 pm. All the 11. You are invited to attend a potluck in St. Thomas,
Elder Kemi Ola, North London Church members of the team that was Pinafore Park Pavillion on TODAY, May 30, celebrating
Exodus Revisited working in Nicaragua May 5-20 will share pictures, Mike McGuire Jr.'s marriage to Kelsey Moreau.
stories and plans for future projects. Come to hear
inspiring stories and learn more about Adventist church 12. Wedding shower for Jana Topper and Rob Wood is
Hymn of Consecration.............”He Leadeth Me”….........#537
in Nicaragua. on Sunday June 7th in our Social Hall at 2 PM. Please
Benediction………………………..………..Elder Kirmane Allen join us as we gather to celebrate love and commitment.
7. Youth Vespers will continue June 13 at 6:30 pm on
the topic “Beyond Counterfeit: the 13. The Golden Agers are inviting all who are age 55 and
Sunset Today: 8:55 p.m. Next Friday: 8:59 p.m. search for Real Thing.” This Sabbath over (and guests) to a performance of Carousel at the
Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY youth are attending summit in Hamilton, Stratford Festival on Sunday, August 23rd. We will
9:00 p.m. to and the next Sabbath many youth will also meet in Queens Park at 12:30PM for potluck picnic
be in Simcoe. Vespers will resume on lunch. Tickets are $60 including tax prepaid and is not
June 13. There will also be a celebration
refundable. Please talk to Don Topper or Adrien Intering
and sign the sheet in the foyer by May 30th.

14. A.M.P. LEADERSHIP SUMMIT will be held on Sept. 24-

27, 2015 at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Niagara Falls, ON. All
Adventurer, Pathfinder, and Master Guide leaders, TLTs,
MGTs, pastors, and interested church leaders are invited
to attend. To register and for more details, I continue with updates on prayer requests for the upcoming 60th
visit . General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas. Besides what you
already prayed for (continue doing so) these are new requests:
 Pray that what might have happened in 1901 in our church, will
15. Mark your calendars: October 17-24
happen in this generation, and that God’s Spirit will be poured out
Evangelistic Proclamation Event.
enabling us to humble our hearts, make wrongs right, and finish His work
Birthday Wishes for May-June 3 with power, and whatever restructuring and reorganization is needed will
May 2 Leanne Pelissero May 15 Shirley Dawson May 29 Jean Kaleb take place, even if it was not planned for, to make our church more
May 4 Joseph Beckles May 15 Dave Gibson May 29 Keller George efficient for mission.
May 4 Jessica Gyamfi May 17 Elizabeth-Joy Scale May 29 Lara Olawoore  Pray for clarity of thought and focus for the delegates during important
May 6 Abena Baah- May 18 Janet Gara May 30 John Reeve meetings and decision-making. Pray that Holy Spirit would guide and
Frimpong May 18 Josh Mcquire May 31 Shelly Morris even arrest people thinking into obedience to Christ.
May 7 James Wood May 19 Ishmael Violante May 31Angel Antonio  Pray for delegates representing Adventist Education, and for greater
May 7 Jonathan Coukell May 20 Debbie Skwarchuk Gomez
support and interest by all church members and administrators in
May 7 Mayfair May 23 Kathy Rayner Jun 1 Nathan Starczewski
Appiagyei May 23 Nancy Keim Jun 3 Justin Wood
maintaining Seventh-day Adventist education in a pure form in our
May 8 Sarah Ruthanne May 23 Burlett Halstead Jun 3 Faith Maphosa schools!
May 9 Bill Dowdell May 25 Teresa Ferreira Jun 3 Ritchi Pandaleke  Pray for the large evangelistic campaign that Elder Wilson and
May 12 Archie May 27 Meylinda Tirok Jun 3 Sophia Perez hundreds of others are preaching right now in multiple sites across
Pandaleke May 29 Andrew Stajfer Zimbabwe.
Pray for an increased participation and commitment in evangelism
outreach by all church institutions as they support the ongoing mission of
Sermon Notes: the church.
Pray that the audio/visual and technical equipment work correctly and
that people be able to hear well no matter where they sit in the building.
 Pray that God will bring to the forefront godly, teachable, and humble
leaders for the future, who will provide Christ-centered leadership, as His
church fulfills its heaven-born mandate to the world. 30.05.15
 Pray that the Holy Spirit would be poured out in such rich measure at
the upcoming General Conference Session that it would be evident to all
that this is God’s church and He is in control.
 Pray for the young people that will be in attendance at the GC
meetings that they will see Jesus displayed in the lives of our leaders and
long to follow and know Jesus more.
 God will lead in all the nominating committees and caucuses.
Our family will leave London on June 25, travelling first to Austin, TX
where pastors of North America will meet June 27-30, and then we will
travel to be in San Antonio, and will return home to London on July 13.

your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko

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