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Kayleigh Beaulieu-Henion

Ms. Van Wyhe

English 10H, Period 3
April 7, 2015
Dystopian CW Story

We Are Not Safe Here

Wednesday October 19, 2053

Today is like any other day for Alina at least thats what it seems like for her, or at least
that is what she perceives. Her RFID Nerve Chip has been tampered with, I can no longer pick
up her nervous system, shes lucky health services weren't called in to collect the body causing
her parents to be automatically deducted 5400 credits for using public services, thankfully I
noticed in time.
Upon further mandatory surveillance, I have concluded that Alina has sustained trauma
to her lower spinal column, with compression being the most likely cause of my inability to
detect her heart rate. A Certified Youth Assistant (CYA) will be notified to confirm the data that I
have gathered.

Thursday October 20, 2053

So tell me again what happened. How exactly did you get hurt?
A sweet looking lady stands next to my hospital bed. I swallowed trying to bring saliva
back into my mouth. It vacated as soon as this woman walked into the room. She was a CYA;
they are here strictly for proactive peace making. They seem to be very good at their jobs.

After all, there hasnt been a war or terrorist attack since The Great Wars 20 years ago. They
dont teach us much about them in school, just that it was a time of great chaos and destruction,
with an unimaginable body count.
I was playing basketball and I intercepted a pass that the girl I was defending made to
her teammate and I guess she was a poor sport. Next thing I knew I was on the floor in extreme
pain and then I blacked out. I woke up here five hours later, I replied.
Witnesses report that the girl tripped you. Do you think that is a possibility. she asked,
although she already knew the answer. I know who the witness is; her Personal Monitor
Observer (PMO) ratted the girl out. Although you cant blame him (or her for that matter), its
their job as a PMO to watch your whereabouts, nervous system, brain waves, and anything else
that might be considered personal space. Each child is assigned one at birth, but we are never
allowed to meet them. They remain an unseen shadow that hangs over our everyday lives.
Always watching, observing. It is strange that they know everything there is to know about us,
yet we dont even know their first name.
Yes, I think that is a very good possibility. having an injured spine is not fun and I am
still bitter about the girl who did it. The CYA scribbled down some notes onto her electropad
then with a smile as sweet as nectar she said
Thank you for your help. I will inform the higher-ups that you are exempt from
classes for the next two weeks. you sure are lucky you were only paralyzed from the waist down,
its such an easy fix. I hope you recover soon. With that she stepped out of the room. Before the
door even shut all the way my mother raced in and started fussing like a mother hen, I
immediately start to dodge her kisses. This proves to be quite difficult when you cant move half
of your body. At the moment I am paralyzed but after a few injections of mysterious purple

liquid I will be as good as new. Although, I have to say not feeling anything in my legs is
terrifying. I cant believe that in the past if you injured your spine you had to stay like this.
My father enters soon after my her with my little sister hanging onto his pant leg as if
she were a part of the fabric itself. But unlike my obsessive mother they stand silently near the
door. My father with his perfect posture; it still amazes me that it is so flawless. I have never
seen him slouch once. In school manners, posture, and dedication have always been of utmost
importance; however, I have never been very good at these things. My father has never talked
much but he is the most dedicated worker I have ever seen. Always working to gain more credits
for food and other essentials for living. When hes not working he is with my sister talking to her
about the same things they preach about to us in school. I have watched her slowly day by day
transform into a smaller female version of my dad.
I am more like my mother, always thinking but never listening. People tell me all the time
that I am impossible to talk to. I often just space out when others talk to me; everyone is always
so boring. Always talking about the same dumb things; I would rather just sit back and think to
myself. I gave up a long time ago on trying to explain what goes on in my head. My mother is
the only one who understands. When I was little she used to come into my room at night with a
tear streaked face and tell me about the movies she sees in her head. Then when she was done
and her tears were dried she would slip out of the room. To this day I still dont know why she
would cry, but her visits are what made me fall in love with my imagination.

Monday November 3, 2053

I make it to school; my first day back since the incident, and as soon as I step on campus
the RFID Nerve Chip in my wrist flashes a spurt of green light under my skin. Every time I
enter a building or campus it flashes green to notify my PMO of my whereabouts; it also flashes
orange when I leave an area. They do it for our protection, if they always know where we are
then we never have to worry about people being where they arent safe. Its a very helpful and
productive way of maintaining a peaceful society.
The girl who tripped me is no where to be found. I have asked multiple people about her
but no one has seen or heard from her since the basketball game. I knew she would be punished
for her crime but I was starting to worry about what happened to her. After classes I go to the
Peacehall where the CYA work. I have to know what happened to the girl. I have a feeling that
something bad is going to happen to her and I have a right to know what it is.
The Peacehall is a magnificent building with gold covered ceilings and white pillars it is
the most beautiful building in the whole city. Most of the houses are small and plain, each an
exact copy of its neighbor. I sit in a cushioned chair on one of the far walls in the lobby. I count
15 minutes in my head before the woman I met in my hospital room walks towards me.
Its wonderful to see you again! Im so happy that you made a full recovery. I can tell
you are very healthy and I just knew you would get right back up as soon as you could every
word she speaks oozes with kindness, its extremely contagious.
Thank you very much! That is so sweet of you but I was wondering if you could answer
a question for me? My words come out sweeter than I thought possible, somthing about this
woman, no this whole building makes me want to dance the day away. Its all so perfect,
everything is so beautiful. Why am I here again? I look at the woman in front of me trying to
gather my thoughts.

Oh yes! may I know what happened to the girl who tripped me? I ask, strangely my
words seem slurred. What is happening to me? Nothing, I am completely safe here. These people
would never hurt me, they are here for my protection. The lady has such a beautiful smile, she
could never hurt anyone, I was worried for nothing.
Ms. Mayweather was dispatched due to her non peaceful ways.You have nothing to
worry about dear, she wont be able to hurt you ever again. I am so relieved by her words.
Safety, she has promised that I will be safe. I believe every word she says. I thank her for her
help then leave the Peacehall. As soon as I reach the glassy white steps of the Hall I feel tears
drip of of my face.
I know now that we are never safe.

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