Islcc Goals Plan of Work

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Plan of Work

Michigan Standard I Visionary Leadership

Goal: Develop my knowledge of the school improvement process and explore ways of engaging
all stakeholders in the SIP process.
Activity: I will serve on the District School Improvement Team, Professional Learning
Committee and District QSAC Committee to develop and an in depth understanding of school
improvement and the district vision for student achievement.
Timeline: These activities began in 2011 and will continue to the end of SY 2014 (and then
Support Needed: My mentor will serve as a valuable resource in assisting me in my
Michigan Standard II Cultural and Instructional Leadership
Goal: To actively participate in the collaborative process of the district cohort model and
professional learning model
Activity: Serve on various committees such as District Professional Learning Committee and
INSPIRE U, and the Student Growth Team
Timeline: This will be a minimum two-year commitment
Support Needed: I may need additional training in understanding all buckets of professional
Michigan Standard III Management
Goal: To better understand the inner-workings of school management, including organizational
and operational resources, and safety procedures.
Activity: I will serve on the Financial Review Committee and the District Safety Committee. I
will also spend time observing the daily inner-workings of the office staff by shadowing a
current principal.
Timeline: This is a one to two year commitment.
Support Needed: A willing principal to job shadow.
Michigan Standard IV Collaboration with Community
Goal: To better acquaint myself with community leaders, parents, and organizers.
Activity: Attend school board meetings, local community events, the Huron Valley Education
Foundation and District Parent Council meetings
Timeline: I began this process in 2011 and continue to stay active
Support Needed: Its helpful to be introduced to key community stakeholders
Michigan Standard V Acting with Integrity, Fairness, and Ethically
Goal: To better understand District Code of Student Conduct, Employee Handbook, and
Collective Bargaining Agreement, and where they do not apply, have a well-developed moral
compass serve as a guide.
Activity: Apart from serving on various committees related to interpretation of the CBA (Central
Sick Bank Committee, Schedule B Committee, etc.), I will meet regularly with Central Office
Administration, specifically the Executive Director of Human Resources, to ensure that we are
openly communicating about issues that affect the well-being of our employees.
Timeline: 2011 2014
Support Needed: Time must be built into the calendars of all parties to ensure that
communication is frequent and genuine.

Michigan Standard VI Understanding, Responding to, and Influencing the Political, Social,
Legal, and Cultural Contexts
Goal: To promote the success of every student by staying informed on political and social issues
surrounding education and advocating for the betterment of public education.
Activity: Speak to current events at School Board meetings. Coordinate efforts to support
student success with local businesses (HVEA Dollars for Scholars and Backpack Drive).
Timeline: 2011-2014+
Support Needed: An arena to speak, such as Association Comment at Board Meetings.
Michigan Standard VII Applies Technology to Advance Student Achievement
Goal: To better understand how technology integration can best support teaching and learning in
the classroom
Activity: I participated on the Technology Strategic Planning Committee. I will also visit our 21st
Century classrooms and Chromebook pilot programs and dialoguing with those teachers will
help add to my pool of understanding.
Timeline: 2013-2015
Support Needed: Teachers willing to invite me in and dialogue.
Michigan Standard VIII - Synthesizes and Applies Knowledge of Best Practices through
Standards Based Work
Goal: To better understand how to support teachers in implementing CCSS into their daily
teaching routines.
Activity: To remain a member of the Quality Schools Assurance Committee, helping to better
understand how MEAP, MAP, CCSS, 21st Century Learning, and Best Instructional Practices
interface and inform our instruction.
Timeline: 2013 2015
Support Needed: Possible release time in future years

Michigan Standards
for the Preparation
of School Principals
Josh Gignac
Education Specialist in Leadership
Oakland University

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