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The History of the Civil

War in Sierra Leone

By:Dayne Marchant

Started in March, 1991.
Foday Sankoh created the RUF to overthrow
president Momoh.
Took over the eastern and southern area of
Sierra Leone because was rich in alluvial

Foday Sankoh
Created RUF in 1991
Fled to Nigeria in 1997 and put
under house arrest.
Arrested in 2000 when his
soldiers gun down protesters
and he fled and was found
several days later.

Joseph Momoh
President of Sierra Leone from
Momoh declared a state of
economic emergency early in his
rule, making himself have greater
control over Sierra Leone's

Charles Taylor
22nd President of Liberia
(Ran from 1997-2003)
Created National Patriotic Front of Liberia- A
rebel group that participated in the 1st Liberian
civil war.

Ahmad Tejan Kabbah

Third President of Sierra Leone
(Elected in 1996)
Abidjan Agreement with Sankoh
but was not successful.

Lome and Abidjan Agreement

The Lom Agreement proposed a power
sharing plan that included Sankoh and other
rebels in the government and required the rebel
groups to put down their guns.
Abidjan Agreement was the first peace
application with the RUF and Ahmad

The Guardian
Encyclopedia Britannica

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